The value of colors in the mandala: how to interpret


The value of colors in the mandala need to know. After all, each shade is a symbol of certain feelings, emotions, sensations, premonitions. If you seriously needed to study the art of creating a mandala and plan to practice regularly, be sure to devote the time to learn more about the value of colors.

The value of colors in the mandala

The value of colors in the mandala

To interpret the value of the depicted correctly, you need to rely not only for knowledge of the value of each color, but also take into account its location:

  • The central part of the mandala is painted with color, which symbolizes something, especially important for a person in the current period of life. This is the deepest, genuine, filled with meaning and importance.
  • It happens that one color in the mandala dominates, prevails over the rest. This means that events, the feelings that this color correspond to, occupy all thoughts and are extremely important for the creator of the mandala. This increased significance of some kind of sphere of life is cumulatively with ignoring all other areas.
  • But if the colors are distributed in the mandala evenly, it means that a person pays equal attention to all the spheres of his life. It is balanced, manages his time, calm and peacefully loving.
  • The color covered with the first external ring mandala is a symbol of your interaction with the outside world. The ring depicts the boundaries of this world for which you do not exit or not capable of exit.
  • The upper part of the mandala is a symbol of processes flowing in your life. Accordingly, the colors selected for staining this zone personify all these processes.
  • The lower part of the mandala is the most interesting. This is your unconscious: emotions and actions committed by the field of heart. This is what the mind does not control. Reflexes, instincts also refer to the category of unconscious.
  • You should also pay attention to the colors of those parts of the mandalas, which are painted most intensively and are clearly allocated from the common background. These colors are a reflection of strong, proven emotions and feelings that a person almost does not control. This is an internal state that you can not even realize, but it exists in your life.

Mandala colors

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Now you know how to interpret the value of colors in the mandala. Let's talk more about the interpretation of each shade.

What will the color of the mandala tell?

So, now share more specific values ​​of each color:

  • Mandala black symbolizes death or some terrible mystery. Black is associated with global mess, emptiness, loss. If the mandala is painted in this color, a person is needed by self-denial, destruction of egocentrism. Or is on the threshold of depression, tested a strong grief and wears mourning. "Death" in this context may mean psychological rebirth, the completion of the suspended, unnecessary, superfluous.
  • Mendala black and white has a more positive value. Because the white color compensates for the entire black negative. This is a symbol of spirituality, innocence and purity, intangible values, unity. Emotion - thrill and surprise, attempt to hide strong feelings, readiness for change. But if the white color is superimposed not specifically, but simply left the inoperate areas - irremology, coldness, indifference.
  • The red color says that a person is experiencing an incredible rise. It grows its potential, the mass of strength and energy appears to achieve goals. Libido rises, the need for sex, passion, it is necessary to subscribe sexual energy.
  • Green color symbolizes everything that grows, matures, brings fruit. It may indicate a pregnancy or a desire to become parents. Usually, the color choose people mature, prone to teach, raise, patronize, control.
  • Gray is depressive states, indifference to life, lack of pleasant emotions, a strong feeling of guilt. A man feels not in his place and is looking for a safe refuge, where he will find happiness and well-being.
  • Turquoise color says that a person wants to heal from everything that oppresses his psyche. Perhaps he survived bitterness of loss, he was pursued by painful memories. He passionately wants to free himself from negative emotions and heal a rich, happy life.
  • Brown reminds about the relationship and the importance of the roots for a person. This is a symbol of stability and safety, strong ultrasound and related bonds. But it can also talk about conflict, extremely difficult relationship with the mother. A man is in dire needing to be loved, emotionally protected and feel comfortable. The color of low self-esteem and "short-mindedness".
  • Fuchsia is an excitation color and anxiety. Also this is the release of energy into an unnecessary direction. For example, the struggle of emancipated women with men, extremely radical and absurd. This and the desire to become a researcher, to make any opening or work in creativity.

Watch the video about the value of colors in Mandala:

  • Peach color personifies mature sexuality. It is calm, maturation, the release of creative energy, which is directed into the right direction.
  • Pink color - symbol of youth and purity, good health. But at the same time it is the struggle of two opposite emotions - joy and pain, in one person. It may be strong experiences from the past that a person is trying to forget, filling his time with pleasant events.
  • Yellow symbolizes the desire of a person take a step towards awareness, the desire to develop spirituality. This is a tendency to heroism, the desire to commit great cases, to benefit society, and in a grand scale.
  • Blue - color safety and calm. This condition is a deeply believer person who is confident - to all the will of God. These are all positive human emotions aimed at others: sympathy, love, devotion.


Knowing the value of colors in the mandala, you will largely approach the solo soul. Please note what color you choose to paint certain areas, and try to decrypt the value of the resulting pattern.

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