What dreams Watermelon: Interpretation of Miller's dreams, Freud, Vangu


In general, watermelon in a dream is a favorable sign indicating that soon you will achieve success that your efforts will not be in vain that you are waiting for a breakdown strip saturated with pleasant and joyful moments. Nevertheless, many dream books interpret the disinterested watermelon as not a very good symbol, so it's not right after this sleep relaxed hands, hoping that everything will be fine, because you will achieve success, only if you attach enough effort.

Watermelon dreams

What dreams Watermelon in the dream of Miller

  • If you saw watermelon in a dream, you will soon visit inspiration, you will experience a creative approach and feeling that you will succeed. You want to write, draw, sing, compose, depending on your hobby or work, you will feel like a creative person.
  • If you bought or choose watermelon, you should avoid speaking solutions taken thoughtlessly.
  • If you yourself grown watermelon, it means that it is important for you to complete successfully.
  • The dream that you broke the watermelon will dream of debt returns, even those that you seemed to be, you will never be returned.
  • If in a dream you are if the watermelon, but he was unrude and tasteless, then for a man it may mean a meeting with a woman with which you will have difficult relationships for which you will have to act as a teacher. A woman like a dream warns that a possible risky plan that you have conceived, hardly gets to translate because of the obstacles arising on the path.

What dreams of watermelon in modern dream book

  • To see a very big watermelon in a dream - an unexpected departure awaits you to trouble.
  • If you were ate watermelon, you should pay attention to your health and prepare for obstacles.
  • If you treat someone with watermelon, the circumstances will be reacted for you as it is impossible.
  • If the watermelon was good and ripe, then soon you will visit some festival, maybe even in honor of the wedding.

What dreams Watermelon in the dream book Freud

Watermelon himself, Freud, symbolizes the highest peak of pleasure during sexual intercourse, that is, orgasm, as well as breasts and buttocks.

  • If in a dream you disappeared watermelon, it indicates that in real life you can easily reach orgasm and not ignore your partner.
  • If you dreamed like you eat watermelon, then soon expect pleasant incredible sensations.
  • The cutting of watermelon symbolizes deprivation of virginity, violence during sexual intercourse. It may also mean that you are very rarely achieving orgasm and often pretend to not upset the partner. You are not to blame. You should talk with your partner and think together why it happens. Usually, men after such a conversation begin to pay more attention to the partner and pre-caress.
  • A piece of watermelon in a dream is a symbol of active sex life, often without parsing. Numerous number of partners and connections.
  • The eating mature, sweet watermelon symbolizes passionate sex, and immature - innocence.
  • If in a dream you put the watermelon juice, it indicates your desire to have children.

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Watermelon on Table

Watermelon in Dmitry's dream book and winter hopes.

  • Women's watermelon dreams of emergency pregnancy, but men do not foreshadow anything good - you only think that the foundation of your plans is durable, but in fact you will not hurt to further modify them. Behind the expectations can be disappointed, it is too early to expect success.
  • If you are sick and you dream of how you eat a ripe delicious watermelon, you will soon go to the amendment, health will work out. But if the watermelon was misappropriate, then it is too early to postpone the treatment, the peak of the disease is only ahead.

Watermelon by Dream Vangu

  • If the watermelon was a huge size, then you are able to make any discovery in science that will glorify you.
  • If in a dream you cut the watermelon in pieces, then you should begin to behave more modestly and generously with people, as they often take offense to your calculating actions.
  • If you cut the watermelon, but it turned out to be green, you'd rather not start the risky plans that you have conceived, because you are not yet ready for their embodiment.

According to esoteric dreamy

Watermelon in a dream indicates that you lack in the body of liquids. From this can help various herbal infusions and teas.

Juicy watermelon in a dream

According to the general dream

  • If you saw watermelon in a dream, your business offer will not be appreciated, and, most likely, few people will support it.
  • If you dreamed that you eat watermelon, expect troubles that you would not bring anything. And if in your dream, watermelon ate someone else, it means that there is a waste of strength expects him.
  • A man, in a dream, who gave you a watermelon, stroke and hurts your business, better beware of it.
  • If the watermelon presented you, then soon you will have a chance to harm someone from your colleagues. Do it or not, only depends on you.
  • If you accidentally dropped the watermelon and he crashed, the problems will pass by you, you should not worry.

By dream of the XXI century

  • Having dreamed, Watermelon foreshadows you a series of small troubles and failures. He can also dream of unexpected departure or replenishment in the family.
  • The man of watermelon warns about the strip of bad luck, and the girl speaks of a possible soon marriage.
  • Buy watermelon in a dream - not the best sign, as he says it will be difficult for you to stay from rash actions, but they will rather harm you than help.
  • If in a dream you ate watermelons, get ready for a difficult period. Nevertheless, the patient is a dream about how he eats watermelon, guarantees early recovery.
  • A favorable sleep is the one in which you saw Bakhchi, full watermelons, as it symbolizes abundance. Soon, you will have what you need, and with sufficiency.

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