What dreams of granting wife and how to interpret dream dreams


What is the dream of granting a wife? Seeing his woman in other people's arms - a common male nightmare, with whom everyone certainly came across. You are not alone in your unfortunate alarm and jealousy.

Horn Muga.

Causes of sleep with treason

Men relate to women are somewhat different than women to men. From the point of view of a man, a woman is a property that no one has right. Unfortunately, women in the modern world are placed equal to men with social status, have freedom of will and the right to choose. The result becomes anxiety of men, suspicion, distrust, panic.

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The need to conquer women and maintain the degree of relationships so that the woman does not prefer the other, becomes a source of constant anxiety for men. You can not lock the woman in a harem, put on her a barge and put the guard so that no one else bother to even speak. Anxiety is preserved in relations with the ex-wife or girlfriend. The idea that she can have another man, unbearable.

Most often, the former girlfriends appear in nightmares with treason. The horror of this sleep is that the dream may be true and nothing can be changed. You can roll your girlfriend to roll the scandal or make it with jealousy, make us wear ugly clothes until it becomes former or not torturing. The nightmare of the former will pursue the whole life, and this will have to come to terms with a man. How to avoid this? Take care what you have.

Women's trick

Another reason for sleeping with a change of wife can be thrust for adventure, shortage of adrenaline and acute sensations. You feel special emotions, seeing your wife in other people's arms. Some couples to get rid of jealousy and add pepper to the life of swingers with the official exchange partners.

An interesting idea, but in reality, everything is not so rosy. What if the adventure is more like your wife? Experiments with outsiders in bed are often brought to divorce and free relations, in which no one should anyone.

Basic sleep values ​​with change of wife

  • If you see in a dream that the wife changes you, it does not mean that she actually changes. Rather, it means that you would have changed or plan treason in her place. I would find someone better, smarter, more beautiful, sexier or richer than you. Most likely, in your family life there are problems that need to be solved in order not to lose his wife. Women are patient, but not infinite. Learn to trust your wife, look for what she loves you, becomes even better.
  • If you dream of a former wife in bed with another man, you can't accept the rupture of relationships. Until you let go of the situation and do not cease to consider the former wife of the "my woman", your own prospects for building normal relations is extremely small. Another thing, if both former partners regret the rupture, but in this case, without the help of good psychologists do not do. Or you repeat your novel again, in an accelerated rewind. From the insane passion to the rupture.
  • The most important thing is to sleep with a change of wife - it is a panic, horror and helplessness. The inability to manage this world, deep personality collapse. There are three main ways to solve - to become better, learn how to prepare, take over part of women's qualities and learn to understand melodramas. The second way is to strengthen the monitoring of a woman, to make it report, do not allow having a lot of free time, limit external contacts. The third way is to contact the neuropathologist and medication to lower the level of anxiety.

Wife is cheating

Values ​​of treason in dreams

  • By the dream of Freud's dream with a change of his wife shows the insecurity of a man. Perhaps he lacks care, warmth, in family life there were serious tights.
  • Address of his wife in a dream is not always connected with his wife, especially if it does not give serious reasons for suspicion. Maybe you are afraid of betrayal from a close friend or business partners, do not allow such thoughts and subconsciously transfer the guilt on the closest person.
  • The English dream book considers sleep with a change of his wife with a normal manifestation of male jealousy and recommends that his wife pay more time and tenderness, carefully treat her mood. Maybe it makes sense to go somewhere together for the weekend.
  • If a woman dreams of betting her husband, this is a reason to think about family life and her quality. This does not mean a spontaneous sexual dream with sex with an extraneous partner or a stranger - such a dream can be caused simply a hormonal splash. Not a fantasy novel in dreams with a famous film actor is just a sexy fantasy, approximately as for men to dream about sex with a stewardess or maid. Treason is a sexual interaction with a concrete person, colleague or family friend. It is necessary to deal with the reasons. Maybe the woman is not enough sexual attention from her husband. Maybe there really happened hormonal stress. In this case, it is better to stay for some time away from the object of his sudden passion. The fire will not turn around if not throwing firewood.


Do not transfer emotions from sleep to real life. Many men are not ready to forgive their girlfriends for their vision, seemingly real. Sounds stupid, but emotions are rarely reasonable. Understand your well-being and with your fears. Suspicions of this kind are rarely justified, you can destroy your life.

Learn to trust first of all. After all, your woman believes you, despite the fact that you have a lot of opportunities to start a novel on the side. You will have to learn too. British gentlemen learned to fight unjustified jealousy and imagined treason of his wife with high attention. If you know the smallest details of life and the habit of my wife, you can be calmer. Most likely, you will make sure to change - not in her habits.

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