What dreams Freud's favorite dream, Miller, Tsvetkov


Love is the lightest feeling that you have to experience a person on his life path. The ability to see, hear and be next to the object of his love arises not only in reality, but in a dream. What dreams of a favorite will find out in proven dreams.

Favorites appreciate not for advantages, but contrary to disadvantages

The state of love very strongly affects the actions and actions of people. She motivates someone for stunning career growth, someone is a creative muse, the idea that they seek to implement, to implement. Rejected love can have a very detrimental effect on the development of fate, especially a weak personality.

For a dream, two plot can be interpreted. It all depends on emotions, mood and general dream color. The manifestation of tenderness, care, attention of his beloved always carries something positive in reality. This can confirm how strong and reliable your union, foreshadow and confirm your feelings by a legitimate marriage.

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Negative reality can cause a dream where the beloved is removed from you, it is cold, aggressive, shows interest in strangers. All this can foreshadow a series of spiritual experiences, tests. But love always means too narrow look at things, try to look at the world with different eyes.

For a woman to love - it means to stop comparing

The guy gave a sweater in a dream - expect warmth and sincere relationships with him. Do not try to rummage and be too intrusive, all your time. If a gift presented for candles is a good sign, a man burns to you passion and desire.

The man presented the wedding ring - in reality it is worth alert. Your in vain expectations will lead to unceremonious claims and requirements. There are quarrels and speedy parting.


They saw his lover behind the game in the card - in reality, your second half will show itself from the best side. You will find in it the qualities that are absolutely not comparable to your ideals, values ​​and common maidos. Do not try to redo anyone, it's better to go to the side.

The former beloved was breeding - then you are not quite satisfied with the real relationship. You are striving to compare or create the same atmosphere from the past. Mutual discontent from this will only accumulate. If you have something to lose, try to discuss the reasons for the grinding, and not repeat errors.

When a man falls in love, he becomes less productive

Married lady dreamed of treason of men - in reality, do not try to contact him with a claim. Most likely, sleep speaks of the sincerity of your love and experiences associated with self-satisfaction. For housewives, this is a real reason to remove from excessive home care and go to yourself: buy a subscription to the gym, sign up for a beautician or on spa treatments. Your well-groomed and impeccable appearance will take up your worker and will provide a new wave of forgotten feelings.


The funeral of the beloved - interpretation of sleep promises the complete opposite of the plot. Your partner will live long and happily. And for you it will be the proof of how much you are indifferent to the chosen one.

Very calmly parting in a dream with the beloved - it is worth thinking how sincere you feel about it. Perhaps you began to treat it more indifferent and disrespectful, and he, without showing emotions, silently suffers from it.

Lost in the forest a man of all their lives - in reality your partner is trying to hide something from you. It may also mean that he does not see anything reprehensible in mutual treasures. Consider, and whether you need such relationships.

Author dreams

Sigmund Freud

She grabbed his beloved in a dream - it means that the real intimate life is completely satisfied with you. You are not prone to a variety, strive to keep what you have. If your beloved threatens the danger, revealed to the rivals, the relationship can worsen and lead to a rupture. But perhaps you are characterized by such experiences due to the insecurity, their sexuality and ability to satisfy the partner.

Miller's dense

A positive interpretation carries a dream in which you hugging and kissed with the beloved at dawn. It promises the beginning of warm and sincere feelings, which will sweep your consciousness with heads, well-being and positive development of relations in the near future.

Night joy and affection talking about the breakfast of a dream, which will certainly lead to condemnations, gossip and statements from those surrounding. In order not to submit a reason for the Obiden, you should stay on one local and try to build relationships with it. You are not trying to understand, see the one that is right now, because your love is based on primary instincts and temporary desires.

A girl to see his boyfriend at the marriage ceremony on the other - in reality to succumb to unreasonable jealousy and unfortunate fear. Develop your strengths, appreciate yourself, be positive and cheerful - this is the right way to confidence in your abilities and sincere feelings of your loved one.

Favorite gave you an old grandfather, who breaks up in a smile, is a great sign. You are waiting for idyll in relationship, strong and long union, mutual love and care for each other.

The second half presents you with your photo card - expect trick from the companion and the disclosure of unpleasant facts about the reason for her friendship with you. Most likely, this personality uses your position in society, status, financial opportunities to promote your own interests. You do not notice in this man what everyone see.

Evgeny Tsvetkov

A positive interpretation seems to those who saw themselves in a dream dancing in a pair with her beloved. It may be a popularity and high interest of the opposite sex to your person. I felt the partner leads you to dance, supporting and stretching your hand, "expect strong feelings for you an influential and very worthy person. Be consistent and judgment. Such a person will not tolerate frivolous flirty and flirting. Let me understand that you are ready for a serious step, and fate gives you well-being and family happiness.


Another beloved in the embrace is another - difficult tests and difficulties in relations are coming. The partner cooled to you, showing indifference and inspirility to your life. It is worth letting go what has long been gone. Only then will open new perspectives and opportunities in the future.

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