What dreams to drive in the car by dream books Vanga, Freud, Tsvetkov


For many available and necessary transport now is a car. The car implements our need everywhere and at the same time feel comfortable and confident. For someone, this is a tool for making money, and someone helps to embody the most audacious desires, emphasizing the status and authority of the owner. Driving in the car often dreams at night, for what such a dream will tell dream interpreters.

Nadya's car, and not bad. General interpretation

Most often symbolizes its own internal condition and physical body. By paying attention to what condition the car, what color, how and where it moves, who sits in it, you can say a lot about a dream. She can talk about your inexhaustible energy, move forward to a certain goal or, on the contrary, from an undesirable situation. This vehicle can also become a symbol of missed capabilities that you have been lazy to use. In any case, to get a detailed answer, you need to consider a specific dream situation.

For a woman, the car is not a luxury, but its means of promotion

In the female interpretation of the dream, where you are traveling in the car, shows your internal state of spirit, mood, shared energy and efficiency.

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A trip alone speaks of your workload of routine work, perhaps it is classes with children or housework. You are full of desire to stay in full solitude and for a while forget about everything. During this period, it is not worth a hurry to radically change everything in life or spontaneously destroy the relationship. It is recommended to take a vacation so that it is fully responsible to decide what to do next.

A married lady to go from the house - personifies the desire to take a break from family everyday affairs. You strive to change something in your life.

There is no unmarvel to go home - this is a zeal for family happiness, which is currently problematic for you because of excessive employment at work. Being driving at this moment shows your desire to control your business. You do not intend to transfer some of the cases to someone else, and your personal happiness suffers from this.

A trip by car to the void speaks of fear before changes in real life, which cannot be prevented.

A young person is a trip to a nice company - to get acquainted, love, a romantic date or journey. If you manage the car, the acquaintance will occur on your initiative.

Family in the car

Drive quickly and with the breeze - change will come very soon and in personal life, and in a career. Career growth can be so rapid that your self-confidence will begin to go. Fear rapid actions.

Self ride without rights - a sign of possible danger in reality. You should treat long-distance travel and accidental acquaintances with utmost care. There is a risk of fraud, deception or unpleasant situation on the road, from which you are released by having lost a rather large amount.

Riding next to the driver means your desire to shift real responsibility for your actions on someone else. You may be standing before taking some decision, but feel fear. Do not hurry, postpone this case for a while.

Being a car with a pretty young man in the cabin - a great reason to cook a wedding dress. Soon you will make a sentence. Marriage promises to be long and strong.

Machine loves mind and skillful men's hands

The car is symbolicly connected with the male beginning and embodies his physical condition and energy.

Sleep, where you are deemed a passenger's place on a trip, indicates your dependence on people and life circumstances. For you, it is preferable that your destiny led.

You see yourself the driver - it means you prefer to be guided by your principles and trust only your thoughts, your actions are absolutely independent of others.

Behind the wheel

Rather at speed - confidently move to your goal. Feel at the same time that the car is in your property - you are a clear owner of your reality and you have everything under control. Such a dream warns of an excess of self-confidence.

Rather at anywhere in a dream, but you feel peace and confidence - a great case to get rid of old fears and complexes. Going to open your own business - now the most suitable moment. Any of your undertaking will be successful and justified.

If driving was scary and the speed was high, it is a warning about the available risks and towing hazards.

The car can be any color, if this color is black

An important detail is the color of the car, which will reveal the nature of the owner, his intentions and actions.

Machine in a dream white and sparkling - a good sign. Good luck and glory await you. On the way, the pit did not disturb - to the absence of obstacles on the way to success.

Red convertible - a symbol of freezing, sexuality and eccentricity. If you are under your parent care, it's time to straighten your wings and go to a free flight. The time has come for personal exploits.

For a mature man, a red color means too much sexual activity. For a woman - a new love relationship.

The blue color of your petrol horse means an excessive trust partner and its ability to control you in everything and suppress. Be yourself more.

Black dreamed - a sign of warning about the fatal endowment of events. Be careful and careful in all areas.


Machine to master - it's easier way to win. Author dreams

Sigmund Freud

Any machine mechanism is a symbol of male strength and male dignity. An expensive and new means of movement is a sign of strength, influence and excessive ambitions. For a man, this is a sign of Alpha-male, his sexual needs are so high that he is used to have a relationship immediately with several women.


See yourself in a car that has stopped on a mountain peak - the prophecy of a fascinating journey that will bring acquaintance with useful people. These links will continue to bring you career growth and increase your income.

Being one of the passengers of a passenger car - to a fun party with old friends. If the only passenger you will come across a misunderstanding of close people in real life.

To see yourself in a car whose driver has lost control, - to a serious conflict in which colleagues for work or close friends are drawn.

Evgeny Tsvetkov

The general interpretation comes down to the reflection of the personal life of the dream, attitude with a partner or spouse. See yourself driving - to poverty and ruin. Being a passenger - passivity, infantility in personal, family life.

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