What dream girl dream books: Vanga, Miller et al.


Dreams are a special world, where you can meet with a variety of images symbolizing the past and the future. Very often in the subjects of our nightly dreams small children are present.

What dream girl? In most cases, such a dream foretells the coming changes, but a huge role in the treatment of sleep has an age, the child's actions and many other additional details. In more detail to understand the importance of sleep to help the dream book.

Little girl

General interpretation of sleep

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The most positive dream is a dream in which you see a girl and a boy together. Especially if the children - twins. After this story expect all the best in the future. But if you had a dream about a woman with a girl, wait another's deceit and mischief in relation to itself.

According to the dream book, the girl in the dream appears as a sign of upcoming news and events that may be for you unexpectedly. Very little girl (infant, newborn) to dream happy change, a new stage of your life.

Of great importance are all sorts of details that could remember the dream to the girl:

  • twins - two news in the future you expect that you will please unspeakably;
  • strange child - soon you will impress other people's success;
  • beautiful girl - to the good news and great joy;
  • Redhead female child - to the amazement and changes in their personal lives;
  • Girl with black hair - to the meanness on the part of the people from whom you did not expect;
  • girl with blond hairs - to the support and assistance from relatives;
  • little girl with long hair - to an unexpected journey;
  • Girl dressed in black - and unfortunately the bad news;
  • girl in white - a pleasant surprise in the reality;
  • girl in a dress - an unexpected rendezvous;
  • naked babe - to large financial losses, unexpected losses;
  • baby in the stroller - to the family the good news as a dream can mean early marriage proposal in the future;
  • dead girl - the collapse of the hopes on which you had great plans;
  • sick little girl - to trouble and hindered the planned business;
  • the specter of a female child - to the collapse of all your hopes. Even if you strongly believe in something, soon disappointed in his or her opinion;
  • pregnant girl - to the profits that you have been expecting. However, this benefit will make you a double sense: rejection and joy at the same time.

Girl near a tree

Of great importance in dreams also have action and girl have a dream:

  • crying - to detect in the future tempting prospects that you have not noticed before;
  • laughing - a symbol of what your experiences are vain. Everything in your life has turned out well;
  • taunts - in the future you can become an object of ridicule, to get into an awkward situation;
  • baby died - a sign that the surprise that you cook, will not bring the desired results;
  • hugs you - a symbol of support and intercession in reality;
  • keep on hand the fair sex of the child - a symbol of the fact that soon you will take up the case, which used to scare you. This company will bring you much joy and wealth;
  • feed the girl - in an unexpected turn of fate;
  • kiss the girl - to positive emotions and good news, changes in your destiny;
  • hugging a child - to stand up for unfamiliar people in the future;
  • babysit a little girl or entertain her - for pleasure on the breadth of their souls, their neighbors and rendering service to someone;
  • save the baby - soon you will have a considerable service that will shake you to the core;
  • beat a female child - to the great interest of swift changes in your life;
  • adopt the baby - a symbol of the fact that soon you will discover the heart and soul totally alien, at first glance, a person;
  • to see a little girl - in reality turn out to be in a helpless position.

Interpretation of different dreams

By dream of Miller

Dream Miller interprets the dreams of a little girl as a symbol of joy, which is directly linked to the material well-being. If the child was beautiful and well-groomed, well-dressed, in a short time important partners themselves take the initiative to your business and will meet your suggestions. However, if in a dream the little girl was in an unpleasant form, soon at work you expect the unexpected twist. It is possible that everything goes not as you thought before. Do not be discouraged, do your best to correct the situation, and everything will be OK.

By dream book Vangu

In this dream book the appearance of the girl-child in the dream considered a sign of the imminent appearance of guests in your home. It will be a pleasant meeting, the expectation that no one could last year.

When the image of a dream come bathed the girl, in reality you will have to take drastic decisions and completely change their destiny. Do not be afraid of change, because all your hard work and effort pay off with a vengeance.

Also, a dream with a child of a beautiful sex may be a warning of many small troubles on your life path. However, it is not necessary to scare ahead of time, everything can be fixed and overcome.

Girl with Kulbaby

By dream of Nostradamus

Girl in a dream by Nostradamus's dream book - great happiness, a symbol of replenishment in the near future of your family, dawn career, the birth of a new life, impeccable health. An ancient predictor was confident that the baby in a dream could not personify chaos and the negative, and only positive changes in life promises with his appearance.

By Dream Mayan.

Sleep, in which the girl appears, Mayan's dream book can be worn as bad and good. See the girl - to new changes in life, rainbow prospects in the future. Such a dream can be perceived as a council over to discover a new page of your life, try yourself in a different field of activity, find a new interesting passion and so on. This period of your life is most favorable for change for the better. If, in a dream, you saw a sad girl, then you need to be prepared for the fact that soon your surroundings will greatly disappoint you.

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