What dreams vodka in a dream for dreams of Miller, Vangi


What dreams vodka? After reading the dream book, we will learn about it.

General interpretation of sleep

Despite the fact that vodka is the attribute of Russian culture, the attitude towards it in our society is ambiguous. Vodka is always associated with a feast, a holiday, other solemn events.

It can be a source of tragedy and fun. Therefore, the dreams of such dreams may have contradictory explanations.

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In more detail about the interpretation of these dreams, you can find out, familiar with dreams.

Interpretation of various dreams

Stack with vodka.

Russian dream book

  • Drink to reproach.
  • Treat - to senior.

Noble dream book N. Grishina

Vodka drink to the disease of the throat.

New family dream book

  • Drink - bush with buddies.
  • Such dreams foreshadow risky, dubious pleasures.

Eastern female dream book

General explanations of such dreams are negative.
  • Vision vodka - a signal of dissatisfaction.
  • If the potion was in closed bottles - protect your hobbies.
  • You broke it - to the loss of friends, thanks to its unreasonable aids.
  • They could not drink vodka poured into a glass - there will be obstacles on the way.

Dream Miller

Drink in a dream - spending money and time surrounded by friends.

Dream of flowers

  • Use - joy.
  • Consider - burial in the cemetery.
  • Shed - to trouble.
  • Alone drink - to bad news.
  • Sell ​​- to the scandal, disassembly.

Modern dream book

  • Such dreams bring disappointment, trouble.
  • See her - headache.
  • Drink - bankruptcy, poverty, dubious pleasure.

Esoteric dream book

  • Drink to sadness, displeasure life.
  • Offered to drink someone - wanted misfortune.
  • Having treated you - the loss of faith in loved ones.
  • Drinking in the company - to the shit with buddies.

Dream Khasse

  • See - poverty and anxiety in the family.
  • Drink it - you need to get rid of laziness.

Erotic dream book Danilova

Drink and get drunk. Signals that you need to cancel all the love meetings. They will bring you some trouble. Perhaps you will be deceived.

Female dream book

Drinking it is an empty waste of money and time, noisy companies.

Small Velezov Sonnik

  • To see - to unexpectedness, misfortune, headaches.
  • Drink - you will be to blame, shame, misfortune, loss.

Ukrainian dream book

  • If vodka is dreaming - a dream surprise, deception. Not very pleasant.
  • Distribution - Wrongly, the soulful bitterness, irritation.

Spring dream book

Promises trouble in the family.

Autumn dream book

  • Distinguishing half-liter vodka - get close to someone.
  • A glass of vodka - to the ugly drunk.

Summer Dream

  • Bottle with potions - all your thoughts about her.
  • Stack - to a hidden hangover.

Wanderer's dream book (T. Smirnova)

  • Speaks about dissatisfaction with life.
  • Along with you plugging - sadness, trouble, sorrow of the throat.

Cucumbers with vodka

Large dream book

  • Drink to the shame.
  • See the seller of vodka - a deplorable acquaintance.

Culinary dream book

Use it - by the invasion of unfamiliar people in your life.

Lunar dream book

Vodka drink - shame, delusion.

Biblical dream book Azara

Distribution - turn out to be guilty.

Newest dream book Ivanova

Curse prevents you, mental illness.

Dream lovers

Woman from drank wineglass zam. Warning of rapid love for a careless man. Such love will bring her only chagrins.

Stroller (1829)

Drinking in a dream - a symbol of dubious pleasure.

Dream Vangu

  • In the circle of friends - to joy.
  • Alone - to the feeling of bitterness, fell.

Old grandmother's dream book

Distributive - to the remorse of conscience.

Lowish dream book

  • To see - to anxious state, displeasure.
  • Drank from the throat - the loss of faith. Avoid temptations or you can get into an unpleasant story.
  • Used and inxicane. We will fit in the debt.
  • Refused to drink - in real life, the trouble will bypass you.
  • Dared to someone. Caution that you can accidentally become a source of an accident with your relative.
  • They mixed it with other alcohol - in reality there is a lot of problems.

Muslim Dream Interpretation (Islamic)

They drank her - in vain troubles, excitement.

Dream of Freud.

This suggests that the use of alcohol before sex is necessary for you.

Dream Interpretation Loffa

  • See her to pain, migraine.
  • Use - predicts you about the probability to get into a distress. Show caution in reality.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

  • Dreamed vodka foreshadows unexpected news.
  • They drank her - you can blame you.

Dream Nostradamusa

  • See - to displeasure.
  • Distributing one - to death, family grief.

Dream Khamidova

Woman Zahmel from the drunk stack - warns of the opportunity to be seduced by a bad man. Show caution in dating.

Dream Interpretation Healer Evdokia

  • Drink - to a shame, risky pleasure.
  • Toxicate - to the merry gathering of people.
  • Heat a lot - to the deterioration of health.

The smell of vodka

Interpretation from other sources

  1. Distribution, but not to drunk - to the pain in the head, the possible consequences of colds.
  2. Drank health. In reality you are sick. It predicts your recovery.
  3. We left in stuff. In your affairs there is a complete collapse. Take up effort to fix the situation.
  4. To see and use it - prevents the disease, losses, troubles at work, the fall of authority and respect, possible parting with a loved one.
  5. After drinking, you pulled on an adventure search. Warning of false pleasures that need to be avoided. This is a waste of strength, money and time.
  6. Dreamed buying vodka. This is a risky event. It is necessary to think well to go on it.
  7. Drink her throat. For you an excellent stage in life comes.
  8. You abandoned a glass. In reality you will overcome all trouble.
  9. Consider a glass of a friend or buddy vodka. You can cause his accident.
  10. Distinguishing it with the dead man - a dream is not for the faint of heart. Maybe a messenger of death.

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