Dynamic meditation Osho - methods and their features


Meditation Osho is different from the classic technician, in which the quiet entry into the trance is expected to calmly. It is rather an energetic spiritual practice that has been working on negative blocks in human consciousness.

Methods of meditations Osho

The great teacher who became famous for the whole world with his special sights, practiced many types of meditations, each of which had a certain goal.

Meditation Osho.

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We will analyze several popular techniques that you can do at home without special training, as well as let's talk about those that best do in the group.

Kundalini Meditation

This meditation consists of four stages, each of which takes fifteen minutes. Be sure to sound: select suitable music. She must be calm and pacifying so you can relax.

Body balance and mind

How to meditate:

  1. The first stage (15 minutes). Under the sounds of music, you should literally "vibrate the body" or simply shaking. Moves begin with the tips of the fingers and legs, and then you need to shift them to the center of the body. The eyes better to keep closed, a suitable position - lying. First you will have to be carefully concentrated, but by the end of the first stage of the movement I can become quite arbitrary, and the voltage from the body will fall.
  2. Second stage (15 minutes). At this time, there is awakening of your inner energy Kundalini, and you should feel it. It is expressed in dance. Fist how energy makes your body make rhythmic movements to the music, give up the power of the internal sensations.
  3. The third stage is complete immobility. Try to completely dissolve in music, just learn and resonate with the sounds of the melody, do not move at all. Relax and calm down.
  4. The fourth stage is complete silence. Music at this stage stops, and you follow your breath and as if freeing with the body, soul. No thought should penetrate your mind.

What is important: at the first two stages of the meditation of the eye, it is not necessary to close, but on the last two you need.

This practice helps to achieve the balance of the body and the mind, awaken the domestic reserves of the body and enter the condition of complete harmony.

Dynamic meditation Osho

Dynamic meditation is one of the most popular of all that practiced followers of Osho. As a rule, such a spiritual practice is held in a group with several people at once.

Dynamic meditation

It is believed that the energies of each person are combined, and then powerfully fill all participants in the action.

How does dynamic meditation goes:

  1. Part one. Breath. For ten minutes you should breathe strictly through the nose, focus on the exhalations. Exhale air with strength, powerfully and rhythmically with the most possibly rapid pace. At this stage, there is an emission of all negative energy. You can accompany the breath movement, if the soul is asking for.
  2. Part two. Catharsis. At this stage, you should have a kind of explosion - the whole negative will begin to go out. Do not interfere with him - free from everything that interferes. You can shout loudly, singing, dance, stupid legs, laugh, cry. Each person has its own way. The main thing is not to impede it and allow the emotions to spill into the world around.
  3. Part of the third. Hu. Lasts ten minutes. At this time, you must jump as high as you can, up, shouting a short "Hu!" Do it as much as possible and clearly. Hold hands raised up. Mentally imagine how the positive energy is filled, it penetrates the very center of your body.
  4. Part fourth. Stop. It lasts fifteen minutes. At the time of the beginning of the fourth stage, you need to stop and measure in the position in which you will find yourself. Do not change body positions so as not to interfere with the energy streams calmly flow. Try not to yawning, do not sneeze and do not cough, you should not publish a single sound. Abstract from thoughts, just look inside yourself and watch the sensations.
  5. Part fifth. Dance. Dance as if you do this last time in my life. Imagine during movements like your body fill powerful streams of joy, happiness, harmony, thanks and positive energy.

This meditation ends. She does not fit every day, unlike the previous Kundalini method. Use it when you feel that you have too much negative, stress, after a series of stresses. Awareness: "It's time!" Sooner or later, it will come to you in itself, you will feel the need for liberation and want to fill the energy.

Check out the video with another meditation of Osho, which can be practiced daily:

States in dynamic meditation

It is especially worth talking about what state you need to concentrate yourself in the process of dynamic practice of Osho. Depending on the stages, it will vary:

  • In the first one, it is necessary to represent that the invisible hammer breaks the thick sheath of the negative, which surrounded your thin body. This hammer does not destroy, but awakens consciousness, cycling all its hidden reserves.
  • At the second, imagine yourself in the center of a huge energy vortex, a powerful thickening of negative energy that comes out of your body. Release this whirlwind on the will, let him take place in the unifier.
  • On the third, you seem to leave your physical body and become an observer.
  • On the fourth you do not feel the physical body at all. You feel a bare soul, with your subconscious, which is nothing and no one.

Of course, ideal if you will be engaged in dynamic meditation in the group. But if there is no such possibility, you can practice it and independently. The main thing is to find a remote place where no one will see you and where you do not disturb anyone with strange dances and loud cries. The ideal option is in nature: in the forest or on the banks of the river.

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