Deciphering dreams about a woman in a white dress in various dreams.


White color symbolizes innocence, righteousness, maternal worries, good. Girl in white personifies femininity, inaccessibility. What dreams of a woman in white? There is no definite answer in the dream interpretation.

White dress in a dream

One of the most common interpretations is an increase in the moral appearance, dignity, respect for people. All this is achieved gradually. It is necessary to work a lot, work on yourself.

If in a dream you are trying on a white dress, then you dream about marriage, you are afraid to stay without a loved one. Remember who at that moment was next to you. This will be those people who do not want you to be happy.

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After trying in a dream, someone else's dress, you take all the problems of its owner yourself. These may be intimate nature, the absence of romantic relationships.

Girl in a white dress in a dream symbolizes purposefulness, pride, arrogance, but only for women who see it. If a man dreams of such a dream - wait for the deception not only from the outside of others, but perhaps from relatives.

The bride in a dream symbolizes kindness, innocence, elevated feelings. On the other hand, all this may be a lie, a mask, under which the evil and selfish person is hidden.

The dress

Sleep, in which a young man sees a woman in white, symbolizes his sincereness, mentality, sincere intentions. Perhaps soon he will meet his love, will begin a new relationship.

Lace on the dress suggest that in the near future you will have a holiday, a long-awaited meeting will take place, a date with a loved one or with those who have not seen you for a long time, but really want to meet. Short white dress - rumors, gossip.

If the stranger in white clothes gives a dream something in hand, and he takes it, you will have a profit. Paper, money - financial well-being, jewels - love, calm in the family. If this is a vessel with water - more carefully treat your traits, you can become bankrupt.

Crying woman in white is a warning about the upcoming failures that will begin in the near future. Pregnant in a white dress - a gift awaits you, you can buy something very important and necessary.

Mom, daughter, girlfriend in a white dress

  1. You dream mom in a white dress is a danger. This is a dream - a warning: the reality of your mother may have serious health problems.
  2. Beautiful, clean clothes in a dream - joy. If the tissue is dirty, spots will appear on your reputation.
  3. Girlfriend in white - its ambulance disease.
  4. Little girl is trying on the dress - you will get sick.
  5. If you conquer a young man, sleep in a white dress for you is a harbinger of pleasant changes. You will achieve success.
  6. You are a mother and see your daughter in white - you can rejoice. The life of the daughter will be successful. It will be successful, in demand at work, will meet a wonderful man.
  7. If you saw a white dress on yourself and stain it - breaking the relationship, separation.

Dream Miller

White dress

According to Miller's dream book, if you dreamed a white dress, you will soon be able to successfully finish the cases that did not go before it. Get a reward from the boss for successful work, deserve respect for employees. You are waiting for honors and glory.

White dress in a dream - a pleasant notice, receiving important news. The surrounding will take an example with you, praise. You will get what you dreamed about.

Dream Vangu

Wang's dream book interprets a white dress, as a meeting with friends, loved ones, relatives, an invitation to a romantic dinner. If you try out the outfit - you have an opponent, which a friend or friend will help to expose.

Modern dream book

White dress vision in a dream - glory, success, public performance. If you dreamed that you are trying on a white dress, means you want to be self, strive for victory in your personal life. You are waiting for luck in the conceived, wedding.

Men sleep about the girl in white does not promise good. He is expected to betrayal, treason, who trusted before.

If in a dream you yourself sew a dress - wait for an increase in work, improving the financial condition.

A girl in a dress

Dream Sigmund Freud.

According to Freud's theory of subconscious aspirations of sexual character, a white dress in a dream - a symbol of a female nude body. If a woman sees himself in white, she is proud of her figure, she tries to show it.

A neatly folded dress or hanging in the closet - you are not satisfied, you do not have sexual relationships, you want to meet a partner. If in a dream you see a white dress hanging in the store, consider its details - you have secret fantasies, a tendency to self-satisfaction.

Family dream book

If a white dress dreams of a man - he lacks attention, celebrities, recognition. He seeks fame, trying to achieve her not always honest ways.

When a white dress in a dream buys an unclear woman, it means that she reassures the relations of others, their youth. She will try to harm, upset the relationships.

If you are given a white dress, wait for the offer. Soon you will be bride at the wedding.

Female dream book

White dress female dream book interprets like:
  • soon marriage;
  • Cheating, if you are a young girl;
  • hypocrisy - one person from your environment will be two-room;
  • Jealousy, envy of girlfriends, passion for a married man, if you try on the white outfit.

Muslim dreamnik

According to Muslim dream book, if a woman sees himself in white, the husband honors it. He is a pious, righteous, religious.

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