What dreams White swan in dream book Vanga, Miller, Freud, Tsvetkov


Huge pleasure experience people, nursing graceful and beautiful birds in the park on the pond. What does the white swan mean in dreams mean? What dreams of such a plot will find out in proven dreams.

Walking bird

White swan is the personification of purity and chastity. In ancient myths, this bird endowed the gift of prophecy, wisdom and nobility. In some nations there is a legend about the soul travel in the image of a white swan.

The dream of such a plot will surely bring good, happiness, success and love. And to see several birds to family idyll. A positive interpretation has a script where you feed or take care of the swan.

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Two swans on the water

Aggressive bird environment or your indignation towards it does not promise a benevolent prediction.

Wife that swan bird

For women, this is a sign of spiritual knowledge, understanding their own feelings, desires. Trying to find true values, acquire like-minded people or spiritual teachers.

The chastity bird for an unmarried person will bring a series of events related to the purification of the soul and body. She will send you to the right satellite of life.

Such a plot against the backdrop of a quiet lake in the rays of the Sun promises God's grace for her family hearth. And the girls without a wedding rings are a successful perspective of marriage.

A depleted sick bird predicts burnout for a business woman. You are obsessed with the accumulation of material goods and forgot your true purpose. It is necessary to restore forces, health and think about the offspring.

Heard the swan song - fate gives the last chance to carry out what many years have lacking time, patience, strength or desire. Lonely - meet the second half, childless - to experience the joy of motherhood, offended on his offspring - to forgive and reconcile with relatives.

Man - Swan's chest, peacock walk

Congestive walking along the shore of the birds away from the water - revealing the stiffness of the nature and firmly defend its interests. Perhaps manifestation of management qualities will be favorable on your career growth and wages.

Lonely handsome swimming for your feed - an excellent reason to think about the right investment of capital. Your financial revenues will increase dramatically and require reasonable investment.

Cropped swan in a dream - to quick diseases of loved ones or their own illness. If we wondered how care for him in his own home, - successfully cope with all the adversities and gain immunity from trouble per subsequent period.

A lonely swelling chick in the air hints at your huge potential: developing your strong qualities, you will not only achieve success, but also force others to be equal to you. Your unshakable authority and performance will be an example to imitate colleagues.

White Swan

A bird that sails from you hints that you went on a false path, which can lead to excessive consumer, loss of morality, loneliness and ruin. White swan color says that not all is lost and your inner voice, upbringing and wisdom will allow you to move away from such a lifestyle.

White swan gray geese is not comrade. Author dreams

Miller's dense

See this wonderful bird floating in calm water - to find peace and peace in the shower. For you, the time of universal equilibrium comes. You will be more pulling to spiritual enlightenment, art, painting. A prosperous period for streamlining life.

White swan turns into black - to dubious pleasures and subsequent disappointment. Intuition while sleeping in you, and youth and inexperience are pushing to participate in various adventures.

Black and White Swan

Feed the bread whole pack - wait for a generous remuneration from fate for your work and diligence. Your efforts, talent and energy will be appreciated. Wealth and secure life is waiting ahead.

Went to a dead bird - I will lose the taste for life, you will suffer excessive suggestion and disappointment. You reached the extreme, which prevents you with something to surprise or delight. Everything seems to be ordinary and alien.

Watch the pair of Swedas - to experience the quiet family joy in real life. It is in the family that you will have strength and optimism for new ideas and projects. Only one should not put a receipt of your relationship.

Sigmund Freud

This pure and graceful bird is associated with the external dream attractiveness for others. You are aware of your advantages, observe the sights of the opposite sex and with pleasure we use the attention of fans.

And if you are experiencing aggression, throw stones into this creation - I feel dissatisfied with intimate proximity to the partner. You do not have enough feelings, emotions, and the manifestations of signs of attention on his part you see less and less.

They saw these white red-bodies and try to escape from them - the dream hints at what you are trying to suppress the feelings for the person you are interested in. Trying to restrain the emotions and the attraction, you, above all, lose yourself, bringing yourself to despair and depression.


White swan marks the purity and loyalty to the married couple. See the eve of the wedding such a dream - foreshadows a happy marriage. If they are made by wings - to family quarrels and insults. You have accumulated emotions from which you need to get rid of.

Catch the beauty so that feathers fly, - expect empty bustle and small trouble. Cake chicks with bread - show care of your children or assist strangers. In any case, they will gain joy and grace from the deeds.

Heard a shrill cry on the lake - heavy trials are flewing, which will entail bitterness of loss, tears and suffering.

They dreamed of birds confusing in networks - a great probability to get under someone else's control and influence, to get rid of which will be extremely difficult. Try to listen to intuition and cannot be manipulated.

Evgeny Tsvetkov

Red-boxes swim in muddy and dirty water - get ready for tests associated with parting, long separation and loneliness.

They tried to tame an independent and frightening bird - your uncomfortable dreams are not given. Hopes will dispel, and goals will become more real and concrete.

They were afraid at the sight of the beak pulling to you, - will experience incredible joy and fun. The reason can be both family traditions and holidays and a new acquaintance with the beloved.

Swan stretches to you, hugging wings, "will find a secret patron or a spiritual mentor. In need of a good advice and understanding, meeting a person who can trust the most intimate.

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