Whispering for good luck: examples, as well as the rules for their reading


There are varieties of conspiracy capable of fit into one phrase and to use whom only at special cases. They are known in common as soon as the words either whispering. A distinctive feature of whispers is that their use is not tied to the phases of the Moon, the days of the week or the time of day, it is possible to obtain a practically instant effect.

But along with this whisper takes a lot of energy in a person who pronounces them. Texts of whispers are prepared on Old Russian or modern Russian. On the subject of whispering can be love, protective, specific, intended for different vital needs. In this material we will analyze in detail whisper at good luck.

Whispering for luck

Whispering for good luck and luck

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The whisper cited below is designed to help in difficult life positions, give their owner a harmonious attitude and make it more successful. Pay your attention to the fact that the pronunciation of various conspiracies with whispers will require you to maximize your personal energy. Without this, they simply will not work.

Whispering, pronounced in the morning clock

  • In the morning it is necessary to get up to the right leg, touched it to the floor and speak such a saying: "I get to meet my happiness!"
  • The second version of the whisper is offered for a good start time. Similarly, the first version of the person must stand on the right foot and say such a whisper: "Where to right foot, there and left. Where I, there and my luck for me. "
  • In the morning, leaving my home, take a look at myself in a mirror smooth, saying the next phrase: "My reflection is good luck," after which you should smile.
  • Do you indulge yourself a cup of coffee either tea in the morning to ensure the influx of vitality? Then the cup should be said to such a speech: "I drink strength, drink health, I drink the energy of this day."

Whispering, spoken in the evening

  • When you get a wash face either swim, it is necessary to speak such a magic phrase: "The whole negative is washed off, all the resentment is erased, all the longing is washed." Using this whisper, you will relieve yourself from any negative energy that has overwhelmed you for a hard work day, and harmonize your emotional sphere.
  • Having preparing bed to a night rest, it should be said: "The blanket, the sheet - here is my defense, and the pillow is my girlfriend, all that I will tell you, will certainly come true." After pronouncing this speech, you can fall asleep, I do not worry about anything, - From now on, there will be no lack of sleep, nor bad dreams. Also recommended in the process of falling asleep remember your most intimate desires for their speedy implementation.
  • Before bed, you should cover your eyes and speak such a phrase: "Let in a dream and in reality it will be as I wish."

Magic Shepotkov

Whispering at any time of the day

  • Wanting to cut the location of Mrs. Good luck, one should cross the threshold of his housing with such a saying: "The truth is that my silicon is at this threshold."
  • Would you like to protect yourself from the attacks of an evil boss? Then let's say such a text: "I'm on the left bank, you are on the right. Krcchi is not shouthing, you still don't finish it. " You can resort to this whisper you can on the eve of the conversation with your chief, if you are sure that it will become unpleasant.

Lucky whisper on the thing

Surely, you have heard things that attract good luck to their owners. Do you know that almost any of things can acquire magic properties? And everything you need for this is to utterate a special speech-whisper. The number of repetitions should be the twelve. The text will be like this:

Whispering on the thing

Attracting good luck in housing

If you dream to put happiness in your home with luck, you need to take a dust pad, a little peel from potatoes and a broom. Rinse the peel under the jet of water, hover and crumble on the carpet, then collect with a broom. But it is forbidden to revenge towards the entrance to housing!

By performing the indicated manipulation, it is necessary to pronounce the rates:

Whispering for houses

It is believed that the spirit of housing will be pushed by a similar speech and will certainly prepare something pleasant for you.

Whisper for successful acquisition

Pronounced over the wallet, to which the bills are put, 7 times: "Everything is bad forgotten, everything is bought. May it be so!" (The last phrase needs to repeat three times).

It is shown to do before each visit to the store.

Whispering for money

To ensure a constant influx of funds, after each cash spending, become so that the face is looking in the direction against the wind (if the wind is absent at all, you need to turn around so that the face looks at the West). And say the magic words that attract wealth:

"Scrambles, blowing, Balamutitis, will come and will leave, will take it back. Amen!"

Whisper to get rich

If you dream to significantly increase the level of your income, it follows to a new moon to stock bucket, into which they pour quite a bit of water (the size of the coin). After that, a small amount of water is poured on the threshold of its housing with such a phrase: "Water water, and money is a river. Amen!"

Whispering for money

Whisper for high luck

Those who dream of bringing to life to life, it is necessary to oversail the threshold of their housing with the pronounced time:

"True is that my threshold is my power."

Conspiracy for luck

Reads exclusively by a quiet voice. Pronunciation time - earlier morning, when only starts light. Periodicity - once in 30 days. It is necessary to throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and this magical saying is to pronounce:

Words whisper

After reading, you should hide the glass in a hidden place, but so that it is not covered with anything. It is important to control so that the water is not accidentally pouring either as someone. After a month, water is poured into the ground, and the ritual is re-conducted.

Whispering in the back for luck

There are whispers to pronounce which is necessary after a person, he is a kind of faith. It is recommended to resort to it in those situations when your loved ones threaten some danger (for example, they are forced to perform risky work).

The words whisper are as follows:

"To your mercy, Lord, I hope and trust you, our keeper, the slave of God (name). Amen".

And if you are talking about something offensive, you should not boil, it is better to pronounce such a phrase:

"What do I want to take myself."

Conditions of the work of Shepotkov

To any magic worked, it is important to adhere to certain conditions. In the case of whispers they will be as follows:

  • Prophimate words clearly so that they can be understood correctly;
  • unconditionally believe in their power;
  • Fill whispers to the maximum of your personal power and energy.

Only under the observance of the designated conditions can be calculated to receive a good effect. It is also important in the process of reading to have exclusively positive thoughts, do not conceive anything bad, do not feel the feelings of envy or hatred. Keep neutral mood.

Another important point of the effectiveness of whispers and conspiracies will be the observance of the principle of magical mystery. You should not devote anyone to the actions you are doing, do not attract attention to your person. And when you get a positive result, in no case do not boost them and do not tell anyone about how you achieved the desired one. Remember our ancestors who pronounce whisper only being alone with themselves and a very quiet voice. And let them always and everywhere are happiness and good luck!

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