What dreams abortion and is it possible to beat nightmares


To understand what the abortion is dreaming, may not be easy, because the abortion situation is trauma and is close to extreme. If you have an abortion, you are in deep stress and on the threshold of rapid decisions. Moving in this direction, you can damage yourself.

Sleeping about abortion can show the completion of relations that you lay great, but in vain hopes. In this case, abortion in a dream may have a continuation in the form of a dead or premature baby who requires care, food, attention. Do not be afraid - this is not a real baby. This is your relationship. And your indifference to this infant, even to questions of his life and death, does not show your real attitude towards normal children.


Interpretation of sleep action

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If an abortion is forcibly or almost forcibly, you see blood, feel horror or indifference, you are surrounded by ill-wishers and active envious, dreaming to snatch your business. Perhaps someone laid eyes on your partner and dreams of joint happiness with him.

Who often sees abortion

To see an abortion in a dream, even a young girl who does not have real physical relationships with men can. Such dreams can be characteristic of first love, stormy feelings, fear of refusal, fear of developing relations. If you assume such a traumatic version of the development of events in the subconscious, try to keep the real action. Wait when a man himself will manifest initiative and interest.

For a married woman who wants children, abortion in a dream often means the preparedness of the body to conceive. The natural resistance of the body is quite normal. Perhaps the body signals that it is not quite ready for the load. Take the time to rest, walk, go time for travel.

To see an abortion in a dream - a classic female nightmare, which shows excessive psyche tension. If the abortion in a dream is tormented regularly, it may make sense to turn to a neurologist or to a neuropathologist. Dreams are essential in real life.

To see an abortion in a dream for a pregnant woman may seem secret subconscious desire, an attempt to return everything back and replay as it was. No, this does not mean that you are immoral, do not like the child and you will not be able to become a loving mother. You just need more care for yourself and a little opportunity to stay by a child. Do not blame yourself for secret desires - you are not dominated in them. You are responsible only for your own solutions.

Even men can see an abortion in a dream, although it is unlikely to admit to this in a circle of friends. For men, abortion unequivocally means loss - cars, beloved girlfriend, meaningful person or subject, career. If a man sees an abortion in a dream, he should pay the maximum attention of the safety of loved ones.

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Interpretation of dreams

Classic dream interpretation is examined as an irreplaceable loss. Psychologists tend to consider sleep about abortion or as post-travelery syndrome, if a real situation is returned in a dream, or as a mechanism of psychological protection with injury toxic relations.

Miller's dream book considers abortion dream as a caution from irreversible solutions. Perhaps you are in step from to ruin your idea, career, a dressed dream. Be extremely careful and attentive to yourself, act only in your own interests, do not obey external pressure and do not let others decide for you. Your future should only belong to you.

Vedic dreams are considering a dream about getting rid of the fetus as an unjustified risk. If such a dream dreams of the girl on the eve of marriage, it is better to transfer marriage for several months.

Depression, which many dreams promise, is a direct consequence of sleep and severe psychological injury. If you do not take measures, the development of heavy states, panic attacks, violation of nervous activity is possible.

What does abortion mean in a dream

Abortion in a dream as a protest. You are deeply outraged by your life, everyone decided for you, excluding your opinion. Abortion in a dream shows your true attitude towards the situation, you are ready for any victims to get rid of imposed solutions. Act, but be careful. Do not take speaking solutions on the wave of emotions.

How to get rid of the consequences of a nightmare about abortion in a dream

Nightmares that cause strong emotional response have the property to repeat again and again. The strong reaction of the psyche provokes the repetition of the nightmare. You need to actively fight.


What if you are haunted by an abortion perfect in a dream? Dreams affect real life. The traumatic situation in which you fell in a dream can affect real life. The feeling of guilt for the deed you did not commit, or a reminder of the distant past will interfere with building a full life. If ordinary homemade sedatives do not cope with anxiety, contact the doctor until the dreams take the nature of neurosis.

First of all, you should get rid of the false sense of guilt. It is necessary to deal with a real situation - why it is as traumatic that the body responded with panic dreams. Take a small time out and deal with yourself.

Conscious dreams come across and do not allow nightmares to interfere in your real life. Having learned to manage dreams, you can easily change the plastic cloth of sleep at your own way. It is better than having to wait for the hearts, whether nightmares will be in your current night cinema.

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