Vipassana meditation - essence, tips and recommendations


Vipassan meditation is a practice of ten-day ascetic. During this spiritual practice, people are silent for ten days, meditate and refrain from animal food. Let's talk more about the meaning and method of Vipassana.

Official information

The special center of spiritual practices is engaged in training Vipassan. For all wishing to participate, all expenses for the organization are compensated by voluntary donations of those who are already underway.


What is Vipassana:

  • One of the most ancient techniques of meditation, which was formed in India two more and a half thousand years ago;
  • It is considered a universal means of all unhappiness and human problems;
  • Literal translation - "The art of seeing reality in the true light."

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How to learn Vipassan:

  • There are special courses that last ten days. During this period, each participant under the guidance of experienced instructors is mastering spiritual practices in the amount of volume necessary for them.
  • Meditation is available to both beginners and "experienced users", no preliminary training and training is needed.
  • To participate, you need to find the schedule of Vipassana, sign up for them and wait for that day when you can start learning.

Where to teach Vipassan:

  • In Russia, the learning of all those wishing to the spiritual center of Dhamma Dullabha. Courses pass several times a year.
  • On the official website of the center you can find the closest city closest to you, where practice is being done.
  • It is advisable to be recorded in advance, because free places are very quickly disassembled.
  • Abroad also have international centers.


  • Training is carried out free of charge. Accommodation and food - at the expense of the organizers.
  • Everyone who has already passed the Vipassana courses can make a donation, strictly on a voluntary basis. Due to these subsidies and financing is carried out.
  • Neither the teacher nor their payment assistants get, they spend free of charge and share knowledge with the participants.

It is worth noting that the skeptics are very impartially expressed about Vipassan. Say, this is a sect, and then you will require money. In fact, everything is completely wrong. If meditations, full silence and compliance with asceticism will be hard for you, you can leave courses at any time. And donations participants make exclusively voluntarily.

Essence of meditation

Before starting to engage in spiritual practices, you need to understand why you need it, what result you want to achieve.

Meditation in group

The essence, features and benefits of Vipassana are as follows:

  • We will learn to see the inner nature of items, things, phenomena, take them as they are.
  • Practice monitoring yourself, which helps to realize and accept your internally "I", develop a person and gain freedom of thinking.
  • Getting aware of the relationship between your mind, feelings and physical shell.
  • Thanks to complete silence and solitude, you can fully focus on your sensations and thoughts, achieve some enlightenment and mental balance.

It is believed that Vipassana is a real journey through his mental body, a complete awareness of its own needs, from the lowest to higher. As a result, the balance between the mind and the body is achieved, you are filled with love and compassion to the surrounding and peace as a whole, get a lot of energy and soothing consciousness.

Meditation Vipassana

Happiness and harmony - this is the purpose of Vipassana meditation in the first place.

And now let's talk about the techniques that the participants in the courses most often practiced:

  1. The first technique is awareness. It consists in the following: at every moment of your life you clearly understand what is happening here and now with your body and mind. Learn to think over each movement and produce it consciously. The same applies to the brain work - you train control over thoughts.
  2. Second technique - respiratory awareness. You learn to breathe consciously, follow the movements of the belly during exhalations and breaths. It helps to achieve a meditative state, completely free from emotions and thoughts.

If you do not have the opportunity to visit special courses, you can try to practice Vipassan meditation on your own. The effect will not be so strong as after working under the guidance of an experienced teacher, but some results can be achieved.

To begin with, see the video in which the author reveals the essence of meditation and features working with its techniques:

Tips and recommendations

To achieve good results, follow the following recommendations:

  • Highlight for meditation exactly 60 minutes of free time. It is necessary to do this every day, without weekends and practitioners. The more regularly you will be engaged, the less you will do skips, the sooner you reach the goal.
  • Refrain from the meditation session an hour before departing to sleep, you should also do not follow the practice of a full stomach.
  • Provide yourself a comfortable place in which you will be able to meditate as convenient as possible and comfortable.
  • Choose a comfortable pose in which you can relax and completely concentrate on your sensations. Eyes need to be kept closed, and back - smooth and straight. The perfect position is the lotus posture. But if you have a bad stretch, you will quickly get tired in it, so you can meditate just sitting.

In principle, this is all that is required for a meditation session. For convenience, you can put the pillows for yourself or install a footrest to ensure maximum comfort during practice.

It is important to understand that you should not wait for quick results. Spiritual self-development is what you need to do hard, constantly and regularly. Therefore, take patience and practice every day.

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