What dreams bombing for dreams Miller, Freud, Vangu


Any dream book considers the bombing to the category of iconic dreams. If you have seen such a picture, get ready for future serious tests. Remember that this terrible event is not always filled with negative meaning. What is the dream of a bombing? We analyze the details and learn value.

We learn a general explanation

Seen ataction from the air or from the ground is a sign that the owner of the sleep feels emergency changes. Only in some cases the bombing brings the message about misfortune. In most cases, such a picture is a harbinger of quarrels with beating dishes. Bombing - part of a large-scale war? Such a dream for a girl carries a threat to disappointment in love.

For reference! When searching for a specific interpretation, pay attention to important little things. If during the attack you hid and remained alive (without the slightest damage), any vital adversity to you on the shoulder.

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An interesting interpretation of the airorder for girls: if the plane flies over the houses and begins to drop bombs, it will soon have to look for an unfamiliar guy. The results of this search can be predicted along the scale of destruction: if there are insignificant homes and destruction, the man will stand against charm.

General explanation

Interpretation of dreams: What are Freud, Miller, Vanga?

The difference in the interpretation in the dream of Sigmund Freud is a sexy inclination. So, if you have become a member of the fighting and watch the bombing (or independently bombing residential arrays), is a sign of hidden traction to Sadomazochism.

For reference! According to Freud, the murder of opponents is a victory over enemies in real life.

In the dream book Vanga Bombing - a sign of severe misfortune (or even death). If you are on the battlefield - you can feel bitterness from loss in life.

Interpretation of a dream in Miller's dream book aims to logical explanation of the picture. War and bombing testify to chaos in life, and victory obsessed in a dream will not bring joy (since there are no winners in the war).

Book interpretations from A to Z

The author of dreamsman - Melnikov. Bombing in a dream, in the center that you turned out to have a double meaning.

  • Lack of wounds and injuries - a quick unpleasant event that ended without consequences for you.
  • Did you still get wounds or suffered in the results of the fall of the bomb? A disease that submits strength (perhaps you will be forced to move away for some time, will add to trouble in real life.

Interpretation book

Unique dream book Simeon Prozorova

The scientist dedicated dreams of more than 30 years of life. With this book, interpretations can find the meaning of a dream or change real life with it. So, what does Prozorov say about the bombing?
  1. Watch the battle from the side - the ambulance quarrel in the house, discord and trouble with loved ones.
  2. Running from bombing - familiar people can become an object of attacks of enemies.
  3. To hear through the speakerphone about the beginning of the fast airline (hear a warning) - it is possible a unpleasant conversation with the spouse about the divorce.
  4. War participate - financial difficulties, lack of income.
  5. Get under the fall of the bomb and get obvious injuries - possible mourning in your family or in a family of close friends.
  6. To see the scorched field after the fall of the bomb - you missed the chance to change something for the better.
  7. As a result of the bombing, you were captured? You will suffer a quick defeat in life (perhaps the dispute or confrontation will end not in your favor).

We are looking for answers to Rommel's book

Henry Romel's dream book collected various options for interpretation of dreams, which have a mean (prophetic) meaning. The analysis of dreams is based on ancient traditions in modern interpretation. To see a bombing or war on Rommel - soon Introduces to find yourself in the epicenter of troubles, rivalry and quarrels. Monitoring combat actions can also be associated with problems on the love front:

  • a break up;
  • loss of family ties;
  • disposal in marriage;
  • Discrimination of rights in relations.

If a woman sees how her man is involved in the bombing, she will soon discover the negative features of his character (either she will open his deeds). If you bomb your country (city), sleep has an extensive sense. Perhaps the people will suffer from the crisis, change in politics, revolution or the state coup.

Note! If the bombing is over, and you remained intact and unharmed, then in business life there will be a revival, and in personal - harmony.

We are looking for answers to Rommel's book

Let us sum up: learn the opinion of the modern dream book

If the bombing is expressed by an atomic explosion, significant changes will soon begin in your life. Customized and long-term relationships can turn over or break in the near future.

Dream Interpretation: Bombing - What does it mean depending on the details?

  1. If you have become a victim of an explosion - soon you will have an inventive position (or will wait for another pleasant surprise).
  2. Do you watch the destruction after the bombing? This is a sign of health problems. It is necessary to closely treat your body and go to unscheduled consultation.

If the explosion did not touch you, life will not change (everything will be held by the established order). The explosion himself suggests that the owner of sleep had the opportunity to radically change their affairs (it is not known what the result was), but "the turning point" has already passed.

Any dream interprets the meaning of the bombing seen in different ways. Do not dwell on bad emotions or unpleasant predictions. Release the situation and do not wait for the negative. Perhaps such a dream is filled with a positive meaning for you.

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