What dreams death in dreams of Miller, Vangi, Loffe, Nostradamus


Each person at least once in his life wondered about his death. These thoughts could appear with the approach of old age, and maybe a severe ailment has led to this or a critical health situation. This explains the restless dream of such people. And what if death dreamed a completely healthy person? What dreams of such a plot is needed to find out in dream books.

Long road life

In ancient symbolism, death personifies the transformation process and exemption from anything. Therefore, mistaken people perceive their death and death of relatives in a dream as the end of life. Rather, this is a change in the state of being, rebirth, which will bring the update of consciousness, health, rethinking its essence.

good and evil

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The vision of the death of many people will proper a sad interpretation. After such a scenario, the likelihood of epidemics, disasters, natural disasters is very high.

I'll stay light for you

Death in a dream for a woman is, first of all, the splash of accumulated inner aggression on someone, the beginning of the updated relationship. To be acknowledged by Mom - in reality it will only bring positive emotions. If the mother was unhealthy, be sure to recover, and if he was depressed, then it will come out of it.

Father descend in a dream, with which in real life in a quarrel, it's time to resolve the conflict. If you see your father, it means that he leads the wrong and immoral lifestyle that you condemn. Try to contact, talk, much depends on you.

The widow was harmful - a hint of your distance from the spouse, long business trips or the workload was removed from each other. They accumulated reproaches or torment the remorse of the conscience for jealousy and scandals. You do not avoid dialogue. Try to make it productive.

The girlfriend went to the light - your actions in the near future will be very condemned by loved ones. Do not avoid gossip and intrigue. But you are strongly configured to something new and stunning, and luck on your side.

The end of his beloved person in your dream foreshadows him minor troubles that will not turn into serious problems, but your support and attention in this period will be essential for him.

An acquaintance left the world of living - if you knew this man well, then expect from the life of new pleasant moments. A favorable period for participation in new projects. Your ideas will be inspired to create not only you, but also colleagues. This is a new page of your life with old experience, knowledge and wisdom.

Male longevity

For men, see an elder with oblique means to gain a new strength of the spirit and body. And his own death from the old man is an excellent reason to think about new sustainacles. For you, this is the period of rebirth, everything will be turned out and burn in your hands. Your actions and deeds in the business sphere will cause a storm of emotions and ovations of colleagues. Authority will rise, and incomes will increase.

With oblique

Some of the close relatives died on your hands - this is a precursor of what is needed by your help, but they do not want to disturb you. Your call or arrival to them will be quite by the way.

To appear, you need to go first. Author dreams


Own death is very symbolic for those people who have recently decided to live righteously and godly. After such dreams, the gift of healing may awaken in a person, and he will become the Messenger of God.

If the cum of the famous leader has dreamed, great changes are expected in the country. This appearance of a wise ruler, which will strive for peace and harmony among people of different states.

The state of clinical death was hardened - in reality the nebula and ignorance on the questions that are mostly disturbing at the moment. And the fact that then it becomes clear, will affect you in the best way.

A stranger, dying with painful death, is a harbinger of war or conflict, in which you will have to participate or become a witness to these terrible events.


See yourself or someone from loved ones in the coffin indicates that you will live a long and happy life. If a lot of people die in your dream, this is a sign that mankind has made a long period of existence. And the end of the world will not come many thousands of years.


The patient moved to the light to the new discoveries in the field of medicine. Perhaps will find a medicine from the deadly disease.

Miller's dense

The funeral of loved ones, who have already left you, are sent as a warning about the danger or period of a series of tests. Losses are inevitable during this period, but you depends on how much they are large-scale.

The deceased father speaks with you - in reality you need to be alert with your partners or colleagues. Someone tries to bring you out of equilibrium or prevent a major transaction. Carefully check the documents and all associated paper cash transactions.

The conversation with the mother is a call to closely treat your health and throw bad habits.

The dead man in your dream is very cheerful and joyful - your real life is too careless and aimless. You need to reconsider values ​​and arrange priorities, otherwise everything will end everything for you.

The brother who passed away is trying to cheer up and remind about the promise - you yourself are to blame in your depressions and failures, you need to not reach despair, but continue to fight and try to fix everything.

The death of a relative who lives health in real life, speaks of a break of relationships with him. The protracted quarrels or resentment turned you into other people's people.

David Lof.

The feeling that you did not, physically talk about your experiences. You feel some threat, afraid to take a right decision, panic in reality. It will pass as soon as you take the first step and begin to direct your destiny.

Present at the funeral of the beloved - your relationship with the girl was sulfted ourselves, there are no general topics for conversations, in the evenings try to engage in their affairs. It is time to say goodbye and go on.

When driving a relative - this dream speaks of your experiences for him. He is very close to you and roads, perhaps you feel responsibility or gave a promise to parents to take care of him. In any case, you should not shift all the responsibility for his destiny on your shoulders.

Evgeny Tsvetkov

The image of a monk with oblique saw - an exciting, but promising dream. The harbing of the birth of a new life is possible its own pregnancy or someone from loved ones. Also this is a sign of personal change, reincarnation, a change of profession, appearance, lifestyle or country. You are ready for incredible changes and a long lucky life.

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