Meditation for filling women's energy - Important sources


Meditation and filling of female energy are inextricably linked. It is in a relaxed meditative state that a woman can fully relax, let go of the whole negative and get rid of stress. How to meditate correctly, read below.

Women's meditations for relaxation and recreation

There are many ways to meditate. We will tell about the most versatile.

Female meditations

What do we have to do:

  1. Pick up calm and peaceful music that you like and relax. Avoid dynamic, incendiary melodies.
  2. Take a convenient posture and concentrate on breathing. This will help abstract from extraneous thoughts and relax as much as possible.
  3. As soon as it turns out to enter a relaxed meditative state, begin to prove the positive statements about yourself. What they will - depends on your desire. Listen to the feelings of your own soul.
  4. At the end, when the music is over, do not open your eyes right away. Several minutes, sit or follow, listening to your feelings.

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Examples of positive assertions that can be used during meditation:

  • In me, the mass of energy and femininity that fill each cell of my body.
  • I look at the world with love and gratitude, and he responds to me.
  • I am completely healthy, young and beautiful.
  • I feel better and better with every day.
  • I am filled with love and gladly give it to others, and then I get love in response.
  • I live in happiness and harmony, my life becomes better every day.
  • I have a clean bed for Divine Love, Truth and Beauty.
  • I use every moment of this day. With me, divine harmony, peace and abundance.
  • Divine love comes from me, blessing all who fall into my surroundings.
  • I am surrounded by a sacred halo of Divine Love, Truth and Beauty.
  • I believe that all my problems are solved and dissolved in the mind of God.

During meditation, you may not contact anyone specifically, and you can direct a mental request to God, the universe or other higher forces in which you believe. You can direct energy on yourself, on loved ones, relatives and friends. It all depends on your desire.

Important sources of filling in women's energy

Meditation is good, but you need to take care of other ways to help you fill your soul positive energies and tune in for the best.

Meditation for woman

Sources of replenishment of femininity can be such:

  1. Spiritual music and prayers. This is also a variant of meditation. Strive to find God in your soul and please contact him with gratitude.
  2. Physical activity. In a healthy body healthy mind. Find a comfortable sport for you, which you like and fills. Yoga, dancing, gym, fitness, stretching or just long walks in the park - all that is nice to your soul.
  3. Time for yourself. Sometimes you need to stay alone and engage in your loved ones. It can be all sorts of hobbies, hobbies or "Beauty Day", when you fill the bath, ignite aromatic candles, make masks and different nice body treatments.
  4. Women's duties. Cleaning, cooking, raising children - also a powerful way to fill and restore women's forces.
  5. Daily regime. Go to bed until 22 hours, and get up with a dawn. There is no "Sov" and "Zhavoronkov". This is the most comfortable for a woman.
  6. Communication with people who inspire you. Favorite friends, mentors, teachers, mothers and mother-in-law, with whom you are in good relationships.
  7. Proper nutrition. Get rid of food garbage in your diet, add delicious and useful products to it.
  8. Trips. Wherever - at least to another country, even in the next city. Impressions are important, not a place.
  9. Personal care. Beauty, spa, massage - a tremendous way to relax and fill. A nice bonus - beauty and youth that will stay with you for a long time.

Do what you love that you are nice and comfortable, combining it with meditations and other spiritual practitioners. Then the harmony and happiness will become firmly in your life.

Check out video with magic meditation filling female energy:

Where does female energy go?

Before you begin to fill with feminine energy, it is important to understand where and why it leaves. It is necessary to know to eliminate the causes and less lose your strength.

Meditation filling female energy

Factors due to which you lose the energy of femininity:

  • "Toxic" people. These are the so-called energy vampires, after communicating with which you feel squeezed, like lemon. It can be a sworn girlfriend with eternal complaints of life, the boss who insults you, or even a native mother who originates criticism.
  • Stressful situations. Stress is destroyed for a woman, so it is important to fen myself from its sources. These are all sorts of quarrels, conflicts, financial difficulties, problems in relationships. Learn to solve them calmly, look for compromises and avoid everything that causes emotional tension.
  • View TV and news. With blue screens, negative is constantly being poured on us: in the news, it is still talking about terrible stories, the television show is fed by the negative. Avoid this, leave only sources of positive information for yourself.
  • Quarrels and conflicts. There is nothing to talk about, such situations provoke the leakage of your female energy. Learn to solve conflicts peacefully and wise, in female. Do not participate in disputes, abstract from criticism.
  • Condemnation and discussion of other people. Stop gossiping, condemn and criticize - that you only harm yourself. Learn to see in people just good, say compliments and praise, thank.

This is not a complete list of reasons why you get your femininity day after day and lose energy. But it is enough to protect yourself from the main sources of negative. Then the process of filling the energy will go faster, and meditations will really benefit.

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