How to determine if there is a damage or evil eye


How to determine if there is a damage or evil eye on a person? There are proven and fairly simple ways to do it yourself, at home. What exactly needs to be done? Let's talk in detail.

how to determine whether there is a damage or evil eye

Is there a evil eye - how to find out on external signs?

First of all, it is worth searching for the symptoms of damage or the evil eye, which can be expressed as follows:
  • The desire to contact with others, including with relatives and close people, disappears. Society of friends and just acquaintances becomes simply unbearable. Man avoids any social life.
  • Irritation and indignation on trifles. You are angry and shout, then fall into depression and despondency. Negative emotions reach peak and accompany constantly.
  • There are problems in the family and in the working team. Lack of mutual understanding, quarrels on trifles, the inability to find compromises.
  • Fobies and fears that were not previously appeared. A person can suddenly begin to be afraid of darkness, closed spaces, a large cluster of people.
  • The character changes dramatically. If a person was cheerful and active, becomes closed and lackless.
  • Without visible reasons, friends and other close people are removed from you. Negative personalities and notorious "energy vampires" fall into the near surroundings.
  • Health deteriorates without reasons, and doctors are only bred by their hands, cannot determine the source of the disease. Traditional diagnostics does not help.
  • You can start hearing foreign voices, invisible to others. Hearing hallucinations begin, which over time are gaining strength.
  • You constantly accompany the feelings of fatigue, apathy, powerlessness. I don't want to do anything, the significance of life disappears. Suicidal thoughts may occur.

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If you have found one or two signs, the reason may not be in sparrel. Probably, the whole thing is in emotional overvoltage. But if the symptoms are quite a lot, and there is no weighty cause for them, you can beat the alarm.

If damage or evil eye? How to learn folk methods

There are many ways to detect traces of negative magical intervention in human life. We will look at the simplest and most popular, which can take advantage of each.

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Diagnosis of damage with egg and water

This is the most common method. You need:

  • Prepare a glass glass and pour clean water into it. Ideal if it is holy water or water extracted from a natural source. As a last resort, use distilled or resistant water supply.
  • Prepare fresh egg. Lower it into the water - if it surfaced, it means, it is not suitable for a rite. If you go to the bottom - everything is fine.
  • Ask a loved one to help you.

How diagnosis is carried out:

  • You must sit on the chair, straighten your shoulders, raise your chin and relax.
  • The assistant gets behind you and put a glass of water on the top. Within a few minutes you need to stand in full silence so that water is likely to your energy.
  • Then the egg must be broken into the water.

Is there damage or evil eye how to find out

After all the manipulations made carefully consider what happened to the egg:

  1. If it remains unchanged, and the water is transparent, the yolk is whole - there are neither damage or the evil eye.
  2. If the yolk remained the whole, and the protein is permeated with white threads, a light damage was brought to you, which harms, first of all, family relationships.
  3. If, besides white threads, bubbles appeared in protein, someone who has enough powerful energy, brought heavy damage to you. It will definitely manifest itself with diseases that doctors will be unable to cope. Probable fatal outcome.
  4. If, in addition to bubbles in the egg, black dots appeared, this is the most dangerous sign. Cemetery damage to you, induced to death. It is necessary to seek as soon as possible for help to experienced Mago.

Watch the video, how to recognize the evil eye, damage or a love spell as an ordinary person:

Diagnostics with water and matches

This method is easier than the previous one, but it helps to determine only the presence of damage. And how strong the evil eye, it will not be possible to reveal.


  • A glass of glass filled with half purulent water. It is preferable to use liquid consecrated in the church or water from a natural source.
  • Three matches from a new box. Buy it specifically for the rite.

Light all matches, wait until they are completely digging, and take turns in the water. See and evaluate the result:

  1. If all matches pop up, there are no damages on you.
  2. If you got up in a glass with water vertically, someone tried to bring damage to you, but it was not possible to do it.
  3. If all three matches fell to the bottom, someone made a very strong damage, which can seriously harm you.

If with the help of these methods you have determined that there is a damage to you, you should immediately take measures to get rid of a bad naval. Contact a specialist - it is almost impossible to remove the evil eye yourself.

Who is damaged not scary?

If you have not detected damage, it is a great sign. But it is very important to know how to protect against negative energy in the future. To whom they definitely do not "stick" badly navate:

  • To people, sincerely believers in God and observing the covenants of their religion. If you live honestly, in accordance with the commandments, you have a bright energy, the highest strength is guarded.
  • To people with positive thinking that do not criticize anyone, do not condemn, they only act for themselves and others, seek to benefit.
  • To people conscious, able to control their emotions and act, relying on the arguments of the mind.

Training in yourself positive qualities, get rid of negative features and surround yourself with the same people. The smaller the envious, rags and enemies in your environment, the less likely to get under the sight of the dark magic.

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