What dreams Spider bite for Dreams of Freud, Vanga, Ezop, Miller, Tsvetkov


Spider. What associations cause this insect? An unequivocal hero of phobias often comes in nightmares. What dream of spider bite, we learn in famous dreams.

Where spider, there and a web

Traditionally spider always considered the symbol of cruelty, cunning, greed, and not by chance. It is enough to remember how it is easily painted with his victim, confusing in a web, paralyzing poison and sucking blood to the last drop.

Because of its ability to weave web in ancient times, this insect personified with creativity, creating and hardworking. And the flight on the thread to the new territories was interpreted as the next wanderings and the denit of the dream.

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Modern authors describe a spider as a symbol of various intricacies of life and fate. Since the web is diverged from the center and goes like an insect body, he is considered a symbol of the Sun and the creation of life. Therefore, he often dreams of pregnancy and adding in the family.


The complexity of web patterns and similarity with the labyrinth is identified with obstacles to which the person should overcome. The bite is considered a bad sign describing the troubles and suffering of sleeping.

Despite all the imparting qualities, killing it, you can attract misfortunes, scare away and well-being.

Where fly flew, but hit the spider

For active and active women, this insect is a good sign. In search of the meaning of its existence you will find the place where you will be glad and you will be useful. We only need to try to do something and not stop there, only then you will be rewarded with spiritual and material gifts.

If the girl was harmful how gold spiders were crawling around her, then she had her female happiness nearby. Use the moment of success with the opposite sex and choose your candidacy and heart, the intuition will not let you down.

Decorative spider

Unmarried Lady saw the White Octopus - to the Eightly Wedding. If married is a pregnancy of a boy waiting for you.

We saw a web in the corners of the apartment - wait for wealth and quiet family well-being.

Young beauty felt how hardly sneaks through sticky threads - relatives prevent you from turning around and sighed with complete breasts. Indicating the norms and morals of behavior, close to forget that they were also young.

Torn the web, then will achieve your own, despite the difficulties and obstacles.

Male look at Tarantula

A married man was greeted by Spider-albino - good news: you will be released in the family. In another interpretation, this is a symbol of sexual satisfaction.

Insect in the dream foreshadows in a dream in the family or divorce. Catch and catch - to unexpected profits. Jumps on you - you can not avoid happiness in real life.

We saw a web on the ceiling - a successful period is expected for real estate transactions, property. We just do not rush to conclude all agreements immediately, there is a fear of getting confused in our financial transactions. Be calmer and thorough.

A naughty man was stung by Tarantul - expect a big loss. Do not make large bets, and it is better to avoid ignorative institutions in these days.

Spider bite often testifies to the poor state of dream health or intimate problems.

Biting - it means loves

The bite place is an important circumstance for a detailed interpretation:

  • To the foot - avoid useless and dangerous trips that only problems will bring;
  • In the hand - people can bring them, especially close to you. Do not trust part of your affairs assistants. This guide will not go for good. Keep everything under control;
  • In a finger - a pleasant and easy profit is expected;
  • In the head - your old habits will let yourself know, health problems will exacerbate;
  • In the back - you are experiencing problems of an intimate plan. Your sex life is not active if not completely;
  • In the shoulder - the enviousness is not dorm, studying your weaknesses, they are waiting for the moment when they can deliver the greatest troubles, preventing your promotion.

Spider, spider, wrapped behind the tank. Author dreams

Sigmund Freud

To see the spiders devouring each other - a good perspective to defeat the rivals who claim the heart of your beloved. While they will be busy fighting, you will win the heart of the girl.

The young person was gracious an eighth insect - this was manifested by your fear of defeat on the love front. You will bring insecurity and loneliness. You are quietly moving in the circle of your labyrinth, afraid to find a way out.


They took this little monster on hand - someone is trying to give you a good and wise advice, do not reject help, this is good.

Trying to suppress Tarantula, but not cope - to be in a difficult situation with your leadership. Proving his position, you look too uncertain and unconvincing. Circumstances are not in your favor.


We saw a big shaggy spider - revealed a serious conversation with those who are trying to avoid for a long time. Bear quarrels with this influential person, he is trying to let unscrew rumors about you and entail the situation for others. If this weaves of the web bite you, expect attacks and aggression from the enemy.

If the dream saw from Friday to Saturday, the victory will be yours.

Miller's dense

This insect is a good sign for the dream, if a cobweet is diligently, your activity and creativity will bring their fruits in the work. Also calm and happiness in your home.

Spider on a pink background

If there are many of them and they hang on cobwebs, expect a favorable confluence, profit and financial well-being.

To be a person in a web - to rapid success and wealth, despite dubious and frightening connections with partners.

They felt like you were bitten by, - in reality they are waiting for trouble and attacks from competitors for business. But if in the end you kill it, it means that give a worthy rebuff and be the winner.

Run away from the octopoid - it means that you lose self-control and control over yourself, your missions and mistakes are badly affected by your excerpt and character. Not only luck will turn away from you, but also close.

Poet Ezop.

Web and on it a large number of small spiders means that your competitors do not dreamed, trying to rear to your side of everyone who supports you.

See how the hero of nightmares devouring a fly - this personifies your harsh leader in real life. His inhuman attitude to the subordinates you really bothers and makes nervous at work. To get rid of discomfort, you need to change the job, otherwise you have to put up with circumstances.

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