Louise Hay Table of Diseases and Affirmation - Change Your Life


Louise Hay is the founder of the self-help movement, as well as the author more than thirty the bestsellers of psychological publications. Its very famous book "Heal his body" provides a description of physical diseases and ailments with their psychological subconscious and root causes. Also in the book are offered positive installations, the regular use of which allows you to eliminate those or other pathologies.

Some people believe in it, some are not, it is best not to judge, based on someone else's experience, but to check on your own, having familiarized yourself with the Table of Diseases of Louise Hay and Affirmations to them (video).

Louise Hay photo

True causes of disease

Further in the article, we offer an abbreviated version of the list of pathologies compiled by Louise Hay. The alands are located alphabetically.

  • Abscesses - arise when a person suffers from offending, vigilance and neglect.
  • Amnesia (loss of memory) - the person is afraid of something, runs away from life, unable to protect himself.
  • Angina (and other throat glands) - restrain the rude words, there is no self-expression ability.
  • Anemia is a lack of joyful emotions, fear of life, poor well-being.
  • Apathy - suppression of its sensual emotional sphere, fear.
  • Appendicitis is a fear of a vital process, a block on everything is good.
  • Asthma - overcomes the depression, constrained tears.
  • Atherosclerosis - a person resists, suffers from tension and stupidity, does not notice anything good.
  • Anorectal bleeding is the predominance of anger and resentment.
  • Infertility - a person is afraid or resists regarding the process of life, does not want to receive the experience of the parent.
  • Insomnia - fear, disbelief in the process of life, suffering from guilt.
  • Pain is the experience of the feeling of guilt, the desire to punish itself in a similar way.
  • Warts - a minor hatred is manifested through them, the presence of faith in their flaws.
  • Bulimia (permanent hunger) - a person suffers from fear and hopelessness, trying to stop hating himself in this way.
  • Varicosis - you have to be in a hateful position, no one approves, the person is overloaded and crushed by work.
  • Venestic pathology - there is some sexy wine, the desire to be punished. Conviction in the sinful of the genital organs.
  • Windshore isp - expectation of something inspired, feeling of fear and tension, speaks of increased sensitivity.
  • Inflammation - the experience of anger and disappointment due to the hated conditions of his life.
  • Wake up - fear of the future, the choice is not done when you need.
  • Gangrena - Psychic is too sensitive, bad thoughts outweigh the joy.
  • Hemorrhoids - fear do not have time to do something, feeling anger in the past, fear of separation.
  • Genitals (pathology) - the fear of "falling face in dirt."
  • Girsutism (a lot of hair on the body in women) - the presence of a hidden anger that is masked under the fear. The man loves to blame others, does not want to raise himself.
  • Eye pathologies - what you saw in your life does not give satisfaction.

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eye disease - unwillingness to see something

  • Deafness - the fight against stubbornness, rejection, isolation from others.
  • Headaches - a person underestimates himself, criticizes himself, is afraid.
  • Hernia - indicates the relationship that they interrupted, the person does not want to let go of the past.
  • Depression - the prohibition of yourself is angry, the feeling of hopelessness.
  • Hadesna (pathology) - the inability to act decisively, a person does not know what he wants.
  • Diabetes is a feeling of longing for the impossible, the desire to control everything, the lack of positive in life.
  • Breast-stone pathology is a feeling of bitterness, the presence of bad thoughts, pride.
  • Gastric pathology - horror, fear of new and inability to adapt to it.
  • Women's diseases - a woman does not take their nature, refuses to be feminine.
  • Stuttering - no reliability, a person is not able to express themselves, the ban is crying.
  • The smell of the body (bad) is a sign of dislike yourself, fear of others.
  • Packs - a person does not want to let out of outdated thoughts, mired in the past.
  • Dental pathology - talk about indecision, the inability to analyze various ideas.
  • Itching is a conflict between desires and character, the feeling of dissatisfaction, repentance.
  • Impotence - sexy tension, pressure, feeling of their guilt. It is angry with his partner, fear of mother.
  • Infections - provoke anger, aggression and annoyance.
  • The curvature of the spine - a person cannot adapt to life, is afraid of something, who have been overpowing for those who have founded thoughts. Does not show confidence of life. There is no integrity in it.
  • Cysta - a person overwhelm the resentment of the past, he is incorrecty.
  • Intestinal intestine (pathology) - the fear of eliminating from his life talked, what no longer need.
  • Skin cover (pathology) - triggered anxiety, fear, who forced the residue in the shower. Fear of threats.
  • Colic - arise in irritable, impatient people who are unhappy with others.
  • Coma - Fear, striving for run (from anything or anyone).
  • Bone pathology - protest against the power of others. They also arise due to the oppression of the psyche, tension, tube.
  • Blood (pathology) - there is no joy in life, and still the movement of thoughts.

