What dreams sex with her husband in dreams and basic sex values ​​in a dream


Sex with her husband in a dream means a strong passion. You can assume that you are very lucky. Most women during real sex with her husband are happy to indulge in fantasies and represent completely other people - imaginary beauties, singers and film actors.

The same is often happening with men. Who in this case actually makes love, is generally incomprehensible, because fantasies do not intersect. To see sex with her husband in a dream - a sign of real desire, lust, the sensual side of love.

But there is a negative side. Sex in a dream - a sign of strong unsatisfied desire. We always want what we do not have or are not enough. To see in a dream, sex with her husband can mean jealousy, distrust, low self-esteem, dissatisfaction with relations, fears of breaking.


Common sex values ​​with husband in a dream

  • Sex with her husband in a dream, if he is on a business trip or absent, - you are strongly tied to an expensive person, you miss your imagination trying to compensate you for the missing. Enjoy dreams. Most likely, you will have an excellent opportunity to test imaginary scenarios in practice a little later.
  • If you dream someone else's husband, doubt probably does not exist. It is extremely attractive for you. Do not implement the scenario of sleep in reality - the feeling of guilt will ruin the sensation. In addition, unpleasant memories will remain. If the script does not even seem to be attractive to you, you think that you have enough agility and tricks to turn everything unnoticed. - urgently go to a psychologist, and better to a neurologist. Because psychologist you will be able to circle around your finger. Do not create problems on an empty place and do not find enemies.
  • Sex with her husband in an unfamiliar place - you are looking for new sensations. You may be on the verge of treason, but still hold on. Tell your husband about your desires in the open text, discuss your fantasies. If you think that your marriage will not withstand the power of your desires, but you would like to save it - you will have to look at the realization on the side.

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  • Sex with her husband and his friend - such a dream often means the completion of the novel. This is an attempt to galvanize the corpse of relationships. You need more attention, and you are ready for almost everything to get it. The same applies to sex with her husband and girlfriend - you are desperately boring and wanting a new one. Travel on vacation, take on climbing or diving. Write a plenty novel. New sharp sensations can be obtained in different ways.
  • If you dream of sex with my husband in a public place, you want to demonstrate your feelings, consolidate ownership. In reality, such a dream can mean gossip and bad rumors, the reason to which your inappropriate frankness becomes.
  • Sex in weightlessness - such dreams show a separation from reality in a good sense of the word. At least you are all right with the fantasy. Most dream books will celebrate your high spiritual grew, but we honestly admit to envy. Because half of the globe dreams of sex in weightlessness.
  • If you dream that your favorite has sex with someone else, you are very jealous. It is possible, your concerns have reasonable. Try to learn more about your husband, do not take on the faith of his message. But the most important thing is to decide what exactly you need. What will you do if suspicions are true? Some women put together with the treason of her husband for the sake of material goods and even strive to look like a perfect pair, smiling cheerfully and take diamonds. Some prepare the paths of retreat and are advised to a good lawyer. To arrange a scandal with chinds - the most stupid and not effective option. Maybe you have a hormonal failure, stress or increased anxiety. Just think about your actions anyway. Increase doses of friendliness and smiling.


What does sex and husband mean to dream

  • Freud's dream book interprets sex with her husband in a dream - a long-term abstinence sign, a hormonal storm, desire, regretful about the missed opportunities. Sex in a dream, from the point of view of Freud, is an extremely frank sign that is more characteristic for publishers. Also sleep may indicate hormonal deviations. Sexual discharge is needed, otherwise, whisk hormones will make your behavior not quite adequate.
  • Women's dream book advises to pay attention to your feelings during a dream. Did you have a pleasure in a dream? If yes - you miss my husband or in a person who consider your husband. If there is no pleasure or impressions, rather, negative, perhaps it is worth thinking about changing relationships or even status.
  • All dreams converge in the fact that a woman who even sees his beloved spouse in a dream, deserves the highest awards and praise. Most likely, in real life you will receive recognition in the professional sphere. Learn to use your sexuality, keeping the unavailability and loyalty to the spouse is a great way to the top of the career.



Sex in a dream is a deep sensual experience, the frank eroticism of which can embarrass. The meaning of sleep is quite simple - you desperately need sex. You may not have the opportunity to have sex with your husband, but are not ready for intimate relations with another man.

It is also logical to assume that self-satisfaction is not a worthy alternative. It is possible to use the services of a massage salon with erotic programs - this method was offered by English physiologists even at the beginning of the last century. This method of sexual discharge will allow to get sexual sensations without a sense of guilt. But if sex in your life is enough, and the desire does not weaken, visit the endocrinologist and the neurologist.

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