What dreams to fly in a dream to an adult man in dreams


To find out what to dream to fly an adult person, remember the main values. Children say that fly in a dream means growing. A realistic sense of flight in a dream is usually associated with the restructuring of the body, flights are really more common to children.

But adults are hormonal bursts, love, pregnancy, age-related restructuring. An adult, especially if you are young and in love with the soul, obsessed with the idea of ​​creativity or enjoys extreme sports, can also experience a delicious feeling of flight.

On the clouds

What are the flights and what they mean

  • Most often adult people dream of a flight - drop. The Earth is rapidly approaching, at the time of contact with the Earth often there is awakening. Such flight means an extremely high level of anxiety, you are not sure of your future, it seems to you foggy. Perhaps you have too heavy long-term commitments - loans, raising children, all that you earn, is instantly spent, no one appreciates your efforts, you seem to be grinding eternity. It is necessary to stop and think about how to reduce the load. Maybe you should hire a nanny. Or restructuring debts, ask for help from relatives, optimize income. Now it seems to you that there are no options. But they will definitely be shown if they carefully look for them.
  • Shaving flight. You fly at a small height over the cute, in the measure of picturesque landscapes, lakes, fields, groves, the shore of the sea and are inspired with interest, admire the sunsets, with its reflection in the lakes. The speed is not too high, but it is quite suitable. Such a flight means search for yourself, enjoying what is happening. You recently released some of the creative forces and are looking for an application. At the moment there is a collection of information and adaptation to new conditions. Do not rush to land. Everything will be fine. Do not demand from yourself now outstanding victories or serious accomplishments. Give yourself some more time.
  • Extreme flight. You like a petrel fly through a storm, over unfamiliar landscapes, acting volcanoes and ocean waves. Most often, food poisoning becomes like such sleep. Or is enough to sleep. Go to the easel and paints, to the sheet of paper on the table, to piano, mounting table. While you do not throw out your idea completely, you can hardly sleep normally. Break coffee.
  • Flying in a dream with the help of technical means. You fly not just so, but on a parachute, paraglider, plane. If such a flight is not associated with the bright moments of life, you do not quite trust, prefer to be confused. You do not believe in your creative forces, prefer practicality and minimal risk. In such matters it is difficult to advise, creativity is subjective thing. It is creative potential that shows a passion for flights in a dream. Maybe you really wait for the failure. But you do not know. Without trying in full force, without complete and unconditional faith in yourself, you will not have anything exactly. Highlight time only for creativity, sign up for courses or to the thematic club. Get out seriously a favorite thing.

Flying in heaven

What dreams to fly to an adult man for dreams

  • Dream Interpretation Menengetti connects a passion for flights with the desire to escape from problems and gain power.
  • Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer argues that to fly to an adult man in a dream means spiritual growth, success in creative activity.
  • Women's dream book warns of possible health problems.
  • Most dream books connect flying flights with losses and unfulfilled hopes.
  • Flying in the stratosphere, in space - you have a huge thrust for the unexplored. You have already signed up for Mars?
  • The apostolic dream book promises happiness to those who fly in a dream, especially at considerable distances.
  • With severe illness, the flight can mean craving for death.
  • Sigmund Freud invariably binds flights in a dream and delightful sensations of a free flight with sex. By the way, it was from the fact of flights in a dream he brought his theory about child sexuality, adding other observations. Freud was very approvingly related to the flights of boys in a dream - he was sure that they flew from the joy that they had a penis.

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And negatively - to the flights of girls, because, according to Freud, they flew from envy to boys and the presence of penis. Such a double standard. Now scientists have already found out that different hormones in people of any gender are produced enough, and flights are mainly associated with excess adrenaline and cortisol - hormones anxiety and activity.

If dopamine is added to the adrenaline - this hormone is indeed produced in the maximum amount during sex, but you can get a dose of dopamine and from a couple of bananas - a person gets pleasure from flights in a dream. If the dopamine production is insufficient - we get a feeling of falling from a high height, the soil leaves under the feet, and you wake up with a loud panic scream.



Fly to an adult man in a dream once once. Few people can afford to break away from reality and raise at least the Spirit. Often people are too tired in reality to fly in a dream. Maybe you have too much free time?

If seriously, flights in a dream of an adult man - a significant reason to visit the endocrinologist, check the blood on sugar, make sure that the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland. If you are in love, you, of course, do not follow this advice, in all other cases - it would be nice to pay time to health.

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