What dreams to see yourself in black dress for Miller's dreams, Freud, Vangu, Tsvetkov


Little black dress Coco Chanel is the most revered, universal and practical thing of the female wardrobe. Such an outfit is ideal for the day for work, and in the evening - to enter the light. See yourself in a black dress in a dream very strange. What dreams of such a plot, find out in dream books.

Not a dress paints man, and man dress

The first thing that comes to mind from sleep memories about a black dress will not suffer sorrow and mourning soon. But it turns out that such a cocktail outfit has many other interpretations. The black shade of man's appearance characterizes him as a very restrained and creative person who has the gift of foresight and motivated to a specific goal in life.

Such an image on a woman contains a promise or hope that everything will be fine. But, on the other hand, the black color delays who is in depression, penetrated by silence, calm, he, as death, speaks of the end.

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In mythology, this is the personification of mysteriousness, unknown, hard work and self-knowledge.

The predominance of dark shades of clothing in a dream is a lack of either the absence of something important and necessary in life. A person subconsciously closes from the extra questions around others, sometimes challenges, trying to free his essence.

Philosophers preferring a dark mantle claim that every person must go through black to understand how much white in it.

For a woman's friend is better old, and the dress is new

A young girl is trying on too short dark dress - the disappointment of loved ones will experience. They always expect something more from you, but you are not trying to justify their hopes. It is not worth proving their abilities all the time. Strive to be happy and best just for yourself. They will soon change their opinion about you.

Girl in black

The castle on the back was developed - get ready for unexpected troubles. Do not push support for friends, she will be quite high now by the way.

A married woman a dark robe may impose a quarrel with a spouse and clarifying relationships. Accumulated claims and resentment give emissions of your emotions. The end of the scandal may be divorce.

Unmarried person Such a dream promises parting with a loved one. Your employment and complete autonomy hints to him on unnecessaries and your indifference. If you do not try to change the feminist glances, be more gentle and more carefully for the guy, you will stay alone.

If someone gives you a chic black outfit, get ready for a decent earnings. But the method of obtaining income will not arrange and will not solve all the problems, but will only bring the experience about your reputation.

Business lady Black suit with bright accessories will help avoid problems thanks to professional qualities. And too open neckline jacket promises good dividends from the brewing transaction. You will be able not only to earn good, but also to double the capital.

A closed long raincoat of a dark shade predicts sorrow and loss.

For the bride to be in a dark wedding dress, a good omen of new paths and opportunities for self-expression. And if suddenly a white dress at the wedding became black, this is a bad sign. In reality there will be significant reasons for the cancellation of the holiday.

Black dress

Who dreams in a black dress?

  • Daughter is a reminder to you about parental love and care for her. Perhaps it is now required your good advice or material assistance;
  • Mom - Get ready for complaints and condemnation of your lifestyle and actions. Your views have not coincide for a long time, but she really wants to see you happy;
  • Girlfriend - to breakdown and mutual accusations of one who was close to you before. Great probability to stay without a companion;
  • Stranger - talks about your illegibility in humans. You are trying to undergo in trust and you do not notice in this bad intent. You can suffer materially from someone else's tricks and cunning;
  • An acquaintance persuades to be in black - in reality, look at this person, he is clearly not the one who gives himself;
  • Bought themselves, without fitting - in life used to act alone, trusting only to their experience, intuition and abilities.

Wise men do not look at the dress, look at the mind

See your woman in a black dress at a party, where everything is saturated with color and paints, - sleep hints that she lacks your love and attention. Your relationship has long been settled and from the category of romantic switched to more relaxed and everyday. It feels your lighter indifference. Show how to appreciate the spouse - it means to avoid treason.

A man in the female image of a gloomy shade is an indicator of own dissatisfaction. Increases discontent with activities, level of earnings and manipulating guide. But you do nothing to change the situation. It is time to learn how to make decisions yourself and be responsible for your destiny.

Guy in a dress

Dress Chernenko, and the conscience of Belenka, author's dreams

Miller's dense

Black appearance in a dream does not promise good and positive news in reality. Most likely, fate prepares next tests for strength.

In contrast to this interpretation of a white shade of the outfit - about the beginning of bright events. White is the color of babies and brides. Such a dream promises joy from marriage or from replenishment in the family.

White and black dress involves neutrality of events without unnecessary gerbins of good and evil. These colors seek each other. Suppressing the initial information, do not give the ability to intervene the energy.


Surrounding the dress means to see the opponent and feel her interest in your spouse. Different shades of the dresses are talking about the changeability of the mood and the eccentricity of the dream. You are tormented by doubts and overcomes migraine, and a frequent mood change interfers to focus on concrete affairs.

Evgeny Tsvetkov

Black colors of a female or male wardrobe warned against unnecessary spending. Soon you have to tighten the pins tightly, as difficult times are coming, associated with losses and loss of large sums. The ruin does not threaten you, but it is not excluded to save even on the necessary one.

Try not to take on a new promising project during this period, it is beneficial to complete all current issues.

Sigmund Freud

Black silhouette in the mirror personifies loneliness and no intimate connections. Once you enjoyed our hotstock, secrecy and closure. But now you wanted to change, you grow up and feel sexual desires that require implementation. It's time to go out of your cell and open people. You will gain a new taste and joy to life.

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