What dreams of a diamond ring for dreams of Vanga, Miller, Loffe


In real life, find or get as a gift (in extreme cases to buy) such a decoration is a very pleasant event. Any dream book will say that seeing such an event in a dream - no less good sign ... But not always. So, what dreams of a ring, decorated with diamonds, and when should this sleep be fearful?

General interpretation of sleep

Such a dream is considered to be favorable, to all that means mutual love, as well as a faithful friendship. But there is a lot of things and the appearance of the decoration, as well as the circumstances in which you saw it.

In bed

How did it look like?

  1. The impressive size of the stone on the golden rod promises you important business dating, profits in affairs. But you are not lazy, because to those who sit back, good luck looks extremely rarely!
  2. Stone turned out to be black? If in a dream you saw only yourself, it means that your subconscious mind hints into the duality of your character. If, in a dream, some familiar person gave you this ring, in real life it is worthwhile, he is not fully sincere with you.
  3. If such a stone was on the wedding ring, there are two interpretations. The first applies to young people in relations: perhaps you do not trust your boyfriend (girl). The second interpretation is more general: you are unhappy with your present life.
  4. What dreams a ring with a small "caliber" diamond is one or more? To small, but annoying problems, as well as tears.
  5. If the ring was made of gold, it can mean happiness in personal life, as well as a quick replenishment in the family. Copper - a pleasant surprise awaits you. Cheap metal - shortness will have to fight with life difficulties.
  6. Do you know that it was very expensive? You have certain obligations, and you consider them very important for yourself. Or maybe you gave someone a word and try not to break it very much?

Your actions?

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Girl with rings

  1. You put on your finger this decoration: your dream will come true, or you are confessed in love, and the one, from whom you have been waiting for these words for so long.
  2. You got a ring as a gift, and as the wedding: it is quite possible that you will soon meet your love. And if such a person already exists on the horizon, the dream speaks about the ambulance wedding.
  3. A diamond ring in a dream did you give a familiar person? In real life, he is experiencing the most pleasant feelings for you (quite possible, friendly).
  4. Did you give such a decoration? The dream foreshadows reunion with a person (people) that you are expensive.
  5. Did you find a diamond ring? If you are a young girl, look at a new acquaintance - among them there may be your future beloved and fiance. If you are a married lady, a male friend will appear soon in your environment. It is possible that he is your secret rejoice.
  6. You found a ring, but, looking after, instead of an expensive stone, saw the glass? Sleep is trying to warn you: Among the so-called friends who appeared in your life recently, there are many people "ourselves on the mind."
  7. Have you just admired Pispene - say, seeing him on the shop window? This dream is not the most favorable, he promises the brewing quarrel or separation from the expensive person.
  8. Did you buy a ring? Most likely, sleep is the projection of a real feeling, namely your love.

Empty feeling in a dream

  1. Stolen the ring? For a woman, sleep means one thing: you are afraid that your spouse (groom, boyfriend) will be taught. Such dreams are often shot by jealous, doubtful women.
  2. It broke? Your favorite can change. It is quite possible, he has repeatedly done it, and you have long guess you for a long time, but do not want to recognize yourself with a "wound horse." Your subconscious in a dream is trying to reach your mind: "Discover you are pink glasses, finally, let's look truth!"
  3. The diamond fell out of the ring, and also lost? This is the most unfavorable sleep: he foreshadows theft, a lot of bad emotions, including strong disappointment and even shame.
  4. A diamond wedding ring broke? Your favorite will not call you married, and if you call, plans can break at the stages of engagement. But do not worry: if so, it means that it is not your fate, and the one who needs you really will meet on your life path.

Who wore a decoration?

  1. Someone else's: soon you will meet with a new person. First, the acquaintance will seem successful to you, but very soon you will become.
  2. You wore: the subconscious suggests your domestic desire to receive compliments, including about working achievements.
  3. You, and on Mizinza: One of your friends you need your strong shoulder.

And what will say "Matters" to decipher the peace of dreams?

gold ring

  • Vanga considers the ring, first of all, a family symbol, "outlining" dedication and loyalty in a pair. If you (or to you) put on a ring on the finger - excellent, friends will keep their word, the beloved will not betray, and when you need help, she will arrive. If with "fitting" the decoration was great / little, do not be deceived yourself, you do not like your present satellite. Well, if the jewelry was lost or broken, you will be disappointed in someone's loyalty. If you prevent those who believe you, fate will make you regret it.
  • Miller believes that seeing a diamond ring - to success or the beginning of a new case. If the pebbles were cut, all the affairs will bring profit and happiness, and if not - do not wait for success.
  • David Loff considers such a dream to protective: it covers you from all evil in this life.

Well, if in real life you passionately dream about the decoration, seen from a friend or in advertising, and it dreamed you, such a dream simply shows, so much your desire. Do not look for hidden meanings in it, do not terrorize the dream book - a diamond ring, which you have tried in gold, nothing but the continuation of your day thoughts, and only.

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