Affirmations on health - causes of disease and their decision


Health affirmations are repetitive positive assertions formulated according to a certain rules. If you take for truth, the fact that the reason for all diseases and early aging lies in our subconscious, work with affirmations can bring an incredible result.

Why is it important to be grateful for the disease?

In the Universe, everything and always strives for equilibrium. Our body is a single whole, which responds to the manifestation of reality.

Healing affirmations

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This should be remembered and understood that any disease is good. Why it is so important to be grateful for the ailments:

  • Our supreme mind always takes care of us, so the diseases are sent to us in order to obtain some experience.
  • Our soul can transmit information using signals or body language. When you do not hear the voices of your intuition, your body connects, which with the help of some diseases trying to convey the meaning to you.
  • If you could understand this meaning, you have already won. Because you can eliminate the cause, and the disease will go away.

And as soon as you realize that the root of all problems lies only in your subconscious, and learn how to work with affirmations that eliminate the causes of diseases, everything will become much easier.

Causes of diseases and their decision

According to psychosomatics, each disease has its own reason that lies deep in the subconscious. Simply put, all diseases from nerves. You can read this in more detail in the books of Louise Hay.

affirmation on health

Consider on examples of ways to work with affirmations with different health problems.

Headache and Migraine


  • Permanent overcoming obstacles.
  • Frequent experiences due to trifles.
  • Concern result.
  • Anger, stress.
  • In the case of frequent migraines - underestimation itself, fear, self-criticism.

To eliminate any of the reasons, you must do:

  • Learn to rest and relax.
  • Each day allocate time for yourself: meditation, tea cup with your favorite book, warm bath or just a walk.
  • Stop blame yourself and criticize.
  • Work with positive statements (affirmations).

Examples of beauty, health and youth affirmations, from which you need to start:

  • I am always in complete safety.
  • I love and approve myself.
  • I accept myself and all my qualities with love.

It is from such installations that healing should be started, and already after switching to more specific formulations.

affirmations for health

Problems with eyes

  • Fear in front of the future, mistrust of life (myopia).
  • Rejection of yourself (astigmatism).
  • Unwillingness to forgive soased insults (glaucoma).
  • Do not like what happens in life (barley).
  • Inability to look into the future with joy.


  • Learn to accept and love yourself.
  • Trust your future and look at him with joy - after all, it is in your hands.
  • Release all offenses.
  • Start a habit of thank you.


  • I look at the world with love and joy.
  • I myself create the life I like to see.
  • There is a lot of joy in this world, and I accept it with gratitude.
  • I love and approve myself.

Problems with Sheay


  • Cargo bye for someone or himself.
  • Stubbornness and lack of flexibility.
  • Unwillingness to recognize someone else's opinion.


  • Learn to recognize and take into account the opinions of others, put yourself in place of others.
  • Improve the practice of HOOPonopono.
  • Stop seeing in every offender - no one has a goal offend you.
  • Learn to forgive.
  • Do what you love, as often as possible.


  • I easily and flexibly consider any questions.
  • I am always ready for a compromise.
  • I easily let go of my resentment.

Patients shoulders

  • The feeling of "hyperships".
  • Perfectionism.
  • Increased requirements for yourself.
  • Daily pressure and adoption of complex solutions.


  • Share your problems with close people who can support at least words.
  • Allow yourself to be imperfect.
  • Learn to take any situations in life with ease.


  • I easily accept solutions.
  • The world always helps me.
  • All situations in my life - for my good.

Patient spin


  • The feeling of oneself unreleased.
  • Lack of emotional support.
  • The feeling of guilt and looping at the past.


  • Be open and friendly - Meet New People, organize friendly meetings.
  • Do not dwell on yourself, do not get closed.
  • Do not suppress a sense of affection.
  • Release the past.

Examples of positive assertions:

  • My world loves me.
  • The surrounding always glad me and are well-friendly towards me.
  • I easily let go of my past.
  • I love and approve myself.

Check out video with examples of positive affirmations for healing from diseases:

Pain in the lower back

  • Downtime for money.
  • Fear of financial losses.


  • Find a business in the soul, do what you love to truly.
  • Money will come to you in the right amount as soon as you stop looser to them.

Positive statements:

  • Money always come to me in the right amount.
  • I trust the universe and know that she cares about my well-being.
  • I easily give and get money.

Pain in elbows


  • Lack of flexibility, reluctance to make compromises.
  • Unwillingness to take a new experience.
  • Confronting changes in life.


  • Love your life as it is, - with all the difficulties.
  • Do not waste energy on the fight against the fact that it is impossible to change.
  • Be flexible.

Positive statements:

  • I easily accept all changes in life.
  • I have been discovered to change and get a new experience.

Pain in hands


  • Lack of friendly communication.
  • Closed lifestyle.
  • Zingkihood on the past.


  • Get out of your closed world.
  • Communicate more, make new acquaintances.
  • Release your past.

Positive affirmations:

  • I easily let go of my past.
  • I easily start nice acquaintances.
  • The world is open to me, and I am open to the world.

As you can see from examples, it is necessary to carefully work out their causes for healing from disease. It is impossible to limit the only affirmations. Consider this when working with the subconscious.

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