Affirmations for money - karmic laws, negative locks


Affirmations for money, if you repeat it regularly, create a powerful financial flow around you. Welfare will improve, and material things will come to your life easier and faster.

Rules of affirmations for attracting money

To attract money to yourself in sufficient quantities, you need to emit energy corresponding to this quantity.

affirmations for money

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Four important rules for attracting cash energy:

  1. Never put money as a goal. Ask for the universe concrete things that you plan to buy for this money.
  2. Do not focus on loans and debts - pay attention to goals. For example, repeat the affirmation: "My welfare grows with every day."
  3. Eliminate negative locks. These are complaints about lack of money, limiting installations such as "a lot of money only in those who steal", "without connections to a good job it is impossible to settle" and so on. Such thoughts limit your consciousness and overlap financial flows.
  4. Observe the karmic laws of the universe. First of all, this is an equilibrium law - Thank you for everything that you get, sacrifice charity, help people. Then you do not have to pay for financial well-being of health, problems in relationships or something else.

There are only four rules, but, observing them constantly, you will notice that the material state becomes better.

Negative blocking

About negative locks worth saying separately. These include:

  1. Resentment. Learn to truly forgive. Perceive any negative emotion as a lesson, the experience that teaches you something. Do not dwell on your resentment, do not let them accumulate in the shower.
  2. Cleaning for the past and reluctance to go forward. Let's learn everything too much and unnecessary to go to the future in the future. Go out of the destroying relationship, dismissed from work where you are not appreciated, strive to achieve what you really deserve.
  3. Negative thoughts in relation to money.

affirmation to attract money

Before you start in your life positive energy, get rid of negative. Then affirmations will fully work, and real financial wonders will begin in life.

Negative cash thoughts

Examples of thoughts negatively tuned towards money:
  • Money is evil.
  • A lot of money is a lot of problems.
  • Many money is honestly impossible.
  • Money spoils man.
  • I am not enough to have a lot of money.
  • Have a lot of money shame.
  • Money is still not enough money, there are always few of them.

Change these installations in your consciousness to positive, and one thing will help to unwind the cash flow funnel.

Positive cash thoughts

Positive affirmation is able to change the negative attitude of your consciousness and make thinking differently.

Powerful affirmation to attract customers

Examples of powerful affirmations that are taught to produce a positive attitude towards money:

  • Money love me and easily come to me.
  • I easily give and get money.
  • Money opens up new opportunities in front of me.
  • I am worthy of all the best.
  • I always have enough money for the most comfortable standard of living.

You can come up with your wording and write them in the comments to the article, and we will analyze how correct they are.

Major karmic laws in relation to money

The universe works in its laws. It is very important to learn to follow them in order to fill positive money energy, it is easy to receive and give money.

List of major karmic laws:

  1. To make money easily come to your life, learn as easy to give them. Do not skimp on gifts to loved ones, sacrifice a small tolik of revenues for charity. And, most importantly, never save on yourself.
  2. Always appreciate your work. Do not agree to a low-pay job, if you know that your efforts you have come are more. Do not dump prices in comparison with competitors. Really evaluate your work and appoint fair value for it.
  3. Always appreciate and pay for someone else's work, do not skip the tips. With the "thinking of the beggar", a person constantly seeks to "snatch" things, goods and services for free or cheaper. Avoid it.
  4. Do charity. But it is very important not to distribute money to fraudsters, but to help only those who really need it.

Righting, you will get in return much more. The most important thing is not waiting for gratitude, make good karmic actions sincerely, from the pure heart and disinterestedly. You will be surprised, but it works a completely incredible way.

Check video about affirmations to attract material well-being:

Other monetary techniques

In addition to affirmations, you can use other technicians:

  • Desire map (visualization board). Reflect on it all material desires, stir the pictures of money, dear things, movable and real estate. Addition to positive affirmations. An example of attracting customers - "I constantly conclude beneficial contracts with new customers."
  • Check abundance. Blanks can find on the Internet. Fill out strictly to the new moon. You can do every month. It is important to specify a specific amount and purpose for which this amount is required.
  • Technique glass water. Write positive affirmation on a sheet of paper, put a glass with water from above. Leave for the night, in the morning water drinking water.


  • I always get money in sufficient quantity for me to all my needs.
  • I got such a sum or even more.
  • I am glad that my husband gets such a salary or even more.

And finally, the most important rule, without which you never achieve financial success: regardless of whether you work for someone or open your business, do what you love, and love what you are doing.

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