Spell on money - when it is necessary to use and why work


The money spell is a magical way to attract financial well-being in your life and improve the financial situation. Let's talk about actually working methods that have proven themselves.

Why do money spells work?

You can believe in magic, and you can relate to it skeptical, but the spells will not work from this. If you feel about people who do not trust such methods, consider this from the point of view of positive psychology.

Cash spells

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So, why do they work:

  1. If you believe in the magical power of spells and unconditionally trust them, you program your consciousness for success. Free from fear, and your subconsciously begins to look for ways to get the desired, so financial goals are achieved easily and without much effort.
  2. Spells are one of the options for positive affirmations. You send your request to the universe, broadcasting the right energy radiation, as a result of the highest strength pay a hundredfold.
  3. In the end, this is a great way to feel like a real wizard and have fun. So you remove negative locks and clamps that interfere with relax. Fears who interfere with living calmly and plan budget.

Well, then share truly magic spell recipes to attract cherished bills into your life.

When should I use spells?

Magic cash spells are not always useful. It is worth using them only in suitable cases and with the right setting.

Spell on money

Who will suit this way of gaining financial success and material independence:

  • If you work a lot, but the result of wages does not suit you. The house constantly lacks money, despite all your efforts.
  • If the old debtor completely forgot about you, and you want to get a debt as soon as possible and without spoiling a relationship.
  • If there is an urgent need for a certain amount. For example, you need to pay training at the institute, get money for an operation or buy real estate.

These are the most frequent and widespread cases in which people turn to monetary magic. Try and you - surprise how quickly work spells.

Spell in New Moon

Night of the new moon and day after his offensive - the most favorable time to attract money with the help of magic. As a last resort, spend the ritual with a growing moon. At this time, the energy of the heavenly shine is maximally concentrated on financial streams.

In what cases use:

  • You or your family urgently needed a large amount of money for urgent needs.
  • There are no additional sources of earnings, and you do not want to visit loans and debts.
  • You were in a very difficult financial situation.

What do we have to do:

  1. Wait for the new moon and the onset of darkness.
  2. Open the window to cover the lunar light.

Stand near the window opening and say the magic text of the spell:

Money rite in the new moon

Then burn five wax candles and wait until they completely store. Note that during the whole magic ritual, you should not pronounce a word, and around creating complete silence.

Ready! Wait for financial profits in the next few days.

How to attract money and have fun: the most popular technique Syonon

Simonov is a special type of magic magic. These are absurd, at first glance, technology. But in the process of their execution, you get a colossal charge of positive emotions, having fun and result in money.

And the most popular synonene technology is financial witchcraft for which you will need red panties.

What do we have to do:

  1. Buy openwork red panties at any underwear store. It is advisable to choose the most beautiful and not save. They have to like you.
  2. Put the panties sea buckthorn or mint soap, as a last resort, use citrus dishwashing liquid or liquid hand soap (gel for the soul). It is believed that green color attracts financial success.
  3. Press the lingerie and let him dry slightly, it should stay a little wet.
  4. And then the fun begins - wear thongs on the head, turn on the incendiary music and start dancing, presenting how the right amount fell into your hands.
  5. When you feel that the positive got enough, with the cry "Purked!" Throw panties on the chandelier with the left leg. From the first time it may not work out, nothing terrible. As a last resort, gently spread the thongs on the chandelier with your hands.

Ready! On the 27th day after committing a fun magic ritual, you will suddenly get the right amount. It is impossible to remove underwear from the chandelier during this period.

Check out a video about another powerful spell to attract money:

Why do not spells work?

Not always magical rituals bring success. What could be a problem:

  1. You are not enough to believe in the magical power of the spell or ritual and in the depths of the soul doubt that it will work. Get rid of distrust, rely on the power of the Universe and be sure that it will hear your request.
  2. You told someone about your intention to read the spell. It is impossible to do this, keep your secret even from the closest people.
  3. You have too many negative emotions. You are afraid of financial failures, are in constant stress and cannot relax. Special meditations we wrote about in this article will help to cope with such states.

Get rid of the reasons that prevent your desires come true and limit financial flows. Then the money will be quick and easy to come to your life. Effect the effect of the daily repetition of positive affirmations and you will understand that real wonders begin to occur around.

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