What dreams of the hare and interpretation of dreams for dreams


What does the hare dream and what does dream foreshadow? In the classic interpretation of the hare dream of a harsh adventure. The second value of the interpretation of a hare in a dream - mischief, prank.

There is a dizzying novel, throughout which you will work without end and hugging, it will seem to you that you have met a better person in your life. Sex in unexpected places, extreme adventures, jumping with parachute, trampoline club, climbing town. Everything will end as quickly as it started, and will not leave bitter aftertaste.

Head hare

Remember the hares of your life with a smile. They are cute, albeit two and irresponsible. Many consider hare cowardly. This is not true. Hares are brave and often choose extreme. Especially they like to jump. If the bunny protects his own, she not thinking to rush on a superior opponent.

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Battle skills of the Zaitsev should take into account. Steppe hare is able to rule a belly man with powerful hind legs. Just in most cases, hares prefer not to fight, and run away from responsibility and difficulties. In fact, why fight, if you can escape? Zaitsev has many powerful enemies with exclusively sharp teeth and steel habits. The ability to run away, confuse traces for the hare - the issue of survival.

Run hare

Hare as unplanned entertainment

  • The hare pops out suddenly, like a joker from the deck, easily slipping through your life and disappears. A wrought-down girl with a hair of an insane color, with which it was so fun on the supports of the high-voltage line, or the guy you met in Thailand, the happy owner of a wide smile and shorts is a hare. Zays love to slip for free and live without worries, and they have it perfectly well. Do not try to tame a hare - it will be very expensive. The tamed hare turns into a rabbit, loses its cheerfulness and scans the sofa.
  • Important moment. Hare is always expenses. Sometimes significant. But it all depends only on you and your readiness to upset. To see a hare - spend money on entertainment. You can reduce the consumable part, quickly spending some money on what will bring you joy. If you are able to sincerely rejoice in the balloon or soap bubbles, buy yourself immediately and rejoice. At least reduce costs. Or go with your family in the water park on the weekend. But from the offer of colleagues for work - "I urgently go to picnics, the places are amazing, the proposal is unique, throw off at 100 dollars plus gasoline" - it is better to refuse.

Hare on the trail

Sexual value of a hare in a dream

Bunny in a dream can dreamed of an unexpected sexual adventure. Girl in a suite of a hare and rabbit in a butterfly not for nothing became the emblem of a playboo. Easy character, charming, energy in sex and the complete lack of obligations - extremely attractive qualities for a sexual partner and easy relationship. Frung head - completely natural for the hare. Few people able to resist the charm of the hare, so stock safety tools and keep them at hand in case, if you meet your hare in a dream, but in real life. Of course you can refuse. And you will regret this for many years.

Unlike serious "relationships on the side", the hare will never betray you and will not quit, does not run and will not lay out your intimate photos. He or she will simply forget about your existence at the same second as you disappear from sight.

Basic interpretation of a hare in a dream

  • The hare and bunny in the interpretation of dreams have different semantic loads. The hare is charming, cute and extremely energetic lover, Zhenikha - the house and the selfless mother of the family, with which it is better not to argue even tigers.
  • Hare is an unexpected and pleasant fleeting sexual connection.
  • The hare dreams of gifts, although they are lazy to spread them. You will find your gifts yourself if you will search in unexpected places.
  • Hare in a dream as a sign of a draw, jokes. Avoid a joke jacket is quite difficult because of unpredictability. But in general, throw off the office of the chocolate chocolate chocolate, sparkles and confetti, write on the mirror in the lobby or on the windshield of the car "Cute, I am pregnant", dump everything on you and disappear - quite in the spirit of the hare. Perhaps you will stay to smile.
  • Wounded hare in a dream - someone from your friends extremely needs your help. Find a hare and help him - you will not regret. He will pay good luck and luck.

Hare in the snow

Values ​​of the hare in dreams

  • Freud's dream book recommends Leaving fears and try tying a normal relationship. As much as possible? You have tried 100 times already, and every time it was very serious, just for a short time.
  • See the hare in a dream - a thoughtless and childish risk. The probability that misfortune will happen to you, but it is so insignificant, because everyone has already done so many times. Most likely it is safe. Do not believe the hares. The likelihood that exactly you will catch a strict controller and you will have to pay for decades, great enough.
  • By the dream of a wanderer hare - a sign of exaggerated danger. The fact that you are scared most is actually completely safe. Do not apply the mind that they smiled a joke. Run your own, jumping over obstacles, loop, shout "Oh fear, I'm afraid" as louder as possible. Have fun. You have a chance to lure good luck to your side.


To see a hare in a dream - a very good sign, promising luck, gifts or adventures. No one forces you to run by hare trails or compete with a hare. Just rejoice. Sometimes you need to dilute the harsh weekdays with a frivolous adventure. Do not get carried away seriously. Everything that happens to the hare is not seriously and, if by and large, is not considered. Is it possible to take jokes of fate seriously?

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