What dreams of a kiss with a girl in dreams of Miller, Tsvetkov, Freud,


What can be more pleasant to female love and affection, which is expressed through a warm view, gentle hands and soft touch of lips. No wonder if after experienced by the day of emotions, a kiss with a girl in a dream is pregnant. What dreams such a plot will find out in popular dream books.

The most sincere form of recognition and flattery

Difty kiss symbolism. Initially, it was a show of his vitality through the power of the exhalation. Later was the personification of the worship before someone. In addition to personal importance, the kiss was a sign of the spiritual union, loyalty, blessings.

For some kiss expresses humility, trust, attachment. For others, this is a symbol of the contract fastening, respect.

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In any case, a kiss with a girl basically marks pleasant and delightful moments of life.

Kiss in the field

In the interpretation of such dreams for men and women there are differences that are associated with all the circumstances and nuances of sleep.

Sometimes only kiss you can get a woman to be silent

Unmarried coquette to see your boyfriend with your girlfriend - the dream hints to you that suspicions in treason are not sufficient. The fan enjoys your gullibility and naivety, most importantly, in time to get up and not to bring the case before the wedding.

We saw the spouse of the young in the arms of the rivals - the revenue is experiencing a longing for young and carefree years. Perhaps the monotonous family life and familiar home made you boring and unattractive for the spouse. Make a highlight, change something in appearance or invent new joint hobbies, hobbies. Husband will look at you with other eyes.

They met hot kisses with the former in a dream - your feelings are not allowed, and, most likely, the faded love will fall out with a new force.

Dreamed a couple in love that looked like in your eyes, "wait for longing and despondency from a sense of loneliness in the coming days. So that the depression does not drag on, try to be more likely to be in humans and more communicate.

Kiss by the sea

The famous Hollywood stars kiss in your dream - it's rather a hint that you have accumulated a lot of envy, resentment and anger on someone. You always try to compare yourself with someone and seem no worse than your successful friends. But it is just a mask and controversial conclusions. The problem is in you and your dubious values.

A business woman was wondering a young mother surrounded by a hot fan - a good reason to schedule profitable financial transactions and proceed to the implementation of promising projects. Successful period for opening new talents and opportunities. Your hidden potential will manifest themselves to the maximum, and you boldly prove to partners, which are capable of.

The stranger tries to kiss you in a dream - get ready for the temptation to make something very immoral, which will be condemned by foreign people. You tired of a boring and predictable life. It seems that, having committed a slit and immoral act, you will make a dirtlessness and fun in your routine. The main thing here is not to go too far to not regret what happened.

Be a man is good because you do not need to kiss a three-day bristle

Will with the former - your strost and failure dragged out due to long-stayed victories. It's time to build plans and dream of future exploits. You did not fully let go of the old feelings, and it seems that everything else can be returned. But it is mistaken, this situation is only slowing down. Do not attempt to enter one river twice.

What is preparing a kiss with a charming girl if:

  • She is beauty - beware of significant spending and unforeseen expenses;
  • Young - something is very surprised, but it will be nice;
  • Rustic - expect adding in the family;
  • dancing - to the friendly and warm atmosphere in the family;
  • With an unhealthy face face and very thin - get ready for the fact that someone will get sick in your family.

Making love with the one that has long been on the world, - sleep warns of impending health problems. If something bothers, you should immediately consult a doctor and pass the survey.

We believe only the kisses of first-mouth. Author's dream book

Sigmund Freud

If you are passionate and greedily in a dream you kiss a girl, it says about your dominance over a weak floor. Your character and habits of the male winning helps in obtaining new sexual experience. If the young person herself is trying to kiss you, Introduce you are too infantile and not used to care for someone and someone to seek. Show more activity, leaving behind a leading role, and see how long life will become brighter, will play with new paints.

Kiss with flowers

They saw someone from friends kisses your lady heart, - to real jealousy, with which you cannot cope. Try to keep yourself in your hands and do not do nonsense.

Communicated in a hot kisses with his wife's wife - the dream promises pleasant, but forbidden pleasures, perhaps, after that you will condemn and blame.

Miller's dense

We thought how in the twilight concern the lips of the beloved, - you have something to hide from it in real life. But love adventures on the side are not embarrassed. This cynicism can soon turn into your favor. Obvious can reveal, and you will remain alone.

Like the tenderness with a charming miss in the light of the bright sun - a good sign. The case will take out their noble male qualities, for which they will get a generous remuneration.

Someone presses your sweetheart - get ready for serious trials that will depend on its further attitude towards you.

Frivolous hugs of the stranger mean frivolous actions in reality. Be more serious and more carefully, otherwise not avoiding troubles and reversals.

The spouse's lips will promise harmony and the prosperity of family life. Your love over the years is only stronger, and loyalty becomes the key to happiness.

To see how children kiss, - to reconciliation and establishing good and partnerships with whom they used to avoid conversations and business contacts.

Joyful sister presses you - expect favorable days for rest and pleasure.

Evgeny Tsvetkov

You kiss the beauty that the first time you see, - expect tests for your self-control and patientity. For a married man, such a dream promises check for love and loyalty.

If a woman was harming that her husband was lingering with someone, - beware of deception and fraud in reality. During this period, it is better to avoid the places of large cluster of people, to beware of public transport. Great probability of theft or loss of things.

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