What dreams of hay, which means hay in dreams


From the point of view of the urban resident, hay and straw - almost the same thing. Not really. The hay is the fragrant fresh grass, bevelled with meadows at the time of the highest juration and dried as soon as possible to maintain nutrients. Straw is going on the fields. This is what remains after the grain thread - coarse and rigid ear, almost devoid of nutritional value. The difference between soft fragrant herbs and rigid stems is obvious.

The hay is used to feed domestic animals. Straw is suitable for construction work, roof covers, construction, rugs, tatami. A straw is added to clay or cement as reinforcement. Such use of straw is possible due to the more dense texture. The main value of straw - annoyance, empty troubles, small trouble.

We are interested in what dream of hay is a dried fragrant grass. The most frequent meaning of such sleep is fortunately, well-being, family comfort, reliable profits. In addition, of course, dreams in which you see the burning hay.

In this case, you need to look at what a fire is dreaming is a critical state that threatens a quiet life, serious negative signs. Burning hay in a dream - a warning. Losses, but not a disaster. Everything will work out, disadvantages happen, but it is necessary to pay more attention to the procedure in the management of the economy. Perhaps you should check the electrician in the house.

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Wrapped hay

The main values ​​of the hay in a dream

  • Just hay in a dream - to the light and pleasant novel, which will quickly become a pleasant memory. With all the frivolousness of the situation, it is seriously taken to the technical side of the issue and to safety.
  • To turn the mowed grass with pods or robbles - to the ambulance. The more serious the tools you had to turn the hay in a dream is the more likely that you need to buy a money bill.
  • Walking to the Ovin behind the Seine - to engage in the material support of the family. The same applies to the insulation of chicken centers and animal camp. Hanging food, press briquettes - to ensure well-being, make profitable contributions.
  • Fresh beveled grass - to hasty solutions. Do not hurry - and get the maximum benefit.
  • Loyal on Seine - bad manners from the point of view of the village resident. Mad wasting, since the valuable feed resource spars. Children allowed to indulge in Seine, and the teenagers do not ask anyone, running on the Senov. But from adults for damaging raw materials can fly. Sleep values ​​in which you are lying on Seine, - stolen happiness or pleasant deception, prank.
  • Landscape with stacks or coils of the collected grass - to inspiration, the emergence of new fresh ideas that you will be able to implement with maximum benefit.
  • To upload a knitting - to dangerous, risky pranks. In the night - the bright flame scares predators, but the real fear is sitting inside. Fire is too unreliable ally. You need to learn to take care of yourself.

On the field of hay

Which means hay in dreams

  • Miller's dream book pays special attention to the rural work on the collection of hay. Collect hay in a dream - to great luck and profit. This also applies to manual assembly, and to automated, with a tractor. If someone helps you in a dream, pay attention to this person. In real life, you will also get help from this person. Smear with a clear weather - enjoy the results of well-thought-out solutions. If the rain is nearing or thunderstorm, it is likely that such a dream clearly indicates untimely actions and gross mistakes in affairs.
  • Finding the nests of birds in the bevelled grass - to get enough nostalgia, trying to revive long-standing relationships, lost all meaning.
  • Female dream book basically describes the sensual side of the question. In a dream, the immersion in the aromatic mountain of the village is much more pleasant than in reality, when sharp blades are absorbed into unprotected parts of the body, somewhere crawled bugs, and allergies are immediately covered with crimson spots. In a dream, a pile of hay is similar to a paradise cloud, soaked in testosterone. The hay is a frequent element of erotic fantasies and dreams of a possible pleasant adventure. A light romance with an experienced and skillful partner will manifest, if you actually want it.
  • Finding the knitting, equip a convenient and cozy place -Vscore you will succeed in gaining wanted comfort.
  • Freud's dream book focuses on erotic and prenatal experiences. He believes that the haystack is similar to a cozy womb, in which you can hide from external problems. If in a dream you are hiding in a haystack from rain, hail, thunderstorms, you feel dangerous, adversity and wanted to hide from problems in a calm and cozy place, do not decide anything and wait, when everything is over. This is not always the most faithful solution, the problems that turn out, have the property to accumulate. Relax, bring your nerves in order if you need, contact your friends and specialists. It was quite possible, you were out of order of a bodily trifle, with whom a professional will deal in the shortest possible time.

Shafts on the field


To see the hay in a dream, roll on it, rub in the palms, feeling spicy flavors of summer herbs - happy memories, joy, nostalgic chase over the pleasant moments of youth. Do not be too fascinated by the past. If the hay in a dream appears too often, it may be a sign of an approaching depression.

Even the best signs, if they appear too often, become a negative sign. The hay is a positive sign, the enlightening carelessness and carelessness that is so lacking in our life. Maybe you just miss your holiday, in which you do not have to take care of something more serious than choosing a cocktail.


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