What dreams of a well in the dreams of Miller, Ezop, Russian dream book


Well, discerning a man, is an ambiguous, multifaceted symbol. On the one hand, it is a source of water, life. But at the same time it is depth, darkness and unknown. To understand what the well dream is, it is enough just to open a dream and compare it with the detail of his night vision written there. To understand the existing interpretations in this way will not be difficult.

General interpretation

Well, full of water, having displaced by a woman, foreshadows her the appearance of a generous ridicker. Man Such a dream is acquainted with a person who has influence, money and power. From such a dating it will be possible to extract a lot of benefits.

A kind omen - a well filled with delicious cool water: it predicts the dream profit from the implementation of projects, family prospect, support and understanding.

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Old well

But if you have a dream of drying, this is not the most pleasant symbol. Such a dream promises concern in the field of work and romantic relationships. It is worth showing caution in statements so as not to provoke a conflict from scratch. Also, such a dream encourages to be careful with strangers - one of them can break the dream, if he shows unreasonable trust.

Well with a gate foreshadows an unfavorable period, failures in affairs, depression, sadness, dissatisfaction. A dream, in which a person saw his own reflection in the well, foreshadowed him on a career staircase, a new position.

Good sign

Well in a dream, as a symbol of life, female start, well-being, wealth and energy, has many positive interpretations, whose specifics depends on the plot of dreams.

  • The well-built well, well-groomed and neat, foreshadows expensive or pleasant gifts as a sign, surprises.
  • Critique, full of crystal clear water, promises a dream luck, increasing financial profit.
  • Drinking well, especially delicious and cold, or wash it - a sign that prevents health, diverse well-being, happiness and joy.
  • Put someone else with such water - in real life, to be substantial assistance in real life, for which he will later repay the same coin.
  • An unusual sleep, in which the well was located in an absolutely not characteristic of his place (for example, in the center of the desert), foreshadows the dream of the emergence of a source of major profit. And it is not necessary to apply significant effort.
  • Dinking Well-Crane - no less favorable sign than Critn with a gate. A dream with such a well dreams of a warm romantic relationship, followed by a happy marriage. If such a dream sees a family man, it is worth expecting the warming of relationships with a spouse (s).
  • Self-descending into the well, using a rope or staircase, - Do not be afraid of difficulties in reality. Thanks to the not obvious and sudden, but competent and accurate actions of the dream, malicious people will be destroyed. The dreams will reach the goals.
  • If a person in his night vision showed a well to dig a well, soon he will receive a favorable offer, to refuse which is the top of nerazumia.


Bad sign

The ambiguity of this symbol has already been mentioned. In addition to the dreams, in which Crinque appeared, foreshadowing joy, happiness and peace, there are dreams, also associated with a well, but having a more gloomy interpretation.

  • Muddy water in the well personifies the tested due to approaching unfortunate anxiety. It is worth thinking how can you take control of the situation.
  • Drink such water - to overwork, disease.
  • Fall into the well - an extremely bad sign, foreshadowing severe depression, despair, emotional pain.
  • A woman see a well, abandoned and vegetation covered, - to failures in the matters of heart.
  • If a pregnant woman in his dream gets a water bucket from a well, this is a warning about the possibility of premature birth.
  • To drop into a well, any item - I will also have to lose something, as a rule, something is not too significant, so it is not worth worrying.
  • Put someone with muddy water from the well - it is worth acting more carefully, careful not to get involved in conflicts and not provoke unpleasant situations, because the consequences of such actions can be extremely unpleasant.

At the well

Dream Miller

According to the interpretation, which leads the dream book, the well, if they had to take advantage of, - a symbol of the fact that the dreams will create an unfavorable environment of what abuses its influence. The new discomfort of the dreams will not stand and become exposed to someone else's influence.

Watching people pumping out water from Crinte - to new prospects and opportunities. To get a bucket with water from the well - to the satisfaction of sexual needs.

Russian dream book

Drinking well water - remember who you are, return to the origins. Drop something into the well - to parting in real life or loss of any thing. The destroyed well suggests that the reaches of the dreams in achieving its goal is not true.

Dream Ezopa

If the sleepwater was sleeping in the dream, in the foreseeable future, he will have the need to ask for help from relatives and close people. Get a bucket with water from the bottom of Crinte - to a pleasant time to place time in a circle of close friends, warm and mental communication, pleasant emotions. The destroyed well warns from the commission of not the best and fair act regarding a friend. If such, still a dream will be committed, friendship collapses, trust will disappear.

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