Card by date of birth Tarot: value and decryption how to apply


Learn what your Tarot card is on the date of birth, and you can better understand your personality. The selected Arcan will indicate the strengths and weaknesses, will tell the features of relationships with others and much more.

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How to calculate the tarot card by date of birth

To determine the tarot card by date of birth, you need to make simple numerological calculations. Consider an example.

Decryption by date of birth

For example, you were born on October 16, 1991:

  1. Calculate the first number - it corresponds to the number of birth. If this date is less than 25, we leave unchanged. If more, we subtract 22. In our example, the number of birth is sixteen.
  2. The second number is calculated by folding the numbers of the date of birth: 1 + 6 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 1 = 28. Since the number is greater than 22, deduct: 28-22 = 6. This will be the second number.
  3. The third number is calculated by adding the numbers of the date of birth, month and year. The first number is 16, the second - 10, third - 1 + 9 + 9 + 1 = 20. We summarize the three of the resulting values: 16 + 10 + 20 = 46. We continue the calculation: 46-22 = 24, 24-22 = 2.

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As a result, we got three numbers: 16, 6, 2. They correspond to the arkanam of the Tower, Lovers and Priestesses.

Decryption by date of birth

Tarot birth date

What will tell every number:

  1. The first is the most important arcan. It shows what features of the character are characteristic of a person, brighter only manifests itself and have the greatest impact on behavior. Sometimes indicates talents, data from nature.
  2. The second number has a hidden meaning. It shows the qualities of the person who hides, does not understand, most often they are invisible others. Also, this Arcan will indicate a calling and purpose.
  3. The third number complements the value of the two previous ones. This is the least pronounced personality qualities.

The value of arcanes by date of birth

Numerological calculation tarot

After you calculated all three numbers and realized what they mean, read the decryption of each Arcana:

  • 1 Magic - a sociable person who does not represent life without actively communicating. Very creative, there may be hidden magical abilities. Dark sides of the personality - a tendency to fraud and quarrel.
  • 2 priesses - a person is incredibly sensitive. Loves to take care and help people, flicke their psycho-emotional state. Good psychologist and teacher. Dark sides of the personality - pessimism, a tendency to energy vampirism, complaints, whining, unpredictability of reactions.
  • 3 Empress is an excellent wife or approximate family man. Really looks at life, sexy, it is capable of earning well. Dark sides of the individual - a tendency to free relations, the inability to control their emotions.
  • 4 Emperor - a person controlling, hyperial, loves order in everything, responsible and energetic. Lovely politician and leader. The dark side of the person is manifested in stubbornness, aggression, perfectionism.
  • 5 The hierophant is a person who always listens and give a good advice. Excellent teacher, psychologist, spiritual mentor. In a dark manifestation - a liar and hypocrite, devoid of spirituality and moral principles.
  • 6 Lovers - charming, good and cheerful people, are successful at the opposite sex, beautiful friends. The negative manifestation is constantly becoming participants in love triangles, complexities are incapable of serious relationships.
  • 7 The chariot is a brave, active, confident man, firmly standing on his legs. Adjusts movement, change, travel. In the dark manifestation of a lazy, cowardly and restless person.
  • 8 justice - a composure and balanced person, endowed with a sober mind. The ideal type of activity is the jurisprudence. In a dark manifest, an immoral person with complex karma.
  • 9 Hermit - Very wise, developed spiritually man who is above all appreciated privacy, calm and harmony in everything. But it may be overcome egoistic, sullen, experience problems in communications with the world and people.
  • 10 Wheel Fortune. Increlated optimism, energetic and active. In a negative manifestation, it can become very passive, fear of change and live past, fearing to step into a happy future.
  • 11 Power is a purposeful and confident man, reaches, often an athlete. With a negative side, there may be a lazy and fatalist who do not want to do something for positive changes in life.
  • 12 Hung - wise, smooth, a little slow man, prone to creativity. In a negative manifestation, there can be illusions and live in pink glasses. Indentantly aroused quite often.
  • 13 Death is a very strong energy personality, may have extrasensory abilities. Excellent military, medium. In a negative manifestation there is a tendency to alcoholism or drug addiction, dependence on the abuser.
  • 14 Moderation - a person loves animals, very soft and calm, kind. But it can be either extremely passive or, on the contrary, hot-tempered and unbalanced.
  • 15 The devil is damn attractive and sexy, easily seduces and falls in love with himself. In a dark manifestation, it can turn into a cunning manipulator and bring harm to people.
  • 16 Tower is an active and active person who does not like to sit still, often changes the mood and offended. In a negative manifestation, it may be mixed in illegal affairs, to experience problems with the psyche, risk life into bearing.
  • 17 Star - very creative, sophisticated, spiritual person. In the dark manifestation, the grind, lazy, landing on life, without noticing all its charms.
  • 18 Moon is a talented artist in some sphere of art, has a well-developed intuition. With a negative side, she lives under the authority of fears, wasteful, is impractical, may be a hurry for drugs or alcohol.
  • 19 Sun is a bright person, which is important to be the center of attention. He loves and appreciates comfort in everything surrounds herself with beautiful things. In a negative manifestation, it can become very selfish, moreover, insecure in itself and compacted.
  • 20 Court - a symbol of wisdom and deep spirituality, needs to be recognized by others. The negative manifestation lives one day, unstable, sets many debts.
  • 21 World is a stable person who exceeds only calm and dimension, personality with clean karma. In a negative manifestation can be lazy and run away from problems, without noticing fateful opportunities and chances.
  • 22 The jester is a powerful natural nature, magical abilities can be developed. The discoverer, the Creator, usually with an unusual destiny, loves traveling. From a dark side can be nervous, stupid, with a distinguished psyche, eccentric.

Watch video about Numerological alignment on tarot by date of birth:

When deciphering, pay attention not only to the favorable sides of the personality, but also on its possible negative qualities. It is a "noise" of the character, which you need to know that at the right moment you can save control over yourself.

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