How to see a man's aura at home


Do you know how to see a man's aura? Some people from nature possess such ability, but their units. However, the ability to see the energy can be developed, there are special techniques for this.

What is aura?

Aura is a human energy field. While he is alive, his thin body (or soul) studies certain energy. The concept of Aura came from Eastern Philosophy. It is believed that all diseases and troubles arise precisely because of the problems, failures in energy channels. Therefore, having learned to determine the state of the aura, it is possible to significantly improve your health and emit positive energy.

how to see aura at home

There are several techniques, thanks to which you can see your aura and learn to work with it.

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What gives the study of aura and the ability to see it:

  1. You will be able to "include" and "disable" your energy body with effort will.
  2. Also, you can also "include" an extinct aura of another person, thanks to which he will feel energetically filled.
  3. Solve the problems with health, karma, life as a whole.

It is important to practice constantly, because not all exercises are easily given the first time. The rate of assimilation depends on the congenital energy potential and the presence of extrasensory abilities.

Method of Robert Bruce

This method is used in a state of complete relaxation. You can try to enter a meditative condition using special techniques, and then start practicing. Also, this algorithm will help develop intuition and discover the notorious "third eye".

how to see aura of man

What do we have to do:

  1. Take care of the right light. The light should be soft and muted, but not dull. Disconnect all bright lamps and lamps.
  2. You will need a hard object of a rectangular shape - for example, a book. Wrap her blue or red paper and install on the table opposite you. Behind the background should be neutral - a monophonic wall will fit. If indoors are bright wallpaper with intricate patterns, you can drill their cloth.
  3. Close your eyes, slowly and deeply cheer, try to completely relax consciousness and calm down. After you make sure that they relax sufficiently, open your eyes.
  4. Concentrate on the book. At the same time, try not to strain your eyes too much. For continuously, look at the book until you notice that the glow starts from it.
  5. First it will be pale, but then it should be transformed into the yellow-green bright aura. If it does not work the first time, take a break, relax and try again.

This is the first exercise. Repeat it until you learn to concentrate and see the object aura in all colors. Then you can proceed to the study of more complex items:

  1. Wrap a few books paper of different colors. According to the above method, explore their aura. Observation results Record into a diary. See how the aura of different objects is connected and interacts with each other.
  2. Next, you can increase the level of complexity. Study aura of houseplants. It will be brighter and alive, will take a distinct form. Repeat the exercise until it turns out to capture the power of plants.
  3. Then can be practiced on animals. But only when they sleep and still.
  4. And only after you master the previous exercises, you can try at home to explore your own aura:
  5. Exit the sun when it is bright enough.
  6. Pull your hand and look at her. You can lie down and try to watch your legs. The skin at this time should be naked.
  7. Try to see the energy emission of your own body and write down all observations in the diary. What colors do your aura get? Where color is brighter and rich, and where is pale? Examine all the nuances, try to feel completely.

I completely mastered all these exercises, you will learn to easily determine the condition of not only your aura, but also other people.

Important: If the exercises do not work the first time, do not lower your hands. Repeat them again and again.

Modern method

There is another technique that you can try to master. Exercises need to be done in the evening before bedtime, lying in bed.

how to see the aura of his

What to do:

  • Conveniently lying. Pose does not matter, it is important that you were comfortable. Lighting should be muffled or disable at all.
  • Pull your hand in front of yourself and spread your fingers. Look at the ceiling through the intervals between them. Looking a look - it should be fixed.
  • Try to feel that perceive the surrounding space with the tips of the fingers. Like energy passes through them into your body. Secure this state.
  • After a while you should feel that the space between the fingers begins to change. Each person has individual and may differ. Someone sees thin white rays, someone observes a foggy glow and so on.
  • Try to make microad fingers and watch your aura playing. If it turned out to see her, we can say that you managed to do an exercise.

Do not stop if it does not work immediately. Train yourself again and again.

Watch the video on how to learn how to see a man of man in five minutes:

The ability to see the aura helps to solve a huge number of problems. Most often, we are trying to be treated or improving our lives, eliminating only the symptoms of what prevents us. And working with a thin body and energy potential eliminates the causes of negative phenomena taking place in life.

It is important to work with the exercises regularly, completely given to the process. Let you not stop the difficulties and unsuccessful attempts. Extraceptor abilities are in every person, just someone has the potential less and weakly developed. In your power to reveal these abilities, and then they will manifest in all its glory.

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