Razorka by photo alone


Razorka is a popular ceremonial community magic. This term is called a ritual aimed at the guidance of quarrels, conflicts, swearing, which ultimately leads to a break in relations and their final rupture.

The action of the cutting spreads most often on the love sphere, but only this is not limited. Applying this rite, you can quarrel friends, relatives, colleagues, partners in general case.


There are quite a lot of ways to carry out the cutting - each of them has its own advantages. Hardly the most common ritual from this group is considered to be Razorka by photography. Its popularity is due to the simplicity of execution, relatively easy access to the main magical artifact (photographs) and good performance.

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To make even a man who had not appealed to the help of magic before. But for this you need to carefully examine all the subtleties of such rites and be sure to take them into account when direct transition to practical action.

Any such rituals are designed for the destruction of relationships, so they are mostly carried out in the period of decreasing moon. However, there are some rituals that guarantee a powerful impact on the condition of their full moon.

Requirements for photos

In order for Razorka to work as it should and your efforts were not in vain, with all seriousness, we will take care of the selection of the desired photo. What should he be? Two basic requirements:
  1. Only those whose relationships need to be spoiled and destroying should be depicted in the photo; There should be no extraneous people who do not have anything to rite. There should also be no animals.
  2. The age of the photograph is no more than six months. Remember the one rule: the age of a person in the photo should coincide with his real age in life at the moment.

If you get the desired photo is not possible, the condition of some rites allows the use of a sheet of paper instead of it on which the names of the victims are written. At the same time, it is still necessary to apply the visualization to the full extent and in the process of the ritual to represent in its imagination the most clearly of those who need to embroil them. However, the effect in this case will be much weaker, and maybe even get out so that the Razorka does not work at all.

Methods of raking on the photo on their own

The easiest option

This is a very simple method of cutting on salt that does not require any conspiracy. All you have to have available is a photo where your favorite man and your opponent is captured together.

Razorka on salt

On the descending Moon, the joint photograph of the couples fall asleep salt and leave in a secluded place inaccessible to other people's eyes and hands. The salt will gradually eat the image, and at the same time will begin to deteriorate the relationship between lovers.

On a couple

This ritual is characterized by a high force, so before using it, take care of pre-mentioned about its magical protection. To hold the rite you will need a photo of the pair you want to embroil.

The execution of the grill is in 2 stages:

  1. Take the photograph and tear it on small nurses, saying the words of the conspiracy on the racmill: "So that you are, forever broke up, the stead of each other".
  2. Received pieces burn, formed ashes, collect and entertain the wind, saying the following words in the process: "As the ashes in the wind, so and (men and women names) Spread and part. How not to become ash paper and (men and women names) one can not become one.

Important to obtain the desired result conditioning condition - visualization. Reading the conspiracy, clearly and in detail, see how they quarrel and conflict the victims of the rite, as these quarrels and conflicts lead to the termination of love relationships and parting.

On friend friends

Razorka is performed using joint photos of friends (or you can take a photo of each of them separately) and a black candle. Procedure:

  1. Wait for midnight. Once it comes, burn a black candle.
  2. Fill your thoughts of negative energy, focus on negative emotions (hatred, rage, anger) and try to transfer it all to people depicted on the photograph. At the same time, pronounce a plot: "How are you, (friends names) , Comrade-Friends, together went everywhere, share joy and sorrows deliri. From now on and forever, you do not sit together, you don't look at each other, not to be, not to drink, not to drink, just go to the enemies. Let it be".
  3. Saying the above words, browse the photo into a lot of small pieces. The resulting groces burn in the candle flame. Place the candle, ashes from the photograph (photos) let the wind.

This ritual is considered to be strong and starting to work immediately after conducting.

Possible consequences

If everything is done correctly, then the key consequence of the cutting in the photo will be a deterioration of relations between people as a result of constant exhausting quarrels and conflicts, and the reasons for discord will be literally from nowhere. As a result, it comes soon.

The consequences of the brief

In addition, the likelihood of "side effects" is great, characteristic of all rituals:

  • Weakening of health;
  • development of psychological problems and various complexes;
  • scattered;
  • difficulties in financial and labor areas;
  • headaches and anxiety;
  • Irritability and aggression.

For another rite, look in the video:

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