What dreams White rabbit for Miller's dreams, Vangi, Freud, Tsvetkov, Longo


A popular place is now for animal lovers - contact zoos. That is where emotions are excavated from stroking cute fluffy raccots, rabbits, lisate. No wonder if, after such events, the White Rabbit will come in dreams. What it dreams, we will find out in dream books.

Rabbit is not only valuable fur

White rabbit is a symbol of fertility, everyday wisdom, agility, smelling, vital energy. The dream such a sign promises a series of happy circumstances and the growth of welfare. For those who are trying to find their soul mate, this is a great reason to meet your future chosen. The family will be strong and friendly.

If white rabbits dreamed a few, it most often promises the birth of children or grandchildren.

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There may be negative predictions for the dream, if the animal shows aggression towards you or bites.

Female view on hare fun

Women this fluffy beast most often dreams of family well-being and pregnancy. White color personifies the purity and tenderness of your relationship with your spouse. These are the happiest moments of life when you entails each other sincerely and passionately.

Having grated the bunny corner - someone from your loved ones will be offended and your help will need to restore justice.

Unmarried Lady kisses and strokes a white bunny - believe in the fatal meeting with the beloved. You are waiting for mutual understanding, harmony in sexual relations, loyalty to the partner and family well-being.

Ironing rabbit

Married Miss See Frightessing White Slavkov - I will soon rejoice at the careflaotacy and smiles of my children.

Dreamed a rabbit with the face of your friend - in real life you keep the secret about this person. Fearing disclosure of compromising facts, he is ready for you for any feats. Do not use other people's circumstances. After all, it is not known how they will turn to you.

For young beauty, a dream with a fluffy rodent may indicate a gusty, uncontrolled character of the dream. You are prone to throwing, loss of orientation. It is now that you should stop, focus and start moving towards a specific goal.

Rabbit Nora in a dream suggests being closer to native and relatives. You than ever need to free yourself from growing problems and alarms, share doubts and adversities. Maternal advice and love will help relive this difficult stage of life path.

Nora Rabric

The dirty and thin rabbit can become a signal of the start of depression, stagnation in cases, a decline in activity. Such a dream indicates clear moral and physical exhaustion. If someone is trying to catch the wounded beast - in reality he has an explicit desire to dominate you, you are very criticized, suppressing your opinion and desire.

Manual man worse rabbit

A man was harmful to a girl caressing a rabbit, "you are very strong to your new girlfriend, the desire to have it so great that you already barely restrain your feelings and emotions. But, on the other hand, you have doubts and fear of waiting for intimacy. Your grievous cowardice stops you and slows down the relationship.

The hand rabbit indicates the excessive dream desire to be a passive idealist, feeling someone's care and attention. So you can be a victim of betrayal and stay without livelihood.

White Rabbit

The rabbit is dreaming on the eve of an important meeting - you will feel strong insecurity in discussing important issues with management, which will greatly affect your authority and emerge in your professionalism. If the animal was drunk, it would be possible to cope with the situation and restore the relevant attitude towards you.

See a rabbit with a brood - to a large financial profit or award. It will be a decent reward for your painstaking work and diligence.

White hare jumps on green grass - you will be accompanied by success and luck. If the beast is dreaming, running through the snow, and it can be barely seen, your achievements may not be noticed to anyone, and no one will appreciate the talent and work.

Keep behind the ears with a rabbit carcass - to a major acquisition of real estate. Trying to shoot the eared animal - wait for the diseases of a loved one or a break with him of your relationship. In another interpretation - to a quarrel with close and large conflict due to common property or inheritance.

Eat rabbit meat - it promises security and prosperity. Your income will increase, and health improves.

Failure predicts a dream, where a young man chases white rodent. The period of high financial risks and losses is expected. Do not hurry to invest your savings. Try not to wear a big amount of money or valuable things, the likelihood of theft, loss is great.

What is the wisdom for rabbits, for boys is nonsense

Sigmund Freud

The image of the rabbit personifies the meekness, cowardiness and fear of a man in intimate relations with a woman. You are tormented by doubts in the sincerity of the feelings of your beloved, and you are experiencing excessive jealousy. Be yourself and give the will to emotions. It is wiser to bring your second half to the conversation and open your fears.


For men, such a dream is promoting an inheritance or a good opportunity to increase your well-being. To women, this animal carries the joy of maternity and multi-way. See a cell with homemade rabbits - to an increase in family wealth. Possible to buy land or big house.

Miller's dense

We saw a white rusak on the edge of the forest - the favorable change of your financial resources is expected to reveal. If the animal is trying to scare the hunters - in real life it is necessary to make a decision more quickly and immediately act, otherwise you are threatened by the missed benefit.

Evgeny Tsvetkov

Rabbit in dreams personifies danger and anxiety. We saw a runaway animal - get ready for sharp turns of fate that handle your character. Hunting the beast - closer to the many family worries that will require a lot of strength and financial costs.

Yuri Longo

White bunny dreams of those who are waiting for pleasant news and meeting guests. Hunting the beast means to overcome your cowardice and weakness.

We saw the runaway oblique - do not plan important things in the near future. Your efforts will be vain. The conceived will not be implemented, and the project implementation will delay in long months.

Kill eared - to losses and insolvency of financial transactions. Your hurry and shaviness did not allow you to carefully check everything and make sure the profitability of the operation.

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