Razorka on a decreasing moon


Love triangles in relationships between the floors - the case is quite common. Classic option - husband, wife and mistress. Moreover, the rivalry for a man is not always conducted by honest methods: many mistresses lead a husband from the family with the help of various magical rituals. Any action has opposition. Magic can take advantage of both deceived wives in the struggle for the preservation of their family. For example, Razorka on a decreasing moon will help deposit in connection between the wrong husband and his mistress. These rites are distinguished by simple performance.

Razorka with rival

The concept of cutting and prerequisites for the use of ritual

Razorka is one of the techniques of disguise magic. This is a rite that puts the goal to disorder the relationship between people by regular quarrels and conflicts. It is the opinion that Razorka will certainly lead to parting. In fact, it is a bit wrong: the rite makes the relationship with unbearable, and also break them or survive this difficult period, the partners themselves decide. If, for example, Razorka was made by his mistress in order to hover a husband from his wife, a ritual may not act if the family is strong and happy, and between spouses strong feelings. In such a situation, the rite with a greater probability will give a rollback toward the performer.

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Most coupling rituals are directly related to black magic, so the appeal to them requires caution from the artist. Feel free to the scattering on a decreasing moon can enjoy wives who wish to turn their spouse from his mistress and return to his family. In this case, the likelihood of any negative consequences is minimal, since the performer has a good goal - the preservation of his family. It is quite different, things will be faced if the Razorka is used intentionally - to destroy someone else's family, from revenge or from envy. The goal here is initially raised negative, therefore the consequences may be the most rigid.

Performing rassorku on waning moon yourself, you must follow the instructions exactly and not to engage in independent action, especially if the author is not there is no witchcraft practices. Although it is considered a rite of rassorka exerted on their victims relatively little negative impact, you need to take the ritual very seriously, do not abuse it and use only if absolutely necessary.

Rassorka on waning moon alone

Midnight rassorka on the growing or waning moon

Rassorka is a plot that is read in the waning or waxing moon at midnight. Words uttered, looking at the night light, 40 times without a pause. Text:

"Moon in the sky, the fish in the water, the worms in the apple, the serpent's slave (Rival name) . Snake obvey her white body that was not happy with the slave (Men's name) . To quarrel and reconciled, each other's hated and despised. servant of God (Men's name) , Look - next to you but I, God's servant (own name) . And my opponent (Rival name) - the wicked witch, dead fly, evil pike. I have it - an ax, a broom. fire. With the servant of God (Men's name) she does not have to swing children who do not sit at the table, not while away the nights. Water and salt in her eyes, she infection and distaste for the servant of God (Men's name) . I only him - happiness and love. Amen!"

Once the plot is uttered many times as necessary, the performer has to go to bed in silence. If a loved one is gone and lived with an opponent, the plot should be read in 9 consecutive days. Thus it is desirable to engage more visualization, imagining the beloved returns, and a relationship with him are strong, happy and long.

Rassorka salt on the waning moon

salt rassorki

This is intended for use rassorka lover wishing to withdraw from the family of her husband. Deciding to use it, remember that the destruction of someone else's family - a sin that would ever pay dearly. After all the grief after this rassorka work will be entirely on your conscience.

Rassorochny plot read on a handful of salt at midnight on the waning moon. Text:

"Salt is white, servant of God (Men's name) help me to separate from a slave of God (wife's name) . To not lived them together so they were just so sad grief, fights yes quarrel. Grew cold to the heart of a servant of God (Men's name) to the servant of God (wife's name) . Let her he forget not bored and do not yearn. Let him without it would be good, and with it - it is bad. Word, language, lock ".

Charmed salt should "sleep" under your bed, and the next day it is necessary to pour the housing threshold, home, husband and wife, you want to cause a quarrel. This ritual should be repeated 9 consecutive days.

Razorka on the needle on a decreasing moon

needle and thread

The ritual should make a wife, the husband of which left the family and lives with his mistress. For the rite you will need 12 new sewing needles, a new coil of black threads, a black candle. It is desirable that there is still a photo of a husband's mistress - this will strengthen the impact of the ritual. The time of the cutting is a flawed moon, midnight.

Exactly at midnight, it is necessary to put a black candle on the table and light it, next to putting a photograph of the rival. Next, at least 10 minutes to chase, presenting how the husband leaves his mistress, as they quarrel and swear, focus on their goal. After that, it is necessary to count the needles and, putting them to each other, to tie a bunch of black thread, reading a plot:

"12 needles knitting in one, black thread fix and right in the heart of the rival rival (Family name) I am sending a fading connection with my husband (husband's name) I kill forever! Needle needles, Rvit and Colitize her heart to pain and blood. So that they have neither understanding, nor love, nor the desire of lustful - neither today or tomorrow, never! But only quarrels, swearing and suffering - from now on and forever. As she said, so it will be! "

The needle bunch must be thrown into the house where the wrong spouse lives and his mistress. The action of the cutting starts immediately after the lining will be in their home.

Another way to rakeed in the video:

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