What dreams to feed a dog in a dream by dreams Miller, Vangi, Medele


What dreams to feed the dog in a dream? Every dream interpretation is interpreted in its own way.

General toocle such dreams

  1. The domestic dog in most people is associated with devotion, loyalty. She is a symbol of friendship and love.
  2. The dog often visits us in a dream and is a good sign.
  3. Feeding these animals in a dream gives you to know that friends will always be helped with help in trouble.
  4. With interpretation of such dreams, it is necessary to take into account some features of such visions.


Interpretation Miller

  • If you feed a hungry dog, it's a good sign. Says about you as a trustworthy person. All things will depend on your solutions and skillful actions.
  • Rangered breadwinning dogs bread - do not wait for help from the side to solve your problems.
  • Kit your dog bread - you are waiting for pleasant news, joy.
  • You feed her, and she tries to bite you - they envy you. Those who you helped are ungrateful.
  • Feeding a puppy foreshadows you support, the appearance of a patron.

Dream Vangu

Speaks about your trustiness. You are a reliable and serious person, keep your word. Therefore, you are addressed to advice and help.

Female dream book

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Such a dream talks about the appearance of your true friend. You can completely trust him and open a joint job.

Russian People's Sonniest

  • Feeding a dog - delight and pleasure, your friend will not leave you in trouble.
  • Feed homeless - in the family is possible trouble and effort.
  • If you feed the bones, you will be able to get sick or you will have trouble.
  • If the hunting dog is to prosperity in business and business relationships. You have an influential friend, to support which you can count.

Interpretator of the 21st Century

Feed the dog - a harbinger of success, obtaining financial stability. Your position in society will go uphill.

New modern dream book

  • They fed bread a stray dog ​​- a manifestation of generosity in reality, to a meeting with a friend.
  • Fed a flock of homeless dogs - in your environment reliable and devoted people. They can always rely on them.
  • They gave her a bone - you will have a reliable friend in life.

Dog and baby

Egyptian dream book

She bit you when feeding - someone from your close environment is trying to harm you with the help of magic.

Lunar dream book

  • Cake from the hands of bread - you are waiting for a meeting with the old friend.
  • If the bread is dry, stale - this meeting will be both not in joy.
  • Fresh bread - Bulletin of joyful meeting.

Eastern Dream

  • You fed her cheese - you are waiting for success and prosperity. You will solve all things easily and quickly.
  • They are hungry, attack you. You throw them bones. You are surrounded by envious, their aggressive actions are possible with respect to you. Show vigilance to protect yourself on time.

Spring dream book

  • Cut the dog with meat - speaks of your generosity. Help people.
  • If it is yours, then you will help a friend if someone else's - you will ask for a stranger.

Dream Pastor Loffe

  • Cake your home dog - you are committed to keeping family well-being.
  • If this dog has long died, then you may have unresolved problems. This dream reminds you that they need to be solved quickly.

Sonniest Medea

Woman feeds a big breast dog. So she sacrifiously, with their security, helps other people.

Interpretation from other sources

  • Any aggressive behavior of the dog in a dream when it feeds is a muster of hypocrisy of your friends.
  • If she also bites you at the same time, you have envious. Show more vigilance at new acquaintances, do not wait for counterpart from those who have supported at one time.

For the correct interpretation of sleep matters what you fed the dog in a dream.

Food for dog

  • Bread - Friends will not leave you. They remember all the good things that you did for them at one time. If you need it - we will provide you with the necessary help.
  • Meat is the reputation of your good name under the threat. Someone is interested in undermining your authority.
  • Fish - unexpected news will in the near future will delight you.
  • Sausage - friends and close to you appreciate, respect. You can trust secrets, you can rely on you.
  • Bones - on the spiritual level you have emptiness, loneliness. In the near future a person will appear who will help you get rid of it.
  • Drying - your efforts will not disappear. They will bring you their fruits soon, you are always honored.

For a more accurate interpretation of dreams, the color of the dog is important, her suit

  • Black - promises you career growth at work. It will require considerable effort from you, but it is worth it.
  • Brown - Possible meeting with a woman, a wonderful evening in her company.
  • White - promises you material freedom, independence.
  • Homeless - in family, personal life there may be problems that you successfully solve.
  • A big dog is to a possible pleasant surprise from friends and loved ones.
  • Hunting - only a firm intention and determination in actions will bring you the desired success. There will be no time on meditation.

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