Lapel in a photo that can not be removed


Revolutionary love magic was in demand at all times, especially among the female half of humanity. Outwashes were also offended, abandoned wives, and mistresses, hung on other people's husbands, and all who needed to stop the unwanted love relationship between people.


What is the essence of the photography challenge?

Perhaps one of the most popular among the rituals of this group is the style of the photo. The minimum of effort, the relatively easy accessibility of the desired photograph (especially with the development of modern Internet technologies and social networks), a quick and effective result - features that determine the demand of this rite.

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The action of the photo is directed to the weakening of energy ties between people, with the result that the feelings and discord take place in the relationship, which ultimately lead to a rupture. The result from the ritual usually manifests itself within a few days after its commission.

Like all rites with a devastating effect, the lascory is most often performed during the period of decreasing moon. The photo used for the ritual must be fresh (not older than 1 year) and clear, without outsiders or animals. As a last resort, if there is no desired photograph, you can independently draw the image of the disgraced people on a clean sheet and sign their names. Of course, the result in this case will be much weaker, the lapse can not even work at all.

Depending on the purpose of the magic impact, three main types of ritual are distinguished:

  • Lapel over the photo from the rival (rival);
  • Lapel husband from wife (wife from her husband) in the photo;
  • Overhead yourself from a man (women) in the photo.

The most dangerous and risky (due to the manifestation of negative consequences) is considered the second type of rituals, when the lapse is made on a married couple, especially if the family is strong and happy. The probability of rollback for the artist (or customer) of the ritual in this case is practically 100%. I also do not recommend you to make a lapse, based on their revenge, careful and hatred - Believe me that you will have to regret in your future in the future and, perhaps, pay all my life. The law of karma does not know the mercy and will surely be played on you on the full program.

How to make an allot on your own photo?

Title from the rival in collaboration

The fulfillment of the ritual requires a joint photo of a man and women who need to be separated, as well as a black candle. Procedure:

  1. Light a candle.
  2. Photographs tear off in half a single movement - so as to share a man and a woman depicted on it. When you break, say a conspiracy: "How not together you are more in the photo, and not to go next to life. Under the roof, one can not live, at the table one is not there, not to drink, in bed, one does not lie, do not love and get together. Till the end of time".
  3. Fold together two halves of photos and start tearing them into small nurses. In the process of investing all its negative emotions, all the accumulated malice and hatred for a rival.
  4. When only small pieces remain from the photograph, fill them with wax from the candle, reading a plot: "I fill with waxed, I break your fragments to your fragments, I fix the fragments. You do not connect again again, you again do not love. Like a cat with a cat, like a cat with a cat, you will bite, you will only fight, do not love you forever and not tolerate. May it be so".
  5. Take the candle, wait until the wax hardens. Sleeping from wax and pieces of the photograph to the forest and scream in crude ground.

Black candle

Stock Photo for the return of her husband in the family

For this rite, get the fresh photo of the rival. Prepare also sharp scissors. Procedure:
  1. Take a photo of the rival and keep it with scissors in several places, but so that the photo does not fall into pieces. Think at this time only about the return of the spouse and about your hatred for his mistress.
  2. After completing the manipulation with scissors, the rugged photo immediately drop into the garbage basket and go to the nearest garbage container. Pour the contents of the garbage basket to the container (together with the photograph, of course) and say at the same time: "Like this litter comes out of the house and swept away and your image, (Rival name) will disappear forever from my man's head (husband's name) and dissolve. "

The first results of this discharge rite will appear within a few weeks.

Lapel by photos

It is used when you need to stop your own feelings for a man - unrequited, bringing misfortune and bitterness. The rite is used if the feelings for a person arose naturally, without magical intervention.

Preliminary water preparation is required. Water needs to be taken from a natural source (spring), pour it into a crystal vessel and charge the lunar energy in full moon, 3 days in a row - by 14, 15 and 16 moon days. To do this, the vessel with water is set to the Moonlight after the moon's sunrise and removes after the night of the night shone (I specify the exact time by the calendar) - and so all 3 days. It is necessary that you yourself configure themselves these days right - try to feel cold and alienation to the lover, get rid of all the gifts and his personal things presented to them. Start the rite after the moonwater is ready.

full moon

For the ritual, take the charged water, a photo of a former beloved person, a black or blue candle, a black cloth flap. Undress Donag. Photo Wrap a black cloth, put on the table, place a vessel with water and a candle. Candle will burn and ask your words with the moon. Expand the photo and sprouting several times on it. Slim conspiracy: "Away from my heart, (Men's name) Lucky Away from my life, (Men's name) Lucky Away from my thoughts (Men's name) ”. Repeat the words as many times as you consider it necessary (listen to the inner voice).

Then burn the photograph in the flame of the candle. Formed ashes, soda is your forehead and heart zone. Balances Collect and wrap in the flap of the fabric. Fix over the water, moisten the fingertips in it, okeets, smelted by ashes, with the words: "Moon, sadness and longing to see me with me!" . After completing the rite, extinguish the breath of the candle, wash yourself with a clean towel, get into the clean (either new) clothing and lie to bed. The rite is considered very strong. If the effect seems to you weak, you can repeat it for another month.

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