Fortune telling on gypsy maps for feelings of his beloved - three scenarios on the deck 36


In love relationships there are periods when you need to find out the true feelings and the intentions of a man. It may be needed when separated or long silence of your beloved. A fortune-telling will come to the aid on the gypsy maps to feel a loved one with a detailed interpreter. Consider three simple cuts.

fortune telling on gypsy maps for a feeling of loved

Three cards

This fortune telling will help figure out what your favorite feels, what are his intentions and thoughts. As well as cards will help you know if you have a rival. To make the deck told the whole truth, you need to buy new cards and talk to the truthful fortune telling. Conspiracy is read by putting a hand on a deck, three times:

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Fortune telling on gypsy maps for feelings of his beloved - three scenarios on the deck 36 6860_2

During divination, you need to concentrate on the question and not distracted. For better concentration, you can freeze the candle and look at the fire for a while. After that, do not rush to shuffle a deck, thinking about your loved one, and make a suit for yourself and for him.

Criterion for choosing the desired suit:

  • Bubnovy suit - for scattered;
  • Chervonna suit - for blonde;
  • Peaks and babes - for dark-haired.

Now, without distracting, placing three cards in a row of a column until you commemorate your suit. For example, your - Bubnova Lady, his - the worm king. After that, make two more calculations from three cards to complete. The layout is shown in the picture.

fortune telling

Now you need to start interpretation. It will take a certain time, so do not go to fortune in a hurry.

Step one

First you need to consider the positions of the king and the ladies - how they are located in the scenario:

  • If they fell out in one row, it means that the relationship is ideal: a man thinks about you and keeps your image in the heart;
  • If the shaded figures are arranged far from each other, it means that there are problems in relationships;
  • If another lady fell out between the king and the lady's card, it means that you can talk about a mistress or a girl at take;
  • 10 peak card next to the beloved indicates the collapse of love - he does not want meetings with you;
  • The eights about you or his cards talk about gossip and peres.

Step two

Now consider vertical lines:

  • The vertical on the left designates the past;
  • Central Row - Present;
  • Right extreme line - the future.

During the interpretation, you need to take into account the map position - where it costs. If a negative map is located in a number of past, then the cause of tapping or problems is related to the past.

Interpreter to the scenario on three cards


  • Ace talks about good relations in a pair that you need to maintain further;
  • The king foreshadows the appearance of an opponent or a detractor in the relationship, the possible impact of the "third extra" or replacing the former partner to others;
  • The lady talks about his mistress from your man, the degree of proceedings of the relationship will indicate its location in the scenario;
  • Valnet warns about problem relationships that will be delayed for a long time;
  • A dozen foreshadows disappointment and non-fulfillment of desires in love;
  • The nine talks about a strong sense of love (looking, next to which card it costs - your or loved one);
  • The eight is a prosperous development of relations;
  • Seven - ordinary routine, nothing new;
  • Six - You are waiting for a romantic journey.


  • Ace more talks about prospects in work than love;
  • the king is possible relations with a colleague for work;
  • the lady - your relationship prevents relative;
  • Valts - the development of relations is prevented too much employment;
  • dozen - you are awaiting major money flow;
  • nine - new promising dating;
  • Eight - Meetings on Affairs and Work;
  • Seven - a lot of worries related to work;
  • Six - an ambulance business trip.


  • Ace symbolizes possible financial problems;
  • The king is a new relationship with a young man or its presence in the life of a gadget;
  • The lady is a young rival in the life of a gadget or its appearance (if it is located in the vertical of the future);
  • Valts - the troubles that you overcome;
  • dozen - dreams and plans are implemented;
  • nine - feelings for unfulfilled (unmarried);
  • eight - routine and life;
  • Seven - meetings with friends and friends;
  • Six - a trip for business or a small journey.


  • Ace predicts an unexpected event;
  • the king is a new relationship with a man;
  • Lady - swelling, misunderstanding, scandals;
  • Valts - all efforts will go as shock;
  • dozen - failure of all undities;
  • Nine - visit to visit;
  • eight - trouble, grief;
  • Seven - disappointment, tears;
  • Six - travel.

In the interpretation, do not forget to take into account the location of the map in the line of the past / present / future. This will help more accurately identify events.

fortune telling on gypsy maps for feelings and love

6 card alignment

This simple fortune-telling will help find out what is on the heart and dreams of a desired man. Cook the non-played deck, speak and drop with thoughts about him. Cards remove the left mother's mazyer away from yourself. Put the first card, hang a deck again, take off and take out the next card. These actions need to be repeated 6 times - you must lie 6 card pictures down. Then proceed to interpretation.


  • The first card is that the beloved in the head;
  • The second card is that the beloved on the heart;
  • The third card is what happens to him;
  • The fourth card is about what the Beloved dreams;
  • The fifth card is a surprise that will surprise it;
  • The sixth card - that with the beloved happens now.

Interpreter to this Snow


  • Ace symbolizes the house;
  • The king symbolizes a man (it may be a father);
  • The lady symbolizes mother or mistress;
  • Valts symbolizes unrest, experiences or fears;
  • dozen symbolizes dreams and desires;
  • The nine speaks of feelings;
  • Eight shows communications, meetings;
  • Seven - the same as eight;
  • Six - path.


  • Ace refers to some kind of news, written or oral;
  • the king means idling or a young young man;
  • The lady will show the presence of an opponent;
  • Valnet talks about big problems in life;
  • The tent shows hopes and aspirations;
  • The nine speaks of the feelings of a idle person;
  • Eight / Seven - Communication;
  • Six - Middle Path.


  • Ace talks about business plans;
  • The king shows the older man - the chef, father, mother-in-law;
  • The lady shows the older woman - boss, mother-in-law, neighbor;
  • Vallen speaks of concerns;
  • dozen are money profit;
  • eight / seven - business relationships;
  • Six - a way to do business.


  • Ace of the Pick of the Book talk about a sudden strike, the peak up - about a drink;
  • The king shows a new acquaintance or an authoritative face;
  • The lady symbolizes the enemy, jealousy or a strong offense;
  • Vallen speaks about in vain efforts or errors;
  • A dozen speaks of deception, the collapse of hope;
  • Eight shows a visit to visit or arrival of guests;
  • Seven says about grief, tears;
  • Six will indicate a long journey.

With interpretation, consider the relationship of the cards with each other. If the road drops next to the peak lady, then the cards are not talking about jealousy, but about a possible visit of the enemy or strong experiences about the road somewhere. Always look for a hint in adjacent maps.

Fortune telling on kings

If you need to find out who from young people feeds to you a feeling of sympathy or love, make the next simple alignment:

  1. Remove from the deck of four kings and name them by the names of men, for example, the worm will denote Sergey.
  2. Remove four dozen from the deck, and the rest of the cards are removed.
  3. Place the kings on the table with pictures down and write down their names on the leaflet not to confuse.
  4. Put on the cards of the kings selected dozens of pictures down.

Now open the cards and see if the masters of the kings with dozens coincided? If there is a coincidence (worm king and a worm dozen, a buban king and a bobnic tenth), this man is experiencing a certain interest.

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