What is the dream beads for dreams of Freud, Miller, Vangu, Tsvetkov


Bright and colored items in dreams are often found. To understand what the beads are shot, you need to decompose all the details. The value is color, material, decoration length, bead size, variety of stone stone. The more information you remember, the deeper and more accurate will be an interpretation in dreams.

Beads in a dream: what predicts

The symbol of consecutive incidents that are closely interconnected with each other. It may be a series of unfavorable moments or, on the contrary, a white strip when you successfully cope with circumstances. Multi-row decorations promise a lot of events.

Bright and elegant products guarantee a good lane in life. Corrected and unbroken - to dreary weekdays, small quarrels and trouble. Scary, ugly promise a lane of failures. The more beads on the thread, the events will be longer.

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Crawing or torn beads are not your fault - the sign that the planned events in life will be upset. If you try to search and collect scattered, everything will end the deplorable, stop, all that is done - for the better.

Torn the thread intentionally, and the bunches of the balls fell on the floor - a very good sign, threw away your problems back.

If you do not go into details, some modern dreams associate beads with tears. Perhaps they play the role of the feeling and mood of the dream. Feel the product on the neck - ignore for a long time signals about the deterioration of health. Choosing to experience, close in the neck or severity - the faithful factor of deterioration and neglence. Your pace of life and the mode of work is late to revise, he has already made his destructive action.

What are the beads for men and women

A man is gathering to try on a necklace and fluctuate - unfavorable: internal depletion, decay of forces and energy can cause big health problems. In the morning you should mentally thwart the beads and revise the current routine and the day of the day.

On the hand of beads

Greeting a man that chooses the decoration as a gift, but it will not be determined with the choice - it does not decide to make an offer to the contender of hands and hearts, pulls into marriage. You need to stop and start living in real, otherwise miss the time.

The young girl was dreamed of beads, which gives a loved one, - the gracious period comes, she is on the way to a happy family life. But if he scattered, wait for adversity and the problems that herself created himself. Your rapid acts and behavior will break happiness.

The oscillation of the girl about the choice of beads as a gift says that in life she cannot stop the choice on one of the fans.

Sell ​​or buy decorations, going through the bundles, means that you are extremely extremely having troubles and useless things.

They saw bright and beautiful beads in the store showcase, but you can not afford them, "this is an unexpected, but quite a material gift.

If a woman saw a bundle beads from large stones on her neck and admire them - she is waiting for a major transaction, possibly with real estate or buying an expensive car.

The girl lost a fastener from Bus - a quarrel with a beloved will be long.

Color, Composition and Other Properties

Bright, attractive, from precious stones Decoration Dreams are associated with a luxurious and satisfying life of a dream.

If in a dream of a woman appears for amber, family life will only please you. The faithful husband and obedient children surround your hearth.

Agate - to financial income, profit can come the most unexpected way, whether it is a gift from partners or a lottery money won.

Bead bead beads - a warning about the uselessness of your undertakings, it is worth changing the direction of your activity. It may be a change in the kind of activity or hobby, and possibly the opening of another business specifics.

Pearls appears - wait for success in all life spheres. Colleagues will envy you that everything works for you perfectly, management will appreciate the award, real love will meet on the threshold of your home.

White beads

If you go through pearls, it points to your indecision. There are a lot of temptations, but sooner or later you have to make a choice of the second half and make a decision.

White - a sign of bright and good intentions towards you. The human influence supports you, contributing to career growth or development. He disinterestedly and finally tries to make the quality of your life better.

Red decoration - to the slope of feelings. Passion and desires overwhelm relationships with lover. And it also applies to couples who lived for many years together.

Black color can be perceived. For some, this is a sign of sadness and grief, and someone is a symbol of power, confidence and constancy. Here you need to proceed from the preferences and traditions of the dream.

Author dreams

Miller's dense

Bright and new beads - to gain gratitude and generally recognition. Find, pick up the decoration from the ground - to the expectation of a new dizzying novel.


Torn and scattered beads hint at the inconsistent troubles and depressive state. Fitting of jewelry is your doubts about the correctness of the decision, the revision of priorities and life principles that prevent you from revealing and cause complexes.

Sigmund Freud

Fake stones in decoration are a warning about the fake feelings of your partner, it is looking for entertainment and diversity on the side. Loss - to separation from the beloved. For a couple - to a marriage process.

Get as a gift: For a girl - a sign of confession, a man sees an ideal sexual partner in her and is ready for her. The larger the decoration, the generous will be in love and the more expensive there will be his gifts.

If you broke the beads in a dream, somewhere near the rival, which prevents your relationship with a man and dreams to eliminate you.


Multicolored large products will bring joyful events in the life of your children and other relatives. Catch through the bundle bus - a decision-making symbol, you are searching for the right choice and stand at the crossroads. Whatever choice you do, it will be true.

Buying in the store is a good sign, it will be possible to realize a profitable deal. Sell ​​beads means getting rid of what was for you for a burden and long ago.

Evgeny Tsvetkov

Personifies sadness and tears. The decoration was crumbled - your despondency from the possible separation with your beloved. In addition, it may be a precursor collapse of your plans and designs. If you collected beads, but could not find them all, to recover after a series of troubles are not fair.

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