Features of fortune telling for the future on tarot cards


People have always worried the question: "What will happen on in life?" Therefore, various divination used and enjoyed in high demand at all times. In this material we will give you a description of the divination on the Tarot cards on the near future of 3 cards.

fortune telling for the near future on tarot

Rules for performing the defold on the tarot cards

In order for the result of the divination to be truthful and the cards gave an answer to the disturbing question of your soul, you should follow certain rules for working with a deck, namely:
  • You can predict the future in the time interval from the morning to late evening (before the occurrence of 11 hours). But in no case can you guess at night, as this may entail unpleasant consequences;
  • If we talk about the days of the week, it is best to guess on Mondays and Fridays. Transfer fortune telling from Saturday and Sunday for these days;
  • It is believed that the cards are responsible when the street is rainy and foggy weather;
  • It is permissible to guess one person only once a day;
  • Under no circumstances start the divination if you are forced to this force;
  • You can not ask the same question many times. Remember that cards will answer you truthfully only the first time, and all subsequent - will lie;
  • It is necessary to abandon the prediction of the future into large church holidays - cards are likely to give you truthful answers, but they will have to pay for them later.

Examples of layouts for the future

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Further, we consider interesting options for gadas that will provide information about the upcoming events.

Fortune telling 3 cards

This alignment is one of the most popular today thanks to its ease of execution, but it allows you to get enough information to make the right conclusion for the future.

You need to thoroughly mix the deck of cards, and then remove three any arcana from it. Their interpretation will be as follows:

  • 1st card - tell about the past. It can be judged about the various remarkable moments of the past, which influenced this state of affairs;
  • The 2nd Card - provides an overview of the present, will tell you what is happening in the life of the gadget;
  • The 3rd map is a signpost of the future, it provides a likely development of the situation in the future.

The fortune telling "What will happen soon?" On ordinary maps

For this divination, you need to prepare a deck of playing cards, where they never played before. It consists of thirty-six cards.

Take a deck in your hands, carefully drag the cards, then you should move them with the help of your left hand towards yourself. Then get five cards from the deck and lay out in front of them. This manipulation is repeated three times. According to the result, you should have five columns with maps, each will be 3 cards. To better understand how to make an alignment, refer to the schematic pattern.

Divination scheme

Each of the columns has its own value:

  • 1st - characterizes you;
  • 2nd - tells about the love sphere;
  • 3rd is your home;
  • 4th - past;
  • 5th - the future.

In conclusion, the latest card is selected, which will tell about what your heart calms down.

How cards are interpreted:

Mashe worm

  • Sixer - promises a happy meeting;
  • Seed - positive changes in life;
  • Eight - talks about joy;
  • Nine - mutual feeling;
  • dozen - to financial profit;
  • Valts - predicts friendly help or good luck in affairs;
  • Lady - characterizes the lover;
  • the king - describes the lover;
  • Ace - promises happiness and love in the family.

Mashe worm


  • Sixer - Indicates a late long-distance trip;
  • Seven - a man cares about others;
  • Eight - receiving news;
  • nine - talks about cardiac attachment;
  • dozen - the emergence of small financial difficulties;
  • Valts - minor problems;
  • Lady - describes a woman mother;
  • the king - characterizes a military man;
  • Ace - a person will be associated with the treason house.

Bubnova Maste

  • Sixer - foreshadows early trip;
  • Seed - the emergence of insignificant troubles;
  • Eight - Get nice news;
  • Nine - holding business negotiations;
  • dozen - a person is lucky in the financial sphere;
  • Valts - will have to be pleasantly soaring;
  • Lady - describes a girl;
  • the king - characterizes the boy;
  • Ace - getting an inheritance.


  • Sixer - to separation;
  • Seed - the situation will worsen;
  • Eight - foreshadows tears;
  • Nine - to the disease;
  • dozen - you will condemn you;
  • Valts - harbinger failure;
  • the lady - her appearance will lead about the envy, breaking the gossip;
  • the king is a period of prosperity;
  • Ace - you have to survive shock.

Fortune telling for the near future one card

In this fortune study, exceptionally senior arcans tarot are used. They need to mix well, thinking about their question, and then pull one card at random. You can further contact her interpretation:

Jester Do not repeat old mistakes in the future. Beginning of the new way.

Magician Do not be afraid to risk to get what you dream.

Priestess. Trust yourself, do not act hastily. Show prudence.

Empress. You will live in full enough. The appearance of the rival is possible.

Emperor. The manifestation of leadership qualities in the family is either at work. You will have a strong patron.

Priest. A wise person will come to your life who will help to deal with problems.

Love. In the very near future, you will meet your soul mate.

Arkan lovers

Chariot. Life changes, no relocation is excluded. Tests passing which can be achieved.

Justice. You are lying yourself, stopping this destructive habit!

Hermit. Be careful (especially in love), control your emotions.

Wheel of Fortune. Do not repeat old errors, evaluate what is happening from the side.

Force. Heads about good health and success. Higher forces check you with various temptations.

Hanged. In the future you will act herself.

Death. There are such changes that are capable of changing it to change it. Show courage.

Abstinence. Positive emotions, influx of power. Cases completed successfully.

Devil. The risk to succumb to temptation, suffer from envy and self-causing - a good self-control is important.

Tower. To achieve the desired, it will be pretty to work hard.

Star. You will definitely implement everything, the main thing is to always complete what has been started.

Moon. Heads about illusion, describes a person who is immersed in his feces. He will suffer from deception or meanness from the relatives.

The sun. This Arcan talks about financial stability, happiness in love, success in general. In the near future, a person can receive a well-deserved award for all the troubles that he had to survive is likely to fulfill his innermost desire.

Court. You restore your vitality, filled with energy. Ambulance implementation of cherished dream.

Peace. This card talks about the happy completion of cases, whatever the sphere of life they concern. You need to look for yourself in life and in love, without hoping for advice from the side.

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