Black wedding: how to do yourself, reviews


What is a black wedding, and why inspires fear? This rite refers to the informative technique and the magical practices, to be removed that is not impossible. A black wedding binds a pair of strong Uzami to death. This rite does not bring bright feelings and passion, but it gives peace and loyalty. This will be discussed in the article.

My distant relative returned her husband with this rite, who ran to the mistress to live. Two children were left without a father and financial support, but the wedding returned to their place. I came in 2 weeks home and repented in my behavior. Still together.

Black wedding

What is the power of the rite

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Why despite the discharge name of a woman Order this rite of magicians and witches, what is his power? Because it is a lifelong binding at the energy level and, most importantly, 100% guarantee of loyalty.

A married couple will be together until death, no one can solve them any magic. In our time, the Total Witchcraft is a black wedding becomes almost the only means to preserve the marriage relationship from Haling rivals who hunt for secured men.

The moral qualities of modern society are far from ideal, and young girls do not bother to order the ceremonies on the division of a couple from the witch. They do not stop the mountain abandoned by the father of children: the driving force is personal gain in acquiring a secured man.

On a note! This rite can be done without the consent of the parties, a man and a woman will not even know about him.

However, the power of the love spell can how to help the legitimate spouse, and harm: if this rite will do on her husband and rival. It turns out that the party will win, which will earn earlier to get married.

Is there protection against black wedding for spouses? The guard can be the rite of church wedding, if it is done on time. In addition, a woman must constantly be in prayer union with the Virgin and the patronage of saints. This can only be protected from predatory rivals.

With the help of black wedding you can:

  • prevent the divorce of spouses;
  • Connect indifferent to each other;
  • Create an illusion of a non-existent feeling.

Even if people completely did not love each other, the otherworldly power will hold them together to the end. The rite is black wedding stronger than the most powerful love spells, because the validity period is unlimited time. Remove the spell can only be the magician who married a couple.

Lifestyle black wedding gives a lifetime effect: spouses will be together until death.

The action will not be visible immediately, because it gains momentum for a long time. However, over time, the attraction of a man and women to each other will become stronger and stronger.

The principle of the rite can be compared with the church wedding: while pronouncing with newlyweds, the angel wedding descends from heaven and fastens an union of inseparable Uzami.

Only during the black wedding, the angel of death hears the angel of death, and the souls of the spouses will guard the dead people or demons. Because these are the conditions of the present.

Outdoor perfume will remove all obstacles that interfere with the pair to be together, and create conditions for a solid union. The acquisitions will be ready to renounce the whole world, so as not to be separated, even from their blood relatives. The strength of this rite is comparable to a magnet that attracts iron to itself.

Dell black wedding

3 Options Objective

Consider all the options for holding this rite to understand the essence of what is happening. Love spell:
  1. at the cemetery;
  2. in the church;
  3. Houses with candles.

Love spell on the cemetery

This rite must be conducted by a specialist who is familiar with the features of the manifestation of the other world. The uninitiated person can harm the rites at the cemetery. Danger represent cemetery perfumes that can accommodate in an unlucky wizard or a wizard.

The ritual is held at night on the graves of the dead spouses: they must lie next to each other. It should be not accidentally selected spouses, but those who lived a happy joint life.

Otherwise, it is possible to stick a hard life from being involved. The names of the spouses should coincide with the names of the involved - this is the second important condition. Therefore, the grave is looking for in advance, you may have to turn around not one cemetery.

For the rite you will need:

  • 3 red candles;
  • 3 black candles;
  • Photos of spouses in full growth, separate;
  • ritual (or new) knife with black handle;
  • 2 handstone grains incense;
  • Lampaded oil 0.5 l.;
  • matches.

For sputtering, spirits need to prepare honey, chocolate and candy.

Ritual execution

During the day before the rite you need to exclude active communication with people and to withstand a strict post on bread and water, it is also impossible to smoke. Time - 13 lunar day, church holiday or one of the days of the church post.

You need to come to the cemetery shortly before midnight to have time to find the grave selected in advance. They enter the cemetery with side wicket, fulfilling all the requirements of working with the world of the dead.

On the grave you need to put photos of the brought up, on the left side, stick red candles to the ground, on the right side - black. Then you need to light red candles from the match, to pierce the ringtone with a knife and drop blood on your photo. At the same time, the words should be pronounced:

Black wedding: how to do yourself, reviews 685_3

Next ignite candles of black, dripped the blood in the photo of a man and utter:

Black wedding: how to do yourself, reviews 685_4

After you need to put in the photo incense and pour the grains with lamp oil. Read after that a conspiracy word.

Next, you need to take in the hands of a red and black candle and set fire to them incense: first from the red candle, then from black. Put the candles in place and for the third time to read the words of the conspiracy.

Important! To this grave can not be returned to the end of his life.

After that, the rite is considered complete, it is necessary to leave the bumps on the grave and quickly leave the cemetery on all the rules: do not turn around, do not stop anywhere, etc. On the way home it is impossible to talk to anyone to the threshold. At home, immediately wash your hands under running water and do everything that relies after work on the cemetery.

black wedding reviews who did

Love spell in church

This rite is carried out during the wedding of a young couple. You must be sure that they are crowned for the first time in life. For the rite you will need hair involved, without them the rite will not work.

Hair can be collected with a person or a different tricky way. You will also need to buy church candles in advance and wrap them with these hair along the entire length.

Go to church you need with a native cross on a chain. On the threshold you should cross, read our father and imperceptibly move the cross on the back. During the rite of wedding, lit candles need to be kept in the left hand and read a plot of themselves 9 times:

Black wedding: how to do yourself, reviews 685_6

When the conspiracy words will be read, you need to put the candles with your fingers. After that, you need to quickly leave the church, only without bows and procession. Candle houses should be shown to the end.

Love spell on candles at home

You need to buy 2 thin candles in the church and bring home. The icon of Jesus Christ should also be. Wearing a handkerchief, read our father 3 times and start gently twist the candles together, wrap one around the other with the words:

"Like these candles of God together twisted and the slave of God (name) with the slave of God (name) will be together forever."

Next, you need to install the candles in front of the icon of Christ, light and say:

"I'm not a candle of the LGGU-Ignor, and the soul and heart of the slave of God (name) by the slave of God (name) ignite."

Let the candles chase a little, then put them on their fingers. The rite with these candles will repeat 2 more days in a row. On the last day, the candles must turn completely.

Make a love spell black wedding


As mentioned above, this rite connects 2 fate together, and the spouses cannot live without each other. In this danger lies: if someone from the spouses die, then the second long on earth will not delay too. It should be remembered.

Even if the remaining spouse will start a different relationship, then some misfortune will surely happen to a new acquaintance. This will take care of this angel death of the oath. The relationship will be very difficult to start, as a man becomes sexually unattractive for other people.

What feedback from those who did a black wedding? Is it becomes aggressive, like after demonic love spells? This rite is different from Besysky in that it does not affect the fate of a person.

He has a different principle of action. If the demonic love spells beat on the hormonal system, then the rite of wedding reveals the feelings. Partners will vary under the action of changes in life, and not under the action of hormones.

Who made a love spell black wedding, is no longer afraid of changing his halves. But the spouse will not be able to change, because the forces will remove the interference from the path of the rivals and rivals. To the one who dares to stand on the way at the marriage couple, will not last.

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