What dreams of a fight in which I participate in dreams


Many ask why the fight is dreaming in which I participate. Fights in a dream - manifestation of depressed or pronounced aggression. In fact, you do not consider a fight or other expression of an indulgence inadmissible for myself and with pleasure, would be pleased with their ill-wishers of Tumakov in reality.

Modern society does not welcome real battles, it is necessary to be content with scenes of fights in a dream. It is dreams that reflect your most cherished desires and the most terrible fears. The human psyche is so complicated that these concepts often confuse each other. In any case, if you are wondering, "Why dream of a fight in which I participate", one of the answers - because you dream about it.


The actual values ​​of the fight in a dream

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If you often have a fight with your participation, this is a sign of increased production of aggressiveness and anxiety hormones, impaired adrenal functions. It is in them produced by adrenaline and cortisol.

If you do not find the output of aggression, increased sexual energy, it is quite possible to get sick, fall into severe depression. Go to the endocrinologist and sign up into the sports section. It is not necessary to go on boxing or karate. Mountaineering, gymnastics, dancing, swimming - any sport with significant physical exertion and competition will help cope with excess hormones.

The goal of the doctor is necessary to identify possible contraindications and metabolic disorders. For example, with diabetes, physical exertion needs to be chosen with great care, a special workout mode is required.

Hidden aggression, which manifests itself in fights in a dream, can be caused by alcohol or other active substances, incorrect diet, excess animal proteins in nutrition. When building weight gains and bodybuilding classes using muscle growth stimulants, there is a danger of increased levels of cortisol in the blood.

This explains outbreaks of rage among bodybuilders. The body does not cope with elevated doses of hormones. Change meals and immediately give up any additives. Aggression and fights in which you participate in a dream, at any time can spill in real life.

In Ring

The main values ​​of sleep

  • Mass brawl in which you are forced to take part, makesing your way to exit, - be attentive to new friends and to colleagues. You may try to hang blame for all mistakes and miscalculations since the creation of the world. Mass brawl is a sign of general distrust and betrayal, fierce competition within society.
  • You interfere in a fight in order to stop it - you are waiting for serious events that can turn your life.
  • Win in a fight - a good sign, you have a good chance to cope with the situation.
  • If in a dream you run and catch up with someone to enter into a fight, it shows a strong anger, rage, desire to turn offender. Kill in such a fight - you are tuned seriously. Go to the psychologist and figure out the real causes of the internal conflict, because in your dream both figures - just your own imagination.
  • Blood in a fight means related, family ties between the conflicting parties. Try to settle the case of the world. If the case is serious and concerns property, visit the lawyer and get a good legal advice on the question of interest. It is better than emotional arguments and disputes.
  • The female fight in which you participate, it seems you have put your eyes on one young man who enjoys your attention and receive dividends and benefits from all conflict participants.


What does it mean in a fight for dreams

  • Miller's dream book interprets a fight in a dream, in which you participate as the battle between conscious and unconscious, internal struggle. A well-known psychologist warns about the danger of real clashes and a fight that you can provoke.
  • Medele's dream book admits that the fight in which you participate in a dream is a sign of strong disappointment in love. Anger is possible on the closest people. This state is often found in adolescents. Adults usually know how to control their emotions. You are on the verge of breakdown and need help friends and loved ones. If you can not trust anyone, go to a psychologist.
  • Female dream book interprets a fight in a dream as a sign of possible violence. Most likely, you are exposed to excessive pressure from the family or at work. The fight in which you participate is a sign of an internal protest. But it is possible that the pressure is provided by you, putting forward exorbitimate requirements for others, and indulging from their unwillingness. A fight in a dream is an attempt to cross these people and take advantage of their resources without their participation.
  • Freud's dream book considers a fight in which you participate like an energetic sexual intercourse with a fraction of aggression. The dream can be caused by a tendency to dominate relations or to masochism equally.



The question is what the fight means, in which I participate, you should first ask myself. A fight is always damage, torn and spoiled clothing, serious injuries are possible. Is it worth worrying so much and go to the victims? Is there a goal that justifies the fight, even if in a dream? As a rule, the answer is no. Aggressive people are fighting to protect their own ego, ambitions, without the slightest benefit for themselves.

It is impossible to accumulate inside the hidden aggression. Jump with a parachute or with a tarzanka, touch the ring. If aggression and fight in a dream are sexually, find the appropriate club in interest. Ask girlfriend to spank you - it is quite possible, you will get great pleasure.

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