blood disease - lack of joy

  • Bleeding is a loss of joy, anger feeling.
  • Light pathology - the experience of depressive states, a sense of sadness, a person is convinced of his unworthy to live a full life.
  • Lymph (pathology) - are a pointer that in their lives to put emphasis on positive emotions.
  • Fever - provoked by anger, internal boiling.
  • Menopause - the fear of becoming uninteresting, fear of old age, the feeling of antipathy to himself.
  • The brain (tumor) is the wrong beliefs, a person is very stubborn and continues to live on irrelevant stereotypes.
  • Corn - literally persongate with the fortunate plots of thinking, a person diligently preserves the pain of past.
  • Urinary tract (infections) - arise due to anger on representatives of the other sex, shifting guilt on others.
  • Muscular dystrophy - a person does not want to grow up.
  • Adrenal (pathology) - the man's depletion of himself belongs to himself, suffers from anxiety.
  • Rubber - is a cry of help, internal crying.
  • Neuralgia - arises as a punishment for his sins, chatting is painful.
  • Implanting - an oversupply of emotions, feelings that constrain about years.
  • Nervousness - arises due to fear, anxiety, struggle and fussiness. A person does not trust the life process.
  • Nephritis - is too strong reaction to disappointment with failures.
  • Baldness - provoked by a sense of fear, tense, desire to have control over all, distrust of life.
  • Syncze - feeling of fear, the inability to cope with something.
  • Obesity - speaks of the proceedings, is often a pointer of fear and needs to be protected.
  • Burns - demonstrate the feeling of anger, internal boiling, relatives.
  • Outlets - thought entirely and completely overwhelmed by a person, he suffers from obsessive painful ideas.
  • Tumors - a person specially saves the resentment of the past, suffers from remorse.
  • Pancreatitis - provoked by rejection, anger and hopelessness.
  • Parasites - a person gives his power to others, allowing him to take over.
  • Paralysis is triggered by fear, horror, the desire of something to avoid resistance.
  • The liver (pathology) - arise because of the constant complaints about life, self-deception, increased cavity.
  • Food poisoning - a person allows it to be controlled.

poisoning - transmission to other control

  • Bad smell of mouth - the presence of dirty relationships, dirty woven and dirty thoughts.
  • Poliomyelitis - appears because of the terrible jealousy, the desire to stop anyone.
  • Diarrhea is triggered by fear, refusal, escape from something.
  • The kidneys (pathology) - arise when a person is often criticized, he disappointed, feels a loser.
  • Renal stones are bunches of insoluble aggression.
  • Pump - a complete loss of ability to control itself. Conviction in your unsuitability.
  • Prostate (pathology) - masculinity weakens due to internal fears, a person surrender. Slap the sexy tension and feeling of guilt.
  • Mental pathologies - a man runs away from the family, goes into his senses. She strives to avoid life.
  • Radiculitis - hypocrisy, fear for their finances.
  • Cancer - a man inflicted a deep wound, he has a very long-standing offense, I can hatred for someone.
  • Scattered sclerosis is hard thinking, there is no flexibility.
  • Mouth (pathology) - provoked by bias, closed mind, the inability to take new thoughts.
  • The spleen (pathology) is provoked by obsession, obsessive ideas.
  • The heart (pathology) - arise as a result of old emotional problems, in the life of a shortage of positive, there is a constant voltage, a state of stress.
  • Weakness - the mind needs rest.
  • Spasms - breed breeding.
  • Artic pathologies - provoked by voltage, stress.
  • Anxiety - mistrust of life.
  • Tuberculosis is triggered by wastefulness, self-quality, selfish thoughts.
  • Acne (acne) - lack of consistency with them, dislike themselves.
  • Ears (pathology) - does not want to hear something.
  • Frigidity - provoked by fears, rejection of pleasure, the conviction that sex is something bad. Forest partners came across, fear of her father.
  • Chronic pathologies - resistance to change, fear of the future.
  • Cystitis - a person is in a state of anxiety, lives in irrelevant ideas, fear of freedom is experiencing.
  • Neck (pathology) - a person stubbornly does not want to see another solution to the problem, it differs with plumpiness, there is no flexibility.
  • Thyroid iron (pathology) - life in humiliated position.
  • Epilepsy - panic fear of persecution, violence over himself, unwillingness to live.
  • Eczema - provoked by mental disperses.

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