How to find the attitude towards you the right man


All girls (and often women) want to know how they are interested in their representative of the opposite sex, because the behavior of men often looks like the most real mystery. Of course, the easiest way is to ask it personally, in this case you will get the most reliable answer, but you risk a potential cavalier with its activity.

And there is a more delicate method - to seek assistance to Tarot cards, namely, to the fortune of Tarot to the attitude towards me. It will tell you the whole truth, while you are not at all risking.

fortune telling a person to himself

By the way! On our site there Collection of fortunes on tarot cards online - Use on health!

Layouts on tarot cards on the attitude of the person of the person

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We bring to your attention the interesting options for gadas that will help to understand what the specified person actually feels for you.

Fortune telling Elzy Hapatnyukovskoy

Here you need to use both the elders and younger arcans. At the same time, the deck is tought as usual, and then it is necessary to get 3 cards from it and lay out by the rows of one. In total, 23 Arkan are applied to the scenario.

This is a truthful fortune telling on the Tarot maps on the attitude of a person to you. This alignment will be particularly beneficial in cases where you have not seen a person for a long time, whose attitude wish to clarify.

The value of the cards will be:

  • The 1st, 2nd and 3rd - will tell you about what a person thinks;
  • 4th, 5th and 6th - what feelings are overcome, the features of his personal life;
  • 7th, 8th and 9th - the scope of its activities;
  • The 10th, 11th and 12th - what he owns (this is both material property, as well as here the spouse, children and so on);
  • 13th - What are the thoughts of a person about you;
  • 14th - Men's thoughts about other beautiful sexers;
  • 15th - his feelings towards you;
  • 16th - his feelings relative to other women;
  • 17th - the efforts attached to them to meet you;
  • 18th - actions of a man aimed at other women; What he does is not to see you;
  • 19th - what was preserved in his memory about me or what I gave him (before installing it for myself, which one of the options you choose);
  • 20th - what can I get from this man;
  • 21 - Whether we will meet with him in the coming time;
  • 22 - if you see you, how will our meeting go and how it will treat me this time;
  • The 23rd - will tell about further prospects in relationships with the man you are taken.

Singing "Wheel of Fate"

Thanks to him you will learn about the biggest potential that exists in your real relationship with a man. Pay attention to the fact that you can resort to this color only once for life and only one pair!

For divination, only 8 cards are used, which unfold as shown in the following scheme:

--- 2 ---

-3 --- 4-


-5 --- 6-

--- 7--


At the same time, their value will be like this:

  • The 1st card - tells about the karmic lesson, how the highest forces relate to your union. For what purpose did you meet your partner.
  • The 2nd Card is the top point of the wheel. It is from her who begins the counting of today's situation.
  • The 3rd and 5th cards - describe you in this union.
  • The 4th and 6th - provide the full characteristic of your partner.
  • At the same time, the 3rd and 5th, as well as the 4th and 6th cards, are the stages that need to be held by each partner in relation to the second participant in relations or relating to its perception of this situation.
  • The 7th card - acts as a pointer of a critical point, based on which it will be possible to judge whether the potential of these relations is implemented.
  • The 8th card is a fate map. According to it, you will learn what maximum to really get from these relationships for yourself.


Signal "New Communication"

For help to this fortune, they are treated in cases where they wish to know whether a lonely person can find a couple in the near future. At the same time, as a rule, according to the time frames orient for the next six months.

In addition, the alignment "New Communication" provides a recommendation for how you should act to create relationships, and how to behave in the already established union.

For divination, only five cards are used. They laid out in three rows so that in the 1st one card, in the 2nd - three cards (so that the 1st was under the 3rd), and in the 3rd row - one 5th card, which is located under the 1st and 3rd. Also separately selected a ingunifier that will denote the gadget person.

Maps will be interpreted as follows:

  • 1st card - tell about your desires;
  • 2nd - answer the question: "Can you meet a new partner?";
  • 3rd - if the answer to the previous question is satisfactory, will there be a new partner to completely arrange you? If not, is it not better to be alone for you now?;
  • 4th - if the partner will satisfy you, then what can you make a positive in this relationship? If not, what are your actions help meet a new partner?;
  • The 5th card - gives a recommendation for your future life -Poys for a new partner, as well as living together with him.

Singing "Rodal Soul"

Thanks to this fortune, the stages on which relations with the opposite gender are developing from infant age are revealed. This is the first experience of relationship with the Father, and relationships with other men who are in a person in the authority to which he is experiencing sympathy / love / love. With the help of the "Relative Soul" scenario, you will learn about the influence of all these men who they had a person's presentation about themselves.

At the same time, the alignment will demonstrate the ideal path for which a person will find his relative soul - the notorious "afternoon", which will create real, mature affiliate relationships.

For divination, the elders should be used, and younger arcans. The alignment can be applied both women and men.

The value of the maps will be as follows:

  • S is a signifier, characterizes the identity of the asking;
  • 1st and 2nd cards - tell about how you perceive yourself as a woman (or, perhaps you are trying to try on a male image);
  • The 3rd and 4th cards - for women: We will tell about the male probe, which has a connection with paternal energy. For men, this is, on the contrary, the image of a woman who has a connection with the motherboard.

Cards from the 5th to the 12th are relevant to the partner of the gadget and designate the following:

  • The 5th and 6th cards - disclose what features should be inherent in your perfect man / woman;
  • The 7th and 8th - will reveal those features of his / her emotional sphere, which will be most important for you;
  • 9th and 10th cards - will talk about the constituent of her / its intellectual sphere;
  • 11th card - will determine the financial position of "halves";
  • The 12th map is the final decision in this union.

Cards from the 13th to the 18th will tell about the path that will have to be asking that the second half and happy and harmonious relationships finally appeared in his life.

happy couple

Arkana from the 13th and 14th - they will tell about the influence that his very first strong love feeling on man.

Cards 15th and 16th - protruding the pointer of those fears and concerns with which they will have to fight to a person.

The 17th and 18th cards - give a characteristic of the model of behavior, which a person should not stick to if he wishes as soon as possible to find a lot of love.

Cards from the 19th to the 20th belong to the events of the future:

The 19th card will tell you how your actions should be, so that this union makes both lovers.

The 20th Card - What actions will need to do for the further development of this union.

Salted "Gorky True"

Very often, people tend to deceive themselves in life, especially this is relevant for the topic of relationships. Often, a person closes his eyes to obvious things, choosing to be in the world of their own illusions. This fortune telling will help clarify the existing situation, relieve asking from pellets in front of the eyes. Thanks to him, it will be much easier to delimit, where the actual, and where is the real one.

In total, you need to choose five cards. They declined according to such a scheme:

1st card, then the 3rd and then the 2nd

4th card, 6th and 5th card.

They will be interpreted as follows:

  • 1st card - tells that you want to see or what you do believe;
  • 2nd card - what you noticate categorically do not want / believe what you refuse;
  • The 3rd map is the actual state of affairs;
  • 4th card - tell about the desired outcome of the situation;
  • The 5th card - Svet light on the features of an undesirable outcome;
  • The 6th card - says that in fact everything will end in the end.

In the event that an unfavorable card has fallen on the 6th position, it is permissible to pull out another card further on the topic of possible change in the situation.

Finally, it is worth viewing an interesting video on the topic:

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