Conspiracy for love men: how to read, white magic


White magic always comes to the rescue, if you need to correct any situation or attract the desired events in your life. Compared to black rites, Belomagic does not cripple the soul of a person and do not attract the reverse strike for the deed.

Today we will talk about how to read a conspiracy for the love of a man from white magic. Love was and remains the main sense in the life of everyone, without love the world loses his paints and life becomes sometimes unbearable.

If the beloved left, you should not fall into despair: there are effective magical rites to refund feelings. If the rival has led, it can also be corrected. The main thing is to believe that everything will work out. This is a division of my friend of childhood: the magical rites of the whitewash always help her, she taught me to them. And I will share with you invaluable knowledge in this article.

Conspiracy for love men read white magic

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Feature of bomagic rituals

Professional magicians do not like to share magic on white and black, because the result of any color is a change, a high-quality jump. The color in magic is needed to determine the means in achieving the goal. If black rituals do not spare human psyche and his health, then white act soft and unobtrusively.

How to distinguish which rite is white? By text of the conspiracy. Belomagic rituals are made with a call of light forces: angels, saints, the forces of nature. White magic for love differs from black in that it does not force a person to love, but reveals his heart towards the feeling.

These rites harmonize relationships, stabilize the feelings, bring lightly light sadness about the object of dreams instead of "dry, kink, do not eat - do not drink, etc.."

If the plot ends with the words "in the name of Father, Son and the Holy Spirit," he is not able to bring pain and misfortune. Therefore, you can safely use such conspiracies in your practice, without fear of rollback or reverse.

White Magic on Love Men without consequences

Love spell in the photo

How to return your favorite at a distance using white magic? This spell will work very quickly if you do everything right. First, you need to find a photo of your loved one - in social networks, for example. Also need your picture. In the pictures, a person must be alone, without a company of friends.

Photos should be about one format so that they can be put in the envelope.

There is also a new needle and thick threads (for example, Moulin) of red. You can take woolen threads or folded the usual thin in 2-3 layers. Put the handle or felt-tippet on the table.

After sunset on Friday, on a growing moon, you need to stay alone, put photos on the table in front of yourself and imagine yourself next to your beloved. You need to catch the feeling of happiness from this picture, in no case to wander.

Take your photo and write the name of your beloved on the back side. If you know the surname, it can also be written, and the date of birth. Also make with his photo: write your name and date of birth.

After that, fold the photos with each other face to face, pour the needle corner and tie the knot. Thread tear. So do on all 4 corners of photos. During these actions, you need to say:

"I knit r. b. (His name) with r. B (Your name) Uzami inseparable. Maybe my will, Amen. "

Then put the stitched photos into a white envelope without inscriptions and seal it with wax from the church candle, and tell me:

"I sear the r. b. (His name) and r. b. (Your name) from the eye is unkind, the words are thin, cold challenge. Maybe my will, Amen. "

After that, you need to hide the envelope so that no one has found it. Let the candle be to the end. A few days later your favorite will return. But henceforth it is impossible to come fromteningly and let the situation on samonek: you need to read the waggies on the relationship, make protective amulets from malicious magic.

R. b. - This is the slave of God, the slave of God.

The word "Slave of God" can be omitted if a person is not choking.

How to return your favorite white magic

Visigo on wax candles

Is there a white magic on love men without consequences? It happens if you do not read the words about the suffering of a person. This rite is the formation of destinies. There is no conspiracy in it, you only need to perform actions and be able to color the events.

Purchase 3 wax candles. They can be bought in the church, and you can take non-chain thin candles. The main thing is to be soft and easily twisted.

Stay alone, sit at the table and configure the rite. On the first candle, you will write your name with the needle, on the second candle - its name. On the third candle you need to write the word "destiny."

Now you need to take candles in your hands to heat them with warmth body. At this time, imagine your joint future, dream of him. When the candle is heated and become flexible, we will pass them together: the candle of fate should be in the center.

When you bind the candles, imagine how your destinies with your loved one are intertwined. These dreams will remember the wax. Do not rush, stretch this process in time so that the wax remembers all the information.

Now put the candles in the candlestick and burn them. Look at the flame and imagine how your desire is executed. The brighter you will represent, the sooner the dream will be fulfilled.

conspiracy so that the man called reading white magic

To call

If the guy is offended and stopped communicating, it is possible to correct the situation with the help of a white magic rite: to read a plot that the man calls.

In addition to the conspiracy, you need to sew your own bag of any fabric (but not synthetics) and find pebbles - ordinary pebbles. If there are no pebbles on the roads, they can be bought in pet stores - for aquarium.

So, you need to write numbers of your phone number on pebbles: one digit on one pebble. You can write nail polish to record not erased. Then these pebbles need to put in the bag and tie with a ribbon. Shake the bag and repeat the words of the conspiracy 3 or 9 times:

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When you shake the bags, imagine that your favorite dials the number on the phone and calls you.

After that hide the bag. Perhaps he is still useful.

To dream

If the guy stopped communication, you can come to sleep and remind yourself. This rite is triggered as a magic challenge. But acts as a spell just if you had an intimate relationship with this person. Can work as a challenge with friendly relationships.

For the rite, 2 mirrors are needed on the stand and 2 candles in the candlestick. It is advisable to have a photo of a guy, but instead you can simply write a name on non-similar paper.

Before bedtime, you need to put 2 mirrors on the table and there are 2 candles next to them so that they are reflected in the mirrors. Now you need to put a photo between the candles so that it reflects in the mirrors correctly (not upside down).

If there is no photo, let the recorded name reflected: the reflection in the mirror should be read correctly. When everything is done, you need to look into a mirror reflection and say a quiet voice:

"I will come to you (name) in your dream, you do not drive me, it's better for me to come to me."

You need to speak as many times as it wanted. These words will act like a spell. When the candles ruin, the photo is put under their pillow and fall asleep. Usually, the next day a person comes into contact.

Conspiracy White Magic for Love Men

Love potion

Conspiracies of white magic on love men can be read on drinks. Protigatory potion - the fastest method to arrange a loved one, achieve reciprocity. Especially successfully acting with alcohol, because the information immediately enters the blood and applies throughout the body.

If you meet a man or he comes to the house as a friend, you can try to treat it with a love cocktail. Just need to take into account the tastes of this person so that he does not give up the drink. Prepare a cocktail before the advent of the lover, read the following words on it:

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It is necessary to pronounce the words so that the breathing concerned the surface of the drink. It is not necessary to hurry, it is impossible to rearrange words.

If alcohol is not to the place, you can speak beer. Since it is impossible to open beer in advance, you need to read a conspiracy on a couple of water spoons. When you pour beer into glasses, splashing there with a conspiracy. In the conspiracy, replace the word "wine" to "beer", and "drunk" - to "Khmelel". Two or three such meetings with drinks - and cute will always be next to you.

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