What dreams of Birch in the dreams of Freud, Miller, Chinese dreams


You can relate to dreams seriously, and you can not give them any much importance. Anyway, you have seen in a dream can tell a lot not only about yourself, but also about what awaits you in the future. How to understand what is the dream of a particular object, if every dream gives his interpretation? Always rely on intuition and listen to the description to which the soul lies.

dream of Bereza

Birch in a dream almost always symbolizes unexpected joy, a pleasant surprise. But this concerns only a live green tree. Dry or broken birches promises failures and loss, with an intangible plan. If in a dream you cut a birch, this is a warning about a possible incorrect solution that will make harm to you and your loved ones.

Birch Grove

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Sleep value directly depends on different parts. We disassembled the general meaning of the doned lonely birch. What does the whole birch grove mean?

If you see a birch forest in the distance, it speaks of a favorable and reliable environment. This means that you can easily rely on people close to you. If you see yourself walking along a birch grove, expect high-speed dating and successful deals. If you are lost among Berez, then you should not worry. This is a precursor to the significant growth of your income and strengthening the material condition.

Birch Grove

Autumn Grove, where you are surrounded by naked trees or birch, from which leaves fall, - the harbinger of loss. If you see such a dream, then be careful in choosing those who should be trusted. It is better to refuse to conclude transactions and contracts, most likely they will only bring problems.

More lush, but already yellowed foliage in the grove warns of possible separation from his beloved person. If such a grove shakes the wind, wait for the breaking of the relationship, painful for both of you.

To see the spring grove in a dream, in earrings and young foliage, this is a very good sign. This is a symbol of well-being and success in all matters, both financial and cordial. If in a dream you collect birch juice or do some scubrons on the trunks, then pay attention to your health. It does not foreshadow serious problems, but requires a certain attention.

Birch in dreams of men and women

Many of our, domestic, dream books determine the birch as a symbol of innocence, purity and female beauty. If a woman had to see a birch in a dream, then it is rather not a warning about anything, and the sign that everything goes correctly. Birch is dreaming of women mainly in those moments when their feminine is revealed as much as possible.

The man of birch in a dream promises a meeting with a representative of the beautiful sex and the possibility of relatives with her relationship. Sometimes it is a kind of hint: Pay attention to the girls around you, among them and hiding the same.

Birch in a dream - interpretation of various dreams

As we said, different dreams are attributed to the same objects a completely different meaning. It is impossible to say that one interpretation is more correct, one dream book is worse or better. All of them are relying on popular experience, psychology and knowledge of human nature. What is the dream of birch, according to different sources?

What does birch mean in a dream

Dream Interpretation Z. Freud.

Z. Freud does all import a few intimate plan. According to his dream book, birch, dreamed of a girl, foreshadows a quick love adventure. Such a dream warns about the occurrence of a given new stage of your life.

For an adult woman Birch - a sign of a close meeting with an inexperienced and naive man. We are not talking about particularly close contact, although this option is not excluded.

In a dream, a man of birch symbolizes his desire to meet a young girl. As a rule, it is an expression of desire, but not a warning about the meeting itself.

Chinese dream book: Birch

Chinese wise men of one of the first engaged in the interpretation of dreams. Their dreams are among the most ancient. Therefore, many are preferred to them.

In addition to innocence, for the Chinese birch symbolizes strong and stable relationships. Blooming tree in a dream - sign of a strong union between loving. For lonely people, this is a hint of the proximity of the long-awaited meeting.

Broken birch foreshadows disease or death of a loved one. Dry tree - harbinger of conflicts and misunderstanding between lovers.

Value of Birch in the dream of G. S.Miller

Mystic G.H.Miller gives birch the following meaning:
  • Green healthy birch either birch in early autumn means you will be disappointed in something. This means that for you will lose the significance of what was once valuable;
  • Winter birch, dried or even birch logs - punishment. Will have to pay for incorrect actions;
  • To see in a dream, how you climb on the birch, then anticipate trouble soon.

Ukrainian People's Dream Interpretation: Birch

What dreams of birch on ancient Ukrainian beliefs? These dreams argue that Birch is an unexpected success, joy. If you see how you come to Birch, - Punishment for the misdemeanor of the past.

To climb in a dream on Berezu means to experience pleasant difficulties leading to significant successes. Dry, dead tree - grief, trouble and heavy shocks.

Which interpretation to believe is only you. Only depends on you, to believe in the value of dreams at all. But even modern science agrees that the dream man sees not just like that. Be careful to yourself and to the fact that your own consciousness is trying to convey.

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