What dreams to play in a dream to various games are basic interpretations


What dreams to play cards, role-playing games, desktop, musical instruments, in active games, chess? People love to play - this is the best way to express yourself, show your best qualities without much risk. At least in normal companies. We do not consider prison and suicidal games. Psychiatrists should work with adherents of marginal fun.

The game should enrich life, make it brighter, add new paints. In recent decades, computer games are relevant with stunning graphics, fascinating plots and the possibility of pumping heroes. Such games are even brighter real life and can successfully displace reality.

People who are fond of computer games often dream of continuing the game, the brain continues to solve fascinating game tasks, completely rejected the dull gray weekdays. If there were no social, did not support the gamers, they would calmly and happily extortioned, as the lost link of evolution.

Game values ​​in a dream

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Let's touch the most common games in a dream. Play in a dream on the violin is not at all the same thing that pulling and pull the handle of the slot machine. Although in both cases the undoubted sexual component is involved. The choice of the game is important because it helps to figure out the character of a person. In a dream, you see what you are striving for, yourself, your most intimate desires.

Kids are playing

Game in the ball

Games with a ball - any, from Fitness Bola and to classic football, basketball, volleyball, show your desire for perfection. The ball is a round item for the game, and you want everything in the world as beautiful.


Games with a waist, feathers - you are dreaming and sometimes completely forget about caution. Does not bother to look around and start tightly defend your interests. In order not to knock out those who consider you a naive person, pretend that you do not know anything.

The attackers themselves will break you their insidious plans in the hope that you will not understand the trick, and maybe support their undertakings. Do not enter on pity, understanding and mentality. Your interests are no less important than the interests of other people.


The game of chess in a dream shows that in reality you have to deal with solving complex tasks, often from the field of psychology. If you want to truly relax, play ping pong. Or in rocketball, if the physical form allows. Fast solutions and a good reaction will help you quickly become a champion.

Slot machine

Computer games in a dream as a sign of gambling

Computer games in a dream mean that your real life is in danger. For a while, parents will persuade you to eat, then the grandmother will bring patties, then you will wake up in an empty house because you have nothing to pay for the Internet.

It will upset you even more than the fact that no one responds to your call appeals. Welcome to the real world. Immediately choose from the kingdom of illusions and find some bright emotions in life.

Recalculate the children may appear a couple of new things, get acquainted with your wife or go for a divorce testimony, go to the cottage and paint the fence, swim in the river. If you want to excite your impressions, try ride a bike.

Game - shooter

Slot machines

Card games, slot machines in a dream and reality too - to poverty and ruin. In perspective - to a lonely and dull old age. The only exception is if you are the owner of the casino or hall of slot machines. In this case, perceive a dream about the game in a casino just like a dream about work.

Role-playing games in a dream and in reality

Role-playing games will take off not only to the lovers of Tolkien. It makes sense to go to the store, buy in it a suit of coarse goblin or nurses with a short skirt and agree with other possible participants of the game. Role-playing facilities contribute to the maximum relaxation, allow you to manifest themselves creative abilities, liberate consciousness. See role-playing games - it means to see your secret desire. Why not embody it in reality?

Musical instruments

Playing musical instruments in a dream - to indulge masturbation or have sex. Playing the piano - you are fabulously good in classic sex. Playing the guitar - prone to light novels. On the violin - prefer leading positions and activity.

Wind instruments show a tendency to oral caresses. Playing the orchestra - enthusiastically to share the secrets of intimate life with friends and listen to their stories. A kind of sex ears, on rumor. And you have an excellent rumor.

Actor play

Playing in the theater

If you dream that you play the theater or suddenly became a star of the scene, some demonstration is characteristic of your character. You need attention to people. Perhaps you suffered from a lack of attention in childhood and to the mature age they learned to masterfully mastered human attention, manipulate the opinion of others.

Do not hurry to go to politics. Go to the nearest theatrical studio, it is much more interesting. Cut the animator and work for the soul - you will not have a penalty from customers. But in ordinary life you can afford to just be yourself.


To see the game in a dream, playing games - it means that your subconscious mind clearly shows you that you are not enough emotions, passion, true life, and offers to retare in the game form. You can not always go to Bali for new impressions or sign up for Shark Hunters.

But go into the courtyard and drive the ball, sign up for the tennis court or the theater studio is not at all difficult. You pay too little attention to yourself and your own life. Change this fact and start your own game.

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