Prayer from energy vampires - an effective way of protection


Are there vampires in our modern age? Of course, the Count of Dracula and the likes of the gaps became only echoes of past times, and vampirism gained a different form - energy. Prayer from energy vampires is more relevant and modern, because they are around us.

A relative-vampire can live next to you, at work - the boss, and even among friends and friends there may be vampires. Vampirism acquired a hidden shape, put on the mask of friendship and mercy. And sometimes the vampire can be masked under a miserable loser, who is terribly not lucky in life, - and only you can help him with your participation. True, due to your personal energy. Consider various ways to protect against this "unclean."

Energy Vampire Protection

Signs of modern vampire

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What is vampirism? This is always a flawed energetic person, and in other words, the disease. A person lacks personal vitality, and he intuitively selects it from others. Energy selection methods set:

  • cause aggression from the donor object;
  • whin of their failures, feeding the sympathy of the donor;
  • Constantly to be close to the donor and act on the nerves with its presence;
  • "Try the soul" from a person is not washing, so catalym;
  • whining and bore;
  • deification and reverence of the donor;
  • Make the guilt - "without guilt to blame."

The vampire may not guess his singularities, acting instinctively. Unknown vampires include all sick people, people in old age, lonely losers, schizophrenics and people with obviously inadequate behavior.

In an old people, such people treated blood consumption - put leeches. Most young ghouls have no obvious diseases, but blood is strongly stuck.

There is another kind of scarlet - envious. Envy is able to eat human soul, exhaust energy. The exit from the situation in such a situation becomes the selection of vitrate in another person. The envious can eat and the energy of the one who envies.

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Oddly enough, but in our time there are whole twists of vampires, where they are going to a bunch:

  • nursing home;
  • clinics and hospitals;
  • City Hall and city administration;
  • prisons and jail;
  • Places of mass graves.

In all these and similar places, a very unfavorable atmosphere. After visiting these institutions, there is an unpleasant precipitate, and sometimes the decline of the forces. Try as much as possible there to appear there, and if necessary - put the charm. After visiting the present places, always take the cleansing shower and reset the negative on the candle. From the flame, the candles can be filled with energy, restore their strength.

Energy protection against vampires

Energy defense methods

Esoterics believe that it is easy to protect against the vampire personality, if you know about its intentions. As soon as you realize that in front of you, you put a mental barrier between him and you. It can be a wall of brick or concrete, a glass sphere, a mirror dome with a reflective side outside.

It is important to keep emotional equilibrium, not to annoyance and not splash out your emotions: I need to make it too much from you. Even if some Ham in the tram frankly explicit your attitude to you in obscene form, do not react. It will first be difficult to implement, but as the problem is aware of the problem, you can adjust your behavior.

It is very important to cut off the channel outflow channel. It can be done very simple: stop thinking about scrutain and remember it. Imagine that there is a cord or a slog between you and it - and convert it. Clear the hose than you like: you can imagine that it burned. The thought of man is material. Remember this and direct your thoughts into the right track.

Prayer protection

Protection against energy vampires with prayer is a wonderful charm. Prayers protect a person from negative energies. If you suffered from a vampire actions, read the prayer:

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After that, imagine a double-edged knife in your hand and make a movement that imitating the vampire channel wrap. Since you do not know where it is located, chopping the space around him - in a circle.

This prayer from vampires needs to be read in the morning and before bedtime. In the morning - to protect, in the evening - for cleansing.

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Do not forget to read ours every day. This is the only prayer that Christ originated to people. In difficult cases, they read the "Father our" 40 times in a row. You can listen to prayer in the record.

Protective Sasha.

If the energy vampire lives in your home, make protective sachets from herbs. To do this, take a canvas bag or turn the gauze into several layers. Put the following ingredients there:

  • Rosehip flowers;
  • Pink petals (white);
  • ash leaves;
  • dry grass chastard;
  • aspen leaves;
  • Sheluha garlic;
  • feather crows;
  • pepper pepper;
  • Silver object.

The bag make the red cord and wear with you constantly in the bag. When communicating with the energy vampire, it is necessary to touch Sasha.

However, no protection will help you if you respond to a vampire call. Do not give in to the provocations, do not respond to brands, even do not make comments. Emotional void is the worst punishment for a vampire and the best charm for you.

Prayer from energy vampires

Vampire protection ritual

In order not to become a victim of ghoul, you need to defense. The ritual is performed very simply, but requires concentration and concentration.


  • white paper sheet;
  • simple white candle and matches;
  • Feltaster or feathers handle;
  • Metal tray.

The ritual is held at sunset on any day of the descending moon (see the calendar). You must stay alone, take a shower and wear clothes without fasteners and belts. You should not be some kind of hot objects - rings, chains, earrings, bracelets and hairpins. Hair dissolve, it is better to stay barefoot or in x / b socks.

These preparations are very important, as you will operate with energies. Energy is needed free course, and the incoming items distort its current. The cleanliness of the body is also important: traces of sweat distort the information component of human energy.

Light a white candle from the match, put in the candlestick on a free table (remove all items from it). Put a sheet with a handle in front of you, read a prayer or mantra and draw an equilateral cross.

Now you must represent how all the energy from the space flows into the symbol of the cross. This energy is very powerful, it literally boils and fills the space with its vibrations. This energy may have a color, and maybe absolutely transparent - it does not matter.

When you feel that the cosmos energy filled the cross, say:

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Fit the leaf from the match and see how paper burns. At this time, it is necessary to feel how the powerful energy of the universe flows into your heart and fills the force. When paper burns, tell me:

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Extinguish the candle and hide. When there is a need, ignite and imagine the strength of the universe that protects you.

Mirror defense

Mirrors have very effective protection. They have the property to reflect negative promises of ill-wishers. The mirror must be hung on the chest in the form of a coast. You can order a small round mirror in the workshop and make any rim for him. Only drove a hole in the mirror is not necessary: ​​the charm must be integer. Wear a mirror amulet with a reflective side outside.

The principle of action of such a guard is simple: any attempt of a mental or energy attack will be sent back, that is, reflected. The amulet must be hidden under clothing, directly touch with your body.

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