What dreams of looking out the window for dreams of Miller, Freud, Tsvetkov, Longo


The habit of many citizens does not overtake the windows of their apartments greatly enriches the life of a curious zooak, and just passerby. After a few minutes before the multi-storey house, and before your gaze will flash a piece of someone's life. Watching the window in dreams is also not uncommon. What is a dream, will be prompted by all-in-law dreams.

In the whole light, do not look back, the general interpretation

Watching the window - very symbolic sleep. This is, first of all, the desire to shed light on existing problems, get answers to the accumulated questions or see specific solutions. Such a sign more often comes to those whose situation does not tolerate deposits and there are ways for self-realization.

Girl looks out the window

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Window openings can show openness or closedness of the soul, characterize the behavior and intentions of the individual, the position to the surrounding world. This is a subconscious search for exit from the position, as well as a symbol of mental longing and disappointment.

Remembering the details and emotional dream color, one can explain more fully and exactly the picture of the night plot.

When a woman has opened doors, there is nothing to climb it through the window

Such a dream for a woman personifies hope, changes and the beginning of a new life period.

Watch, as you open the shutters, it means to get rid of parental care or release from an educational institution. You are ready to build your life strategy, but until you know where to start. Feel the fresh air goes to open the opening - get rid of someone else's influence that you are immensely. You are weaves a series of good change.

Open the window

Closed window space on the contrary - about your stagnation (stag) both in a professional plan and in personal life. The unrealisticity of your long-time intentions is reminded of yourself. Perhaps all your time goes to raise children and households. But the role exclusively a housewife is no longer suitable for you. Remember: everywhere there is a way out, for this there is a door.

Another interpretation speaks of the elect, not justifying those hopes that you pinned it. This will cause a feeling of insult, despair and hopelessness in the shower.

Sit on the windowsill and look down - warning about the danger from the greatest nonsense, the victim of which you can become. Recklessness and frivolity can break your life. Take up and choose another way.

Contempted broken glass in the frame - personifies your personal or family disappointment and belling. Perhaps the treason of a partner and the subsequent quarrel will cause parting with a close and expensive person.

Looking around in other people's windows, passing by someone's home, and see old and unsightly things - to failure in the project, which you have worked hard and stubbornly. You have not sufficiently predicted, calculated, and now the facts that were not guessed.

In the men's heart no window

For a man is associated with the exit and the beginning of something. In some interpretations, this is associated with birth and death.

To see the bird fighting the window - a bad sign indicating its own illness or a relative disease.

The openness of the space and the filling of the room with fresh air foreshadows, similar to the female scenario, only good changes and the beginning of the new cycle.

To contemplate how someone knocks on the frame from the street, - expect news.

It was harmful, as you stand at someone else's stained glass of the rich house, - to unforeseen financial expenses related to the wastefulness and treachery of an imaginary friend or partner. Competitors wish your complete ruin.

Broken glass in the window opening means your psycho-emotional depletion, spiritual longing, disappointment.

The visible female silhouette behind the glass foreshadows a meeting with a mysterious stranger. A date promises to be romantic and enjoyable.

Talking with a woman through the window - a sign of misunderstanding with the second half. You can't come to a general solution or find a compromise.

Closed shutters - obstacles in solving business and financial issues.

God will give, the window will give, copyright dreams

Sigmund Freud

Watch the window means to distance from the partner in real life. Your closure and silence interfere with harmony with your loved one. In an intimate plan, you are too complex and conservative, you lack romance and tenderness from the partner, but you do not decide to say about it, afraid to spoil relations.

Contemplation of broken glass in the frame is nothing good in the love sphere foreshadows. Your close relationship on the edge of the foul.

Miller's dense

Watching the window in a dream is interpreted as a forever end of brilliant hopes, disappointment, the search for truth and asceticism, disgrace from the worldly bustle. In your case, it seems to interfere with the evil rock - so much unpredictable trouble can happen at this time.

Yuri Longo

Observation of something from the stained glass shows your uncertainty. Your life is boring and uninteresting due to the fact that you really appreciate yourself. The development of these qualities will help to avoid using you by others for their own purposes.

Hand on window

Dreamed how to look in the opening and jump through the windowsill, - in real life, refuse to listen to someone else's point of view, just what you think for yourself. Own opinion is good quality, most importantly, it does not hurt, ignoring others.

To see the window handle and try to open it in order to release a cigarette smoke, - I urgently need to get rid of bad habits and bad influences.

David Lof.

Observation in the windows and contemplation seen through them in real life shows us how could the world be. It may be insidious or misleading, disappointing or promising protection from adversity. Can symbolize a person or a situation in which they would like to be now.

If the situation on the other side of the window is hostile in a dream, it's time in reality to overcome your fears and uncertainty of tomorrow. Such a plot can still mean the deceptiveness of life and the non-defense of the paths.

The subject of such night visions can serve as the beginning of the passage from this world in other. This may happen before a long disease or an accident. Such a picture is common among those who are engaged in astral projects and believes in the supernatural.

Evgeny Tsvetkov

Like most, the author sets out similar versions of the interpretation of a dream. Watching the street - waiting for change, from the street - the desire to expand their own horizons, to meet someone or something interesting; Open, opened window - getting rid of influence; Cracks on the glass - do not need to surrender, give hands, put up with circumstances.

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