Meditation let fate - how to change your destiny and achieve wisdom


The fate of a person depends on him. Every day we introduce adjustments to the fate of your actions and selection of directions. Meditation The path of fate was created by Buddhist monks to gain harmony in his own life, choosing the right life path. The success and well-being of a person depends on the right choice, it gets rid of uncertainty and fear of future. How to spend meditation?

Meditation path of fate


To spend spiritual practice correctly, you need to know the nuances. The most important thing is complete loneliness. Next to you should be another person or an animal - it will distract from concentration on target. The best time for spiritual practices - dawn or sunset. Some meditate at night when day and evening buses do not interfere with concentration.

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It is necessary to darken the room, but not to create a pitch darkness - it is enough to leave the muted light source. To exacerbate intuition and concentrations, you can wait a sandalwand - the fragrance of this sacred tree configures to the meditative way and cleans the room from the entities of the fine plan.

Meditation is made in a lotus position or a semi-speed with a direct spine. The pose lying worsens the work of the brain, and it is necessary for us to achieve enlightenment.

Meditation is made after the body's ablution - take a warm shower or pour water from the pelvic / bucket. Water refreshes not only the body, but also cleans thoughts. The meditation room should also be clean and ventilated: the fine air has a negative effect on the work of the brain, and the dust particles on the items are settled in the lungs when inhaled air. It is not necessary to seek sterility in the room, but it is necessary to follow the cleanliness.

how to find the right way - meditation

Meditation path of fate

Practice consists of three parts, the correct sequence of which is important. You can not exclude anything from meditation at your own discretion, otherwise the result will not be achieved.

Practice content:

  1. The path of knowledge;
  2. creation;
  3. negation.

Close your eyes. You must present yourself at the top of the highest mountain. You are standing on it, and the valley extends under you. Then you sit down and look at the landscape - here you extend a beautiful meadow in front of you, and there is a forest slightly in distance, the city is located behind the forest. Before you the whole world as a palm, and you are part of this world.

First part

Then imagine what you want to fly. You begin to descend from the mountain, speeding up the pace. At one point you are crawling hands like a bird, sweeping in the embroidery. You fly over the world, watching what happens at the bottom. You see trees, animals and people, but no one notices you. Here you wanted to takele the above - you are already in space, and under you quietly floats the blue globe. The world is huge, and you are only part of this world.

Then you again return to the ground and fly over the city. You are considering at home, roads, people and animals. Someone hurries to work, someone rests on a bench - all are busy with their affairs. Then the darkness comes, and you go on a trip to a uninhabited island to be alone. The moon gives you the lighting not to get off the way.

Arriving on the island, you immerse yourself in silence, which only the splash of water from the shore disturbs. Sit calm and contemplate the night sky with myriads of stars, feel a light breeze on your face and think about your life. If you want to fly somewhere else, you can make this desire. But after returning to a desert island and enjoy the rest and silence. Slowly open your eyes and return consciousness into the real world.

creating your fate in meditation

Second part

The first part of the meditation was contemplative: you watched the world from afar, reflecting on your path and destination. You just got acquainted with the world in which your soul was embodied. Now it's time to go to active actions and become the creator of fate in this world. You are on the same top of the mountain, as in the first meditation. Only this time the spiritual work will pass in another key - creative.

Imagine that the city begins to grow in the valley at the mountain. Houses, trees and roads appear with your imagination and will. You create the city of your dream, attaching to this imagination and imagination. This city features a real one - there are no people in it.

Go to the city from the mountain and stand on one of the streets. And now imagine that life has appeared around you - people go, children play, children play. Feel yourself the Creator and the Creator of Life, by the will of which everyone comes to life and flourishes. Enjoy your creation and exit meditation.

The third part

This meditation is based on Buddhist teaching about emptiness, with the help of which enlightenment can be achieved. And enlightenment is nothing but wisdom. Buddhists claim: to find peace, you need to abandon everything. It is attachment to material objects that deprives a person of inner peace and harmony, without which life can turn into a series of troubles and suffering. Human consciousness misunderstands the essence of things whose nature is unknown to him. This is a deep philosophical teaching, which is immediately impossible to comprehend.

In meditation, we will not study the foundations of the exercise about emptiness, we note only its visible aspect - denial. Imagine that the city you created starts to disappear. Houses turn into hills and trees, animals appear instead of people. Asphalt roads are covered with grass, which grows beautiful flowers and shrubs. Now imagine all your things - clothing, computer, car, important household items. Watch your hand to disappear.

Now you stayed alone with the world, which was originally created by the Creator. In this world there are only nature and you. There is nothing more - nor civilization or other people. Be able to contemplation as much as it takes. What do you feel? This is enlightenment. You have comprehended the essence of things and life, and can now find the right way to our own destiny. Practice meditation constantly to stay in a state of enlightenment and not to get down from the right path.

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