Tibetan Mandala: Master Class on Creating, Tips and Features


Tibetan mandala - a kind of popular art therapy. Such images are made in manual and charged energetically. For several millennia, Tibetan monks painted mandalas with good goals.

What are the mandala of Tibetan monks need?

Mandalas of Tibetan monks

Mysterious mandalas are not just a drawing. In the image, the colossal energy potential is laid. The objectives of the use of Tibetan mandala are as follows:

  • Used when it is necessary to increase the clarity of the mind and learn the maximum concentration of attention. Also, the mandalas are developing awareness.
  • To calm the hyperactive consciousness, the termination of infinite internal dialogue and self-confidence. Mandalas soothing your brain and nerves when you are overly concerned or excited, worry.
  • This is a grand work with your own subconscious. Drawing color circles helps to go beyond, learn how to manage their unconscious. This is a kind of meditation, creative, yoga for the brain.
  • Used to prepare for meditations. To engage in spiritual practices, it is necessary to abstract from extraneous thoughts and focus on the process. It is the mandalas that help prepare consciousness to meditation - relax, soothe, open the unconscious.
  • It is believed that the mandalas fill human energy - fill the thin body with high vibrations.
  • Mandala is a way of deep study of his own psyche. Drawing them regularly, you can forget about the complexes and negative installations and colossally transform your own personality through the harmonization of consciousness.
  • During creativity, it is easier to answer, how to turn into a difficult, at first glance, a deadlock. Consciousness becomes clear, and the right decision arises in the thoughts of itself.
  • Drawing helps to free consciousness from the cargo of fears, phobias, emotional clamps and even children's psychological injuries. But several sessions are required so that the effect is fixed.
  • Mandalas establish the energy barrier between you and the outside world. Through this invisible wall does not penetrate the negative and poor energy.
  • And a very esoteric goal - cleaning and structuring of the surrounding space

Regardless of whether you have a specific goal, the mandalas will surely be useful. This is a kind, creative way to relax and leave for time, abstract from everything earthly, to forget about the urgent problems.

Why were you needed mandalas in Tibet?

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Tibetan mandalas were used in their homeland since ancient times. They were an indispensable attribute of mystical rituals and were part of old traditions. But many centuries ago drawing the mandala was in the strictest mystery. It was a secret rite that took place only in the monasteries.

Dalai Lama wished to preserve the ancient traditions and ordered the mandala at various points of the globe. He believed that she would benefit from all living on our planet, because it was enough to just look at the mandala to heal from all the negative, stand on the path of spiritual development and growth.

Mandala Tibeta

Tibetan mandalas are also - an integral attribute of tantric spiritual practices. It is important to observe all the details: image sequence, colors, structure. Features of creating mandala are clearly described in special Tibetan texts.

The features of Tibetan mandala are as follows:

  1. The structure is an image of a royal palace, the doors of which are addressed to four different sides of the world.
  2. Creating a drawing starts from the center to the periphery. This is especially important to observe.
  3. The process of creating mandala is always accompanied by singing of sacred texts. It is believed that this way the drawing is charged with a positive and very powerful energy.
  4. It is important that the creator of the mandala is in a state, close to the meditative, was concentrated.
  5. It is also important to choose the right place for creativity - it should be a room with a positive energy, filled with harmony and happiness.

Probably, that is why in the ancient times, the mandalas drew only in the temples - because this is a place where positive energy is concentrated to the limit.

In Tibet, it is believed that the harmonious person creating a mandala, the more powerful influence it will have on others. If the image created an enlightened, monk, then such a drawing is the blessing of the Buddha, which everyone who saw the mandala.

Watch the video on how to create a Tibetan mandala yourself:

Methods for creating Tibetan mandala

Create an independent Tibetan mandala is not very simple - it is a long and painstaking process. In antiquity for the manufacture of sacred artifact, small semi-precious gamans were used, now enjoy marble crumbs.

If you are sieved and stained in different shades, sorted in size and color. And then then proceed to creating an image.

You can take advantage of other materials - for example, color sand. To begin with, lay out the background of future mandalas from the largest particles. Then you can apply patterns and characters.

To facilitate the work, it is possible to "blow up" the sand in the drawing using special cone-shaped tubes.

Tibetan Mandala

Important: After the mandala is fully ready, it must be destroyed. Why:

  • In the process of creativity, a man splashes his negative in the mandala - it needs to be destroyed.
  • This action symbolizes the impermanence of everything that exists.

To complete the spiritual practice, it is necessary to "dream" the resulting drawing to the center, and the sand used to move to the metal bowl and warm up on fire. It will destroy negative energy, but will leave positive.

